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Speedy Steals the Peng Challenge Thread %43

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Gentle CessPudlians let us raise a glass to he who inspired this thread lo these many years ... to MrPeng and his birthday today.

Hey it's an excuse to drink ...


The world has moved past that drunken smiley-bashing git. Honestly, he was pretty much over when he started posting about girl’s soccer matches, and it is a great blessing that he doesn’t show his face around here anymore. If I have to toast Peng, it will be according to the new definition and the examples in the video.

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The world has moved past that drunken smiley-bashing git. Honestly, he was pretty much over when he started posting about girl’s soccer matches, and it is a great blessing that he doesn’t show his face around here anymore. If I have to toast Peng, it will be according to the new definition and the examples in the video.
Silence FOOLE ... Peng is eternal ... he will never leave us ... he will never forsake us.

Peng IS!


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Honestly, he was pretty much over when he started posting about girl’s soccer matches...

Yeah, he had pretty much lost it by then. Between that and Seanachai posting about his "small friends", it was obvious that the rot had spread among the Olde Ones. Lo, how the mighty are fallen. Too bad.


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I can understand your need for a few drinks after those last few turns....

The ones where I refuse to issue any orders on the ridiculous QB ME game you insisted we play? "it'll be fun...there's loads of trees and masses of contours" he says...lying like an Ohioan in court.

What we have Cesspoolers, is a slightly buckled pool table of a map with a faint whiff of schrubbery, two honking great wheat fields that no-one can enter because the stooopid AI decided to put a small hedgerow around them, and a village in the middle that everyone has to run towards.

Young Buzzsaw (no doubt awed to be playing me and wanting to show muscle has bought at least 8 tanks and a H/T) I bought 2 tanks and a sensible amount of arty and infantry not suspecting FOR A MINUTE that my kind and generous nature in accepting a challenge from a SSN was to be ABUSED by being conned into a QB.

A rematch has been offered on a scenario designed by humans.

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Yeah, he had pretty much lost it by then. Between that and Seanachai posting about his "small friends", it was obvious that the rot had spread among the Olde Ones. Lo, how the mighty are fallen. Too bad.


Dalem and I are Olde Ones so no need to fret and gnaw at your crochet needles with angst, the cycle of life continues...HUZZAH!!!

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The ones where I refuse to issue any orders on the ridiculous QB ME game you insisted we play? "it'll be fun...there's loads of trees and masses of contours" he says...lying like an Ohioan in court.

What we have Cesspoolers, is a slightly buckled pool table of a map with a faint whiff of schrubbery, two honking great wheat fields that no-one can enter because the stooopid AI decided to put a small hedgerow around them, and a village in the middle that everyone has to run towards.

Young Buzzsaw (no doubt awed to be playing me and wanting to show muscle has bought at least 8 tanks and a H/T) I bought 2 tanks and a sensible amount of arty and infantry not suspecting FOR A MINUTE that my kind and generous nature in accepting a challenge from a SSN was to be ABUSED by being conned into a QB.

A rematch has been offered on a scenario designed by humans.

One can readily understand how you might be offended by a RANDOM scenario that you HADN'T ALREADY PLAYED FROM EVERY CONCEIVABLE ANGLE.

It's such a pity that anyone would take advantage of you in that way. Don't they understand that you need ... NEED every possible advantage in order to eke out even a tiny victory?

Heaven forbid that you should have a game on an even playing field.

It's a sad state of affairs, I'll give you that.


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The ones where I refuse to issue any orders on the ridiculous QB ME game you insisted we play? "it'll be fun...there's loads of trees and masses of contours" he says...lying like an Ohioan in court.

What we have Cesspoolers, is a slightly buckled pool table of a map with a faint whiff of schrubbery, two honking great wheat fields that no-one can enter because the stooopid AI decided to put a small hedgerow around them, and a village in the middle that everyone has to run towards.

Young Buzzsaw (no doubt awed to be playing me and wanting to show muscle has bought at least 8 tanks and a H/T) I bought 2 tanks and a sensible amount of arty and infantry not suspecting FOR A MINUTE that my kind and generous nature in accepting a challenge from a SSN was to be ABUSED by being conned into a QB.

A rematch has been offered on a scenario designed by humans.

First off, as an Australopithecus, I should think you would have no trouble with a flat map. Only in that barren pancake of a country would the inhabitants take a medium-sized boulder, turn it into a national monument, and then argue over its name. You probably had to cut your trip to the US short because of vertigo. Second, our little QB map is anything but flat. Those areas I am occupying that overlook the objective – those are hills. They are easy to spot, because your Panthers are burning next to them. Third, a modest amount of artillery?! It has been raining metal death for 10 turns. Sorry that I didn’t oblige you by purchasing lots of fleshy pixeltruppen for you to pummel, but is that any reason to take it out of the trees and grass? Also, note how my mortar fire has managed to find its mark. There is a trick to that…. (Hint: it has to do with those hills again.) Forth, your little misinformation campaign about not submitting orders anymore might work on the lesser-minded sub-humans around here, but I am not fooled. When you view your next turn you will see what happened to those soldiers unfortunate enough to still be following your orders.

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Buzzsaw [spelled but not bolded], I declare now if you manage to beat the cheating bastidge known as Stuka, I will make you a kaniggit of House Rune. Fail young squire, and thou shall be the piss bucket boy untill Boo Radley finally figures out that he doesn't need stamps to play by email.

So let it be written...


Time to start the preparations for my knighting ceremony! Gosh, Liege Rune, I am so excited! Should I send a list of people I would like included on the guest list? And what is the proper attire? I hope there will be lots of bunting. (Wow, I don’t even know the house colors). I prefer a chocolate cake with raspberry filling, but I am not too particular.

I’ll post a proper summary of my glorious victory over Stuka in a bit, but I will let you know now that after one last gamey objective rush (while pretending to negotiate a cease fire, no less), Stuka’s stragglers surrendered outright, and House Rune has earned a Total Victory.

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Time to start the preparations for my knighting ceremony! Gosh, Liege Rune, I am so excited! Should I send a list of people I would like included on the guest list? And what is the proper attire? I hope there will be lots of bunting. (Wow, I don’t even know the house colors). I prefer a chocolate cake with raspberry filling, but I am not too particular.

I’ll post a proper summary of my glorious victory over Stuka in a bit, but I will let you know now that after one last gamey objective rush (while pretending to negotiate a cease fire, no less), Stuka’s stragglers surrendered outright, and House Rune has earned a Total Victory.

Well rune won't be making anyone a Knight of the CessPool. That high honor, or regrettable duty in the case of House rune, falls to me as the duly appointed representative of the Olde Ones.

So as soon as rune can be roused from his customary alcoholic stupor and acknowledge your victory (over an Australopithecine but that's what rune considers significant I suppose) I'll file the necessary paperwork.

Oh, the colors of House rune are baby puke green and cow dropping brown.


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Time to start the preparations for my knighting ceremony! Gosh, Liege Rune, I am so excited! Should I send a list of people I would like included on the guest list? And what is the proper attire? I hope there will be lots of bunting. (Wow, I don’t even know the house colors). I prefer a chocolate cake with raspberry filling, but I am not too particular.

I’ll post a proper summary of my glorious victory over Stuka in a bit, but I will let you know now that after one last gamey objective rush (while pretending to negotiate a cease fire, no less), Stuka’s stragglers surrendered outright, and House Rune has earned a Total Victory.

I take it no one's informed the lad that he's required to provide a sit down buffet for the Kaniggets from the other Houses, eh?

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Just as I am outmanhoovering Nidan1 in CMAK and possibly CMBN, I am outmanhoovering Seanachai in CMAK. And it was really funny when his white scout car came around the bend in the road and saw my Panther sitting there. But then his scout car got all blowed up and it became funnier yet.

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