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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Well, now we have "sub-action spots" of 1m*1m, so maybe the buildings and scenery can be made more flexible. I'd love to see it. Words to live by.
  2. Good for you fella, nice to see someone on t'internet taking a reasonable approach
  3. Yeah i use CCleaner which is a great tool for tidying up the registry. Matt form tech-support got back to me and said that there is a huge chance of it being down to my new gpu. I'm at a loss now </font>
  4. This is what I bought recently and the game runs great on it, as does everything else. You might get things a bit cheaper too. I also got a GeForce 8800GTS. Loving it so far. Oh yeah, I also recently bought this PSU, as I thought I'd blown mine: http://www.dabs.com/productview.aspx?Quicklinx=4B0R It turned out I'd pulled the power switch lead connection off the mobo, so maybe you shouldn't be taking any advice from me. *ahem* yes, anyway, I'm treating it as an upgrade, I think 450 was a bit low anyway, and now the PC is almost silent. [ February 07, 2008, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  5. I can do a scouse. Certainly wouldn't be out of place in the army, there's enough of us in it.
  6. While a great deal of work was done on the interior door and movement orders, I don't believe the roof top jump was addressed with this patch...I'm making a note of this for my 107 wish list. It may be more difficult to do without creating a situation where troops can be ordered (inadvertently) to jump off roofs. </font>
  7. If you'd watched, you'd have probably seen them disappear under heavy fire and each man be replaced by "!".
  8. Put them master/slave on the same IDE cable while you copy everything you need over. For the price of more advice, please consult my handy cost table.
  9. Copy the 1.05 directory to another directory, then install 1.06. You can have as many parallel installs as you want. TBH though I think it's more "not guaranteed to work" than "won't work". I've not found a problem with it. And I think 1.06 is worth losing a few turns over
  10. One of the authors used to post on this forum as rexford, but he hasn't posted since 2004. Hopefully he is not the dead one. </font>
  11. While a great deal of work was done on the interior door and movement orders, I don't believe the roof top jump was addressed with this patch...I'm making a note of this for my 107 wish list. It may be more difficult to do without creating a situation where troops can be ordered (inadvertently) to jump off roofs. </font>
  12. How are scenarios with trenches or low walls? How about firefights over 100m, how does that feel? What about AFV's reversing or popping smoke? How is MOUT for everyone now you can see your guys? Anyone got more in-depth impressions?
  13. That's handled by the ELOS system. Also, we're no longer tied to LOS from action spots - now each action spot is sub-divided into 64 1*1m "sub action spots".
  14. Being on the beta team, I've been playing it for a while. It's really very good.
  15. Sarcasm- is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing. It is strongly associated with irony. [/QB]</font>
  16. Food. Nice to have you on the forum, stick around, maybe you'll get some manners by osmosis.
  17. Not that it's out yet I just wanted a thread on the first page. (EDIT - Just adding the full patch list to the top of this thread to save confusion as the patch link below only lists a small section - Sorry for the hijack Other Means Dan) CMSF v1.06 FEATURES LINE OF SIGHT (LOS) & SPOTTING • Enhanced LOS system takes into account the dynamically changing heights of soldiers in different stances, and vehicles of varying heights and the height of their crew positions and attached weapons. • When a squad/team of soldiers is placing a target command, the line to the target is light blue if the LOS is clear, part dark blue and part magenta if it's blocked, and gray if it's mostly clear but not for every soldier in the squad/team. • Trees block LOS more strongly. • Moving vehicles are easier to spot than previously, especially when kicking up large dust clouds. • Moving units are less likely to move quickly past an enemy and not notice him. • It's no longer as easy to spot enemy soldiers just because they are standing up (all else being equal). • Not all the soldiers in an enemy squad/team will necessarily be spotted when some are spotted, even when there is a clear LOS. • Spotting in extreme-dark moonless night conditions is handled correctly. INTERFACE • Command Menu: select a unit and press the SPACE BAR and a popup menu of available commands appears. It's similar to the old CM1 command interface. The menu can be dismissed with another press of the space bar or a mouse click anywhere outside the menu. • Artillery and air support missions may be targeted without LOS in the setup phase. • Heavy team weapons display their minimum and maximum ranges in the panel with the name, caliber, etc. • When an enemy unit is selected, the icons of friendly units that do not currently spot that enemy are darkened. This way it's easy to tell which of your units spots a given enemy. • Autocannon on the Bradley and BMP-2 are used in "Target Light" commands. This is useful if you want to be certain the vehicle will not use missiles. • You can give a Hide command to a moving unit without first having to click its final waypoint (the hiding begins when the unit reaches the final waypoint). • RPG rockets with high-explosive warheads have a new "equipment icon" to differentiate them from the anti-tank types. • "?" Spot Contact Markers are shown above buildings, not inside them. • Control-click to "jump" the camera also works in Air/Artillery Support mode. • Vehicle ammo counts update properly in turn-based playback. • When placing waypoints for a vehicle and you point the mouse too close to another vehicle, the correct "prohibited" cursor is displayed. • Artillery/air spotters do not show target lines for completed missions. • Group select works correctly when floating icons are switched off. GRAPHICS • Roofs and upper floors of occupied buildings are transparent. • Buildings become transparent when occupied by spotted enemy soldiers too. • Soldier and vehicle movement animation in turn-based playback is smoother. • Moon and stars are hidden on nights with thick haze. • Stryker IR-blocking smoke is colored brown (it was this way in the game originally). • The 40mm grenade launcher shows a tiny puff of smoke when firing. • RPG rocket fins don't visually protrude through the launch tube. • Dead soldiers don't float above craters blown out below them. VEHICLE BEHAVIOR • Vehicles have new defensive AI that automatically pops smoke, rotates to face threats, and retreats away from threats. • "Direct & Exact" vehicle pathfinding when no obstacles are nearby. • Vehicle movement paths that involve switching to or from reverse movement are smoother . • TacAI estimates armor penetration probabilities better, improving its selection of ammunition type. • Vehicle gunners who are also the loaders, are smarter about when to break off a long reloading action (e.g. reloading a missile tube) to take a shot at an enemy unit if another loaded weapon is available (like on the BRDM-2 ATGM vehicle). • Tanks are more willing to use main guns versus infantry, especially when given target orders by the player, and also at walls (not just use their MGs). • The "crew" of vehicles that do not have dedicated crews can acquire any onboard ammunition intended for passengers. • Vehicles are more likely to fire on the move. SOLDIER BEHAVIOR • Marksmen/snipers have significantly improved accuracy but much lower ROF (except at very close range where they behave more like standard riflemen). They also engage at longer ranges. • Hiding soldiers are more likely to open fire at appropriately serious targets on their own. • Soldiers are quicker to follow facing orders, if any, at their final waypoint. • Soldiers are better at shifting positions (very short distances only) to get a clear LOF to a target, or to make better use of cover after a Facing command. • Soldiers attempt to hug ridgelines for cover. • Soldiers do a better job positioning themselves behind trees for cover. • Squad/Team members are less likely to become or remain separated after movement. • A unit that is moving, and has no explicit combat orders, and has a "hide" order at its destination, is less likely to open fire at intermediate waypoints. • When splitting off an antitank team from a squad, the antitank specialist is more likely to join it, even if he's not currently armed with an antitank weapon. • Marksman specialists are less likely to join assault or antitank teams. • In a squad, teams B and C will not "spread out" into buildings. • Soldiers are not reluctant to fire into trenches at short range. • Once a soldier goes prone for any reason, he's more likely to stay prone for at least a little while even if no one is shooting at him. • Infantry "evade" does not attempt to move to locations that are nearby but blocked by obstacles like high walls. • Soldiers acting as "medics" will stop and take cover if there is significant incoming fire. • Soldiers won't exit vehicles onto unsuitable terrain. SIMULATION • Small arms accuracy and volume of fire are slightly reduced at medium and long ranges. • Slightly increased concealment for foxholes, craters, ditches, trenches, trees. • Slightly increased cover/protection provided by buildings. • Effect radius of shrapnel from explosions is increased - you'll notice this especially with grenades. Exception: shaped-charge weapons (e.g. RPGs) have a reduced shrapnel effect radius. • IEDs time their explosions better so the target is closer and more likely to be damaged. • Smoke deployed by Abrams tanks and Bradley IFVs deploys "instantly" (like the Stryker smoke already does). • Explosions near, but not touching, buildings do slightly less damage to the buildings. • Airburst artillery explodes correctly above buildings. • Improved calculations for the impact location and direction of projectile ricochets off buildings. DATA • Bradley, Abrams, and Stryker are less likely to explode when hit internally. • T-72 TURMS has upgraded commander's optical/night-vision equipment. • BMP-1 and BMP-2 are better able to spot enemies. • AT-3 missile minimum range is 500m. • Syrian armored personnel carriers carry extra small arms ammunition for their infantry squads. • Stryker armor reduced - the main difference you'll notice is that 30mm rounds from the BMP-2 will usually penetrate. MISC FEATURES • Hold down the 'V' key at game startup and the intro video will no longer play when the game loads. This setting will be saved in the preferences file. On subsequent startups you can press 'V' again to bring the video back. • The "display size.txt" file in the CMSF directory now uses a third number to state the desired monitor refresh rate. Optionally use this file if you wish to manually select a resolution and refresh rate for CMSF. Exercise caution and only use a resolution and refresh rate supported by your monitor as damage to your monitor or display adapater could occur, especially if you use too high a setting. The format for this file is Horizontal Resolution (in pixels), Vertical Resolution (in pixels) and Refresh Rate (in Hertz). (For example, if you wanted to run the game in 1440x900 @ 75Hz, your "display size.txt" file would look like this: 1440 900 75) Use all 0's to allow the game to use the current desktop resolution and refresh rate. (example: 0 0 0) MISC BUG FIXES • Fixed several "stuck" squad and soldier issues. • Fixed the "heavy weapon left behind" bug. • Corrected a camera TAB-lock directional problem in playback mode. • Corrected a problem that caused some flavor objects to disappear in saved games. • Quick Battle troops are correctly placed in their setup zones. • Computer player does a better job setting up vehicles so they're not in unsuitable terrain. • Fixed a bug that allowed shots to be fired at targets that had disappeared from view a moment earlier. • Corrected some problems caused by balconies being placed directly over separate buildings. • Corrected some pathfinding and LOS problems related to "internal" doors and "open" walls between connected buildings. • No message is displayed when an objective is "touched" by enemy forces. • IEDs may not use the target command if all friendly soldiers are casualties. • Corrected a bug where an MG crewman could "fall off the roof" when the MG changes position or facing. • Fixed a bug that allowed two vehicles to have the same movement destination and "merge together" upon arrival. * Plus all the fixes and changes from the previous patches.... [ February 05, 2008, 03:04 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]
  18. Hawaii, where Steve & Charles have their secret...I've said too much.
  19. Good idea, I think (knowing nothing of how it's done).
  20. Mate, my screenshot: proves that it DOES use multi-cores. It may not do so to the highest efficiency, but it certainly uses them. If I did the same SS under 1.00 (shudder) it showed 1 core maxed and one core idle. Also I've got a GeForce 880GTS and it's running sweet with my card. If I were you, I'd go for whatever card you fancy regardless of SF, as SF will work with anything - the nVidia bugs were squished ooo - builds ago. I stand corrected on "no games" but stick with the main point - don't predict an upgrade path and pay extra to do so when we don't know what direction the it will go.
  21. Just to be precise: a Quad processor is only one processor, too. Butit has four cores. The difference in using multiple cores over one core is parallelism. The cores can calculate things parallel, which results in a much higher performance, if a program is able to create different threads and spread it over the available cores. </font>
  22. Not true. All apps work with Quad cores like with single cores. What they often don't do yet, is to use all the available cores simultaneously. But that's only a matter of time. The software developers are right now in the phase to start to use compilers optimizing for multicores. I'm absolutely sure, CMx2 will some day also be compiled that way. But since switching to a new compiler-mode can add some substantial addititional coding, this has no priority for CMSF right now. The more cores, the better. </font>
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