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Posts posted by Moon

  1. @ Hubert: thank you very much for your help, but it`s completely deleted.. I have no evidence at all that I bought it.. I`ll wait for the bundle, no matter at all. The next SC game I`ll play is GC anyway..

    The nice thing with our system is that you do not need any evidence at all. All your info is saved in the customer account that has been created for you during your purchase. Go to www.battlefront.com/lostpw to retrieve a new random password and your username via email (the username is called "user account" in the email). Enter both exactly as shown in the email at www.battlefront.com/store. Then click on "My Account" from the top menu.

    The only thing you need to remember is which email address you used for the purchase. Try a few if you don't remember exactly. If an email is not recognized, then you didn't use it :)


  2. David, if you are not receiving the www.battlefront.com/lostpw email, and it's not in your spam/junk mail folder, then it is being blocked by your email provider on a server level. Contact your email provider and whitelist sales@battlefront.com with them.

    As for the helpdesk, you have a reply in the Helpdesk. Log into the helpdesk to look it up. You didn't receive the email from that reply most likely for the same reasons why your server is blocking the password retrieval email.

  3. We printed the Marines manual because it was comparatively small (32 pages) and we expected (rightly so) that we would be able to print a huge quantity. The more you print the more you can offset the per unit cost.

    But the quantity of hardgoods vs. digital downloads decreases with each following module (not surprisingly), making printing more and more costly.

    BTW, what people always forget in discussions such as this (or also discussions about shipping & handling) is that all these hardgoods need to be *handled*. They need to be shipped from the printer to our warehouses (including one in Europe!), they need to be assembled, picked and packaged and processed. Each item therefore costs not only printing (and proofing etc.) but other related costs as well. There is simply a threshold where it makes business-sense to offer just the disc through mail.


  4. I said "one of the main reasons" why we can offer it cheaper. If we had to print 100-200 page manuals for the modules, offering them at $25 would be impossible.

    CD/DVD cases are the smallest part of the packaging. Printing 100-200 page manuals is where it gets expensive.

  5. Well if it anything like the UK release we will be lucky to get a case at all. BF has been getting cheaper as the games go on. The game will probably ship in an old tuna can sharpied with the letters CM:N on it.

    All major releases in a family get cases and fully printed manuals. Follow-on modules which are not standalone usually only get a jewel case and either a small printed manual "add-on", or no printed manual at all. Since you need the base game to play a "module", there is no need to print the whole thing over and over again. This is one of the main reasons why we can sell the modules at a lower price, too.

  6. Depending on which browser you use, you can use the zoom function that most (good) browsers come with today to enlarge if the font is too small for you. Of course, the online manual isn't intended for extended reading, but more as a teaser.. The PDF manual that will come with the game is for reading.

  7. The more there is going on, the more announcements you see on top. Each forum sees two sets of announcements:

    - primarily, only those related to the game(s) discussed here.

    - secondary, a few selected major announcement, such as game releases, pre-orders etc. These are shown on top of every forum.

    So this has inflated the announcements for this (and some other forums) somewhat this month. The announcements auto-expire, so it will return back to normaly soon enough.

  8. I am wondering if there will be any specific bundle options for when TOW Kursk comes out?

    At the moment, we're not really planning any bundles across the different standalone titles. Centauro requires the Africa title, and won't work with Kursk, so offering a bundle with that doesn't really make sense. We may consider a Motherload bundle of all three games at some point, but not anytime soon.

    Also I am curious if it would be possible to buy TOW Kursk pre-release in CD format only, and if there might be a pricebreak for that?

    If you pre-order, you get the download & CD for the price of the "CD format only" (i.e. mail only delivery). There is no price break if you don't want the download unfortunately. Simply wait until the game is released and you will be able to order "mail only delivery" (or "download only" delivery for that matter) then.


  9. What browser are you using? If it's Internet Explorer 8 and you have Windows XP you're in a world of hurt and may not even know it. Change your browser. Our site is tested with the latest versions of IE8 (Vista and W7; IE8 on XP is simply broken), Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and Netscape.

  10. Your logic is failing because your base assumption is wrong. "Sold mainly by digital distribution" isn't. Many of our customers are opting for the mail component with the printed manual and disc (as backup; your download expires). The percentage varies from game to game, but a game like Global Conflict which people expect to play for many months if not years (rightly so; and they won't be disappointed either), probably has about 2/3rds of mail orders, or mail&download.

    We like that and in fact we like to encourage that, too. Not because we make more money on it (because we don't) but because we think that good games are worth having a printed manual and box. It sets our games apart from the Fast Food Download Only stuff that is available on every website nowadays and that people don't play for more than a few hours in total.

    So, while we could in theory throw the switch to enable downloads quickly, we use the additional time while pre-orders are running to prep production, do final testing and QA (there are many things that need to be tested that aren't necessarily game related such as installers), and to then have a release where customers who want the physical goods do not have to wait for weeks and weeks for it.

  11. Heh, I didn't even notice it before, but you're right. An unfortunate quirk of the system :(BTW, the "zoom-in" really isn't much of a zoom, however, I believe that the page size in the flip is pretty much the same as in the "zoom". I will disable the zoom altogether I think.)

  12. I am pretty sure that we will release this month. The download link you got with your pre-order will work from the day of release for 365 days (or 10 downloads), and you will get an email a few hours before the official release announcement that you can download already :) Hardgoods usually take another 1-2 weeks after the release before you have them by mail.


  13. The pre-order announcement states that the game will be released within 4-6 weeks after pre-orders started. This is ALWAYS the timeframe that we try to release in, to avoid legal and fulfillment issues. In other words, Kursk will most likely be released later this month.

  14. I _think_ the briefing is one of those "cutesy" we'll tell you one objective, but grade you on another.

    Not at all. It tells you that you shouldn't get hung up on the OPs.

    I _think_ the real objective is to identify enemy units, NOT gain the OP's. So, you're not infiltrating, you're actually observing.

    Precisely. Which is why...

    There are not enough groups to cover each observation point.

    There is not enough time to get to the furthest observation point.

    ...this doesn't really matter. Depending on where you choose your starting/insertion points, you may not be able to reach all of them indeed. But you only need to reach a few WHILE STAYING UNDETECTED to score a victory.

    Avoiding ANY casualties, and occupying as many observation points as is physically possible gets either a draw or a minor/tactical victory.

    There is no difference between a minor/tactical victory and a major victory for the purposes of advancing the campaign.

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