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Posts posted by Moon

  1. Sheesh, I love it when people jump to conclusions about things they don't understand AND assume the worst as well. Anyway...

    If I uninstall/reinstall on the original PC, I've used up an activation.

    No, this isn't correct. Uninstalling/reinstalling the game does not erase your license. The license remains in effect on your PC unless you do e.g. a total reformat of your PC. And if you reinstall the game on a PC that had the game activated previously, you won't be even asked to license your game.

    On top of that, even if you do manage to use up your 4 activations, you get 1 additional activation per year. Every year. Without a limit. So your activations are not limited to 4 at all.

    And lastly, if you do have an emergency, used up 4 activations AND the additional activation is less than a year ago, then you can always contact our www.battlefront.com/helpdesk, explain the situation, and we may just grant you an extra license out of turn. It usually helps to not start your request with "you are treating me like a criminal" :) Because we don't.

  2. yes. i have tried everything except deinstalling kaspersky.

    If you say that you tried everything, does this include the following?

    Open your DEP tab.

    For Windows XP:

    1. Go to the Start Menu and open up the Control Panel.

    2. Open up the "System" control panel.

    3. Click on the "Advanced" tab.

    4. Click on the "Performance" section's "Settings" button.

    5. Click on the "Data Execution Prevention" tab.

    For Windows Vista & Windows 7:

    1. Go to the Windows/Start Menu and open up the Control Panel.

    2. Open up the "System" control panel.

    3. Click on the text that says "Advanced system settings" in the menu column to the left.

    4. Click on the "Performance" section's "Settings" button.

    5. Click on the "Data Execution Prevention" tab.

    Click the checkbox where it says that you want to protect ALL programs except those whitelisted.

    Click on Add and browse into your game folder. By default, this will be in c:\Program Files.

    Add both game exe files:

    SC-WWI The Great War 1914-1918.exe


    Editor-WWI The Great War 1914-1918.exe

    Save. If you are prompted to reboot, please do so. After the reboot, please open the DEP tab again first, to make sure that the settings "stick". If they do, please launch the game.

  3. Hi Jim,

    when you say "the game won't launch", do you mean AFTER a successful installation? In other words, are you launching the Setup.exe file or are you launching the game exe file after installation?

    If it's the former, then you may simply give it more time. On some systems, when you run an installer, the system will scan it, and that can take a long time for bigger files, up to 5 or even 10 minutes on some systems (and for really big files - which WW1 isn't - even much longer than that).

  4. kalkwerk, please go to www.battlefront.com/helpdesk and click on "submit ticket". We're going to need your Dxdiag.exe and MsInfo32.exe output for further troubleshooting of your system. Also, you say that you "tried everything". This doesn't help us much with trying to help you, so in the ticket, please describe in detail the steps you have tried, and make a screenshot if possible of your current DEP settings, as well as of your current Kaspersky Toolbar settings: http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208280680

  5. There is no unlicensing with our new Online Activation System. You should be able to uninstall and reinstall just fine, and will not be required to relicense (nor will you lose an activation). *) as long as you don't reformat your PC entirely

    However, uninstalling and reinstalling probably won't solve the problem. Make sure you have the Resolution settings for your game adjusted as per Hubert's instructions at http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=197. If the problem persists, check your DEP settings as I mentioned above.

  6. In the support desk we have an interesting lead right now as well from someone who is not running Kaspersky, related to Window's Data Execution Prevention setting.

    If you're having problems with the game closing, make sure to check if the DEP setting for your system are set to protect only Windows relevant programs. We have a Knowledgebase entry about how to do this here: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=62

  7. I applied the hotfix patch even though I did not encounter any activation problems but I wanted to see if it would help with the menu not working.

    The hotfix only fixes the one activation bug and has nothing to do with the game itself. However, are you sure that you do not have the Main Menu/Resolution bug mentioned in our Knowledgebase?

    How do you remove the kaspersky toolbar?

    cstew, that's a good question on how to remove the toolbar. To be honest, I haven't been able to find a clear response on the Kaspersky website. :(

    After all Windows 7 /kaspersky are rather common types of software, so you should expect the game to work on it... pretty sure the experts will come up with a solution sooner or later.

    Any security software can be configured to block anything. On a new computer I once bought I had Norton Internet Security pre-installed. The security settings by default didn't allow me to open any websites, not even the Norton support site. It took me a week to fully get rid of that piece of garbage, and stop Nortons reminders from popping up to buy stuff from them. So really, the Kaspersky folks are the one who should come up with a solution to allow you to run perfectly safe software on your PC, or at least allow you to KNOW what is being blocked, so you can react to it.

    Even more so when the software is not triggering even their own filters! When you go to www.virustotal.com and run the game through there, you'll see that Kaspersky's latest definitions are not flagging the file (in fact out of 40+ engines that you can check there, none has a problem with it). So we have something here that seems to be very badly documented, if at all, and yet it seems to be silently and completely blocking the execution, and that's really a problem with Kaspersky and not us...

    We're still looking into this of course, but it may be a good idea to contact them as well.


  8. The thing I can't figure out is, if this is some kind of encryption/anti-virus program compatibility issue, why is it cropping up now with SC WW1 and not with the other SC games I have?

    You misunderstood what I typed above. I said the exact opposite... this is most likely NOT an AV/encryption issue, because you have been able to activate the game. The crash happens later, so it's probably something else. Check out the link Hubert posted above, that's a good start.

  9. Hi Jim,

    the hotfix solves a bug in the activation procedure which led to an "Invalid Key error" when attempting to do an online activation. It does not apply to your case.

    As I just responded in your helpdesk ticket, I'm suspecting the SandboxIE is the main issue, given the many "known conflics" that are listed here, including conflicts with other security programs :)


  10. simmybear, Kaspersky has a toolbar application which, even if you switch of the AV program itself, remains running in the background. AFAIK there is no way to switch that off (although you may want to check with Kaspersky support), and you will have to UNINSTALL the toolbar in order for the game to run.

    The toolbar apparently is a) very unrelenting about encrypted programs even if they are properly code-signed and B) does not report any interference, so it's not even apparent that it's blocking anything, and c) there seems to be no way to whitelist anything.


  11. Please submit a Support Ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk. I'll escalate the issue to the programmers.

    However: I assume that one of your security programs is interfering (or both; are you sure they're compatible?) and so we may not be able to troubleshoot it for you, since we don't know these programs. You may be better off contacting their support for instructions on how to set an exception or whitelist a program for execution. Chck also if they have any sort of toolbar application that may be running in the background. We know from ZA and Kaspersky that even if you deactivate the AV program itself, the toolbar remains running silently.

  12. Do you have Kaspersky or ZoneAlarm? If so, do you have their toolbars installed? If yes, then you may have to uninstall them. These toolbars (the technology between the two seems to be actually the same) interfere with a LOT of things (including other security programs :)) and one of the symptoms is that they block stuff without any kind of feedback whatsoever. We have instructions for removing the ZA toolbar up in the Knowledgebase at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk (enter ZoneAlarm as search term).

  13. Quick update... if you have the "Invalid Key" issue and do not want to use Manual activation for some reason, you can also download the 1.00.1 hotfix from www.battlefront.com/patches. This will replace your main game executables and the Online activation will work as intended.

    We are now in the process of updating the main production download, so in a couple of hours (at most) people who download won't have this issue at all anymore, as the hotfix will be incorporated into the main file already.

  14. Quick update... if you have the "Invalid Key" issue and do not want to use Manual activation for some reason, you can also download the 1.00.1 hotfix from www.battlefront.com/patches. This will replace your main game executables and the Online activation will work as intended.

    We are now in the process of updating the main production download, so in a couple of hours (at most) people who download won't have this issue at all anymore, as the hotfix will be incorporated into the main file already.

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