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Posts posted by Moon

  1. The offline option is 100% the same thing as browsing the web. All you have to do is visit a website. If you're having problems with that, then it's pointing to serious issues with your PC. Since you're not including a whole lot of detail (when exactly does it crash, what does "crash" mean etc.) there isn't any way to help you, I'm afraid. BTW, I don't even know what a 404 error is. I have seen 505 errors, but never heard of 404.

    Feel free to submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk and we can try to figure out what the problem is, but please include a more detailed description of your PC and what you're trying to do exactly.

    Licensing is not complicated matter, and unless you're behind a Proxy or Router, or have your PC over-protected, the online license is a one click affair.

  2. Moon - Regarding the manual, purely out of curiosity..How many are being printed? 100s? 1,000s?

    Is it likely to sell out before the official release of the game?

    It's not a concern to me as i've already placed my pre-order, but some friends of mine probably won't be persuaded to buy it until they've seen me play it. Just wondering if they'll still have a chance to pickup the manual. But if not then they can still get it online so it's no big deal. :)

    Anyone who pre-orders will get the printed manual for sure. How long they will last after that is an unknown. As the percentage of people who seem to prefer to download only is increasing the size of our printing runs has been decreasing, so chances are that the manuals will be sold out within a couple of months.

  3. I just ordered the Global Conflict game and the next day the special comes out for Kursk and I don't get the deal? Is this accurate or do I have to pay another 10 bucks of shipping? Just curious,

    Huhr, I replied to your question via PM. In short, we can cancel your pre-order for Global Conflict, issue you a store coupon, and you can then pre-order both games (you'll only end up paying the difference).

  4. You may be surprised what the "revenue stream" from these kinds of sales is. At least what ends up in the pockets of the people who actually made these games is less than many people would bend over to pick up from the street. I'm not kidding.

    You may also be surprised about the size of Battlefront's customer base and what the percentage of grognards and mainstream gamers is these days that buys from us. As the amount of good PC games made is diminishing, our market share just by staying around is increasing all by itself :)


  5. Utex, actually I replied to your email before seeing this but the email bounced ("550 4.2.1 mailbox temporarily disabled"). Here is what I wrote:

    No, you're not out of luck. I can cancel your previous order and give you a coupon for that amount. You can then use that coupon to reduce your payment for a new order that includes both products. What's your order number?


    PM me your order number, or submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk.

  6. Hello Paul,

    thanks for your feedback. I've forwarded it to Scott, who did the TOW2 Africa guide.

    There is no guide planned at this point for Kursk. Yet. I do agree about most of what you wrote, including that the type of guide you describe would be no doubt useful. Theatre of War has a fairly complex game system, stemming from the fact that it's so extremely detailed in so many things it's simulating, and I can see how that can be daunting to new players (or even seasoned wargamers).

    Luckily, 1C has been listening to its fans and this community here has helped a great deal to bring the series on the right track with each title. I think you'll find that Kursk takes another big step in the right direction. In fact, we just got the first batch of previews in and the journalists seem to be saying pretty much the same thing.

    Perhaps Scott will chime in here with his thoughts about the Strategy Guide.


  7. The precisely exact release date is: when it's ready. :)

    It won't be more than 4-6 weeks for sure, perhaps less, depending on how quickly the final tidbits are polished (there is an in-game updater/patching mechanism that is currently being finalized and tested) and what the printing turnaround is (it varies always a bit depending on how busy our printing company is at a given time; unfortunately we're not big enough to have them drop everything else for us :))

    Demo soon, yes. Normally we wait with that until close to the release but since it's basically ready and already out in Russia, we're trying to get it english-ized as quickly as possible.


  8. when I uploaded this file, I forgot to add the version number

    Not sure if you know, but you can edit files even after they are uploaded. Only the original uploader can do this (of course), and you can add a version number if you forgot it (or want to change it), or even exchange the file in question. The latter will prompt a new approval cycle so it may take a couple of hours before the file is back up, but the former won't (the changes are immediate).

  9. Me, too. You also have to pay customs duties when shipping the item to Europe. Unfortunately, there's no "download only" pre-order.

    No, you do not have to pay customs duties because we ship games to European customers out of our second warehouse in Germany (the main one is in the US of course). Since this is an inter-european shipment there are no duties nor even VAT added.

  10. Yes, Bron, this is indeed our thinking behind making distribution deals for our older games - it helps increase our customer base and helps get the word out, even if the return in terms of $ is usually low.

    So low in fact that if this was our only strategy, we'd be out of business by now. Which brings us to the second part of the strategy, namely to offer new games exclusively via www.battlefront.com. We're not a store-front like 99% of other online stores but an actual publisher (and developer), and what is paying the bills and keeping the lights on are those people that, like you, follow the path of our older product, find out how good they are, and then purchase directly from us :)


  11. PS. I'd like to add that, incidentally, the USD->EUR conversion rate is the main reason why we have to charge a higher S&H in the first place. Our warehouse in Germany that is servicing our european customers is operating in Euros. Salaries, shipping, packaging etc. are paid in Euros, and therefore the cost (in US$) has increased over the past years, as the Euro has gained on the USD. The net result to the customer in Euros in terms of S&H has NOT changed since Battlefront has been launched 10 years ago!

  12. We have a detailed Knowledgebase about the "I try to launch the game and nothing happens" problem. There are three main known causes of this on your PC that may be blocking the execution:

    - UAC (User Access Control) for Vista and Windows 7. "Run as admnistrator" from the Right-click->Properties menu usually helps. Important: you have to launch as admin for the very first time you launch the game. If you do it as subsequent run, it MAY NOT WORK. Uninstalling and reinstalling usually helps.

    - DEP (Data Execution Prevention). This is a CPU function of your motherboard. Check out your Windows manual how to set it, make sure it's set to affect only Windows-critical stuff (even if you have it set so, click OK, and reboot).

    - Anti-virus, internet security, firewall and other protective software. These are the hardest to troubleshoot because there are many and often very badly documented, blocking stuff left and right without really letting you know. Most have a feature to set an "exception" for a specific program or folder, and that should do the trick. You can also try disabling them temporarily, although some of the more pesky ones like ZoneAlarm, Norton IS and Kaspersky often are active in the background even if you think you've disabled them...

    For more support, please submit a ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk.

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