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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. You can win that mission without losing a man. Flatten everything with arty. Load up all Javelins (always do this) and go on top of the berm. Shoot everything. Flatten all the buildings with arty on "armour". I didn't even have to enter the building, they just surrendered.
  2. Paint it black, Ride of the Valkyries, She sells Sanctuary, Break on through - all would be kick-your-mom-in-the-face cool.
  3. So close! If you can tell me the name of the 3 files I think you just create a sound/music directory with the empty wav's with those filenames in and they will be preferred to the existing ones. So now all I need is the name of it.
  4. The PC is under the desk, and it's a rabbit warren back there. TBH, it should be pretty easy - has no one expanded all the sounds yet?
  5. IMHO it's not the kind of thing I want to be managing. I don't see how it's relevant to my achieving my aims. Just let me move my tactical units how I want to move them and let everything else take care of itself.
  6. Not to be a smartass, but turn down your speaker volume. I think the track gets pretty old too and I just turn down my speakers while it's loading. Simple and 100 percent effective. </font>
  7. TBH, most of these bugs being reported I've never seen, so rather than a big list of things that would have to be reproduced to be fixed, if a save game showing each (before the bug happens - after is no good) or a list of steps to always reproduce them was given it would be a great help to BFC, I'm sure.
  8. Yes, true. However when you start to load it's too late - TOO LATE. An empty wav somewhere would remove it I'm sure, but where though?
  9. When turns are loading etc? An empty wav, certainly, just where to put it and what to call the bally thing? Toodle pip.
  10. You can have parallel installs of 1.04 and 1.05 just by copying all the files over to a new folder. You need to do this and finish the AAR, I was having too good a time
  11. cool breeze - don't worry dude, the Iranians will think you're just some poor deluded nutjob with no idea about the realities of physics, weapon production or modern warfare capabilities. Don't worry though, it's OK, you can tell us. I mean, WE will know the realities of the situation
  12. AIUI flamingknives does this kind of thing for a living. However he has a sane persons threshold for nutjobs so it's up to him if he wants to listen to you. Not that I'm saying you're a nutjob, just pointing it out as an attribute of flamingknives. See, you've posted nothing about what the idea is, just that you've thought of it. And as people are paid to think of these type of things and they've had to go to school for a long time (where they also learned to spell and construct sentences), we're kinda doubtful your idea would work. So - you've given us nothing to do really but post ad hominems; that's what you're going to get. Either post something that allows us to judge the idea rather than you, send it to someone who's word we'd take, or give it up. Up to you mate.
  13. You're going to go a long way in this man's Army Plugger.
  14. Most bang for the buck...gah. You can either start by saying what's the tactical situation, what are you facing, what's the weather blah blah...but stepping away from what will be a never ending argument -- an argument which is the main reason we all play wargames -- what given most conditions would I look to take with me? All answers are for in-game. </font> T34-76; for the off road speed and the HE.</font>MG34; for the ammo load and f/p.</font>Light flak; for the moral hit against ability to be spotted</font>Snipers; for the invisibility and ability to do real damage to high value units</font>Churchill XI (CMAK); to make your opponent bring out his cats or die</font>6dps; the little gun that can</font>Tiger; "For when you absolutely, positively"...etc</font>VT arty (CMAK); It's like "infantry-be-gone"</font>150mm inf gun; "Sergi, look - it's a shell!" "What where?" "There, coming straight for us!" "No way, it must be a bees nest on the move or something" "No! It's a..." BOOOOM.</font>Universal Carrier; "nah, I'm never going to need all these"</font>YMMV.
  15. No. I mean, not for me, maybe some would enjoy it and I've no objection to it being introduced but I want as close to reality as possible. Currently I think there's things a little out, mainly the cover values and reaction to fire but for me, I want it accurate and as close to real life as I can get.
  16. Knowing Marines, "Frankly Unhinged" would be better.
  17. I like the sound of barking dogs idea. And of Dorosh in a nappy, but hey that's just me.
  18. Satellite internet with a dial up return. Or move damn it, move!
  19. Thanks, Took me some time to figure your nick! Clausewitz!!!! So obvious now!!! --- </font>
  20. What on Earth was this thread doing way down here - to the top with you you cheeky thing.
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