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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Hi!

    Any encrypted program has a chance of being flagged by anti-virus or similar security software, especially if the settings for that software allow it to "guess" (called "heuristic scanning"). Our new Online Activation System has a number of significant improvements in this regard, and we also employ digital code signing as a means to signal to the AV program that our games are safe and untampered. However, not all AV programs are made equal, and there is always a chance for a "false positive". If you google around you will notice that noone is safe from this, not even the multi-billion dollar publishers.

    Anyway, if your AV program is acting up (even though it shouldn't), then you did the right thing in "taming" it. Simply re-install again.

    We're going to add SCWW1 as an option in the Helpdesk categories shortly (although of course you can submit a ticket nevertheless, even without it, it's not a required field).

  2. It's a bit of a grey zone. As you say, one could argue that the backup CD and manual is not valued at the "full" price you pay for the game. However, it's a grey zone and we're not in a position to fight it out with the customs authorities of the world :) So we will have to include the original order with the full value for customs purposes.

    The risk of having to pay taxes on one game is very small. Before we opened our european warehouse we have been shipping out of the US only, and just a very small percentage of customers ever needed to pay duty or import taxes (way less than 1%).

    But of course there are no guarantees. So yes, you *may* end up having to pay duties on shipments out of our US warehouse.

    The risk increases if you purchase more than 2 copies, from my experience (I guess customs then begins to assume that you're reselling).

  3. There are two ways to activate the game. Online, and manual. For the former, all you need to do is enter the license key, which is the same key that you used to download the game. That key is saved in your online account at www.battlefront.com/store as well.

    For the manual activation, you do this:

    - click on Manual activation

    - copy the Authorization Request code

    - go to www.battlefront.com/activate

    - enter both the license key (same as the download key) and the Authorization Request

    - this will generate an Activation Code shown in the online form; copy that Code

    - back to the game, click on Next and enter the Activation Code

    This will activate your game.

    I just tried this procedure with a customer key and it works as it should. There does seem however to be a problem with the online activations for some customers. We're looking into it right now. But using the Manual activation you will be able to get the game activated if you follow the steps above.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

  4. I just tried to preorder Theatre of War 3 Korea and the order wants to add the 20 Dollar for shipping again. Can you clarify this for me? I am confused, since you said it was included. :(

    Subtotal: $35.00

    Shipping and Handling Fee: $20.00

    Total: $55.00

    Tax Total: $0.00

    By "included" I mean that the "Shipping"Handling" fee has always to be added for pre-orders because they always include a mail component. So by "included" I actually meant that they are always "added". Darn language, diffcult smtms... :)

  5. Apologies everyone, I'm not sure what the issue is but hopefully Battlefront will have this resolved soon enough.

    Yeah, sorry guys for the hiccup with the licensing server. We are not running that server directly, and the folks servicing it are already hard at work. For the time being, please use the Manual activation as I outlined above (more details also at the Knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk).

    We had tested this thoroughly and everything worked up until yesterday, so the team is trying to figure out what "broke". It's a new system and I guess there are always some unexpected kinks to iron out at the last minute, no matter how much you try...

  6. So, it finally worked for me with the manual activation. By the way: I've installed the game two times - on my desktop and on a notebook. However, I might have to get a new PC in the next few weeks. What do I have to do in order to get one activation "back" to be able to install the game on the new PC as well? Is it enough to just uninstall the game or do I have to unlicense it somehow? Thanks for your help, I have to confess that I'm a bit overstrained with this license system...

    One of the major differences between our new Online Activation System and eLicense is that you do not have to (and can not) unlicense. An activated license is activated permanently. This has the benefit that you cannot ever forget to unlicense ;)

    Instead, the new system now allows you to add activations to your key once per year if you exceed the original default number (which also has been made more flexible).

    For a more detailed description of the Online Activation System, see the game manual, as well as our Knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk.

  7. Just wanted to note that I am one of those that could not start the game normally, receiving an 'invalid' key when I tried. I submitted a trouble ticket, then read this thread and tried manually as Moon suggested. I have now successfully manually started the game.

    So far, I am unimpressed with the "new" e-license system - its a real pain to spend about an hour clicking around trying to get something you already paid for to work.

    Hi Ludi,

    that's because you have been forced to use the manual activation which is always a little more "involved" (well, at least more involved than clicking once). Normally, the activation takes only one click, there is no reason to go clicking around at all.

    The IT guys are already working on the server issues regarding online activation.

  8. There are two ways to activate the game. Online, and manual. For the former, all you need to do is enter the license key, which is the same key that you used to download the game. That key is saved in your online account at www.battlefront.com/store as well.

    For the manual activation, you do this:

    - click on Manual activation

    - copy the Authorization Request code

    - go to www.battlefront.com/activate

    - enter both the license key (same as the download key) and the Authorization Request

    - this will generate an Activation Code shown in the online form; copy that Code

    - back to the game, click on Next and enter the Activation Code

    This will activate your game.

    I just tried this procedure with a customer key and it works as it should. There does seem however to be a problem with the online activations for some customers. We're looking into it right now. But using the Manual activation you should be able to get the game activated if you follow the steps above.


  9. No, it won't unfortunately. However, hopefully sometime later this year we will be able to integrate this functionality into our Browser Toolbar. The API for the toolbar was recently much improved with a number of new powerful functions, which should allow us to finally complete that project. The idea is (among others) that you could be browsing the net and the toolbar would alert you when a new turn came in, and would allow you to grab the PBEM file, launch the game, and then later upload your PBEM file. An online opponent finder and improved chat (better than what is there now) would also be part of it. However... it will take some time after the Normandy release to complete this.

  10. You said pre-orders are download plus shipping in general, right? Does that mean they will always have the shipping costs attached to them, will they have no shipping cost or will you be able to order download or download plus mail for those?

    Since pre-orders are always 'download & mail', naturally they always include Shipping&Handling.

    "Download only' as well as 'Mail only' delivery options are available after the actual release of the game. 'Download only' does not include any mailed items, and hence does not include S&H fees. 'Mail only' includes mailed items (but no immediate download), and hence S&H is added.

  11. There will still be hardgoods for CMBN(printed manual and disc) available through the BF site. This I'm sure of. I think Moon was just saying we won't be seeing it in digital and retail stores, at least not for awhile.

    Correct. In fact, for CMBN we will not only have a "disc version" with manual and disc, but it will be a retail-production worthy special box (and limited edition, too). More details when we announce the pre-orders.


  12. As long as they are not restricting too much (always online DRM anyone?) or troubling the user (persistent activation limit), it is ok with me. Yes I use Steam, the added benefits make up the restriction to one user account without reselling-ability.

    While Steam is not "always online", it is "often online" and conducts checks in the background. With our DRMs we always pay attention to a) be transparent to the user and B) not conduct any checks after the initial activation.

    Edit: Fast delivery was regarding the delivery speed in days to Germany, which is mentioned in your sales policy. I read that games are also shipped from within Germany, so I was wondering if those would arrive sooner than 3-5days occasionally. I'm impatient like that.

    Yes, our European warehouse is in Germany. However, as of this year, pre-orders are now ALWAYS shipped out of our main warehouse in the US. This is to simplify our infrastructure, reduce cost, as well as make releases quicker (no need to stock up on products in two warehouses first).

  13. Please have a look at the Knowledgebase article I linked to. It explains exactly what you need to do in order to reinstall, and in which order.

    You will not find your license key on our site for CMSF if you bought CMSF from Paradox. (duh) :)

    For games that you did buy from us, you will find the key in your account under "orders". You need to log in with the account you used for your purchase, the click on "My Account" tab that appears in the top menu, and then click on Orders.

    But - either way, you don't need the CMSF key at all if you have a module. Install CMSF, then install a module. If you activate the module, CMSF is activated with it automatically. You do not need to activate CMSF separately.

    Again, the Knowledgebase explains all of this.


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