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If by prevailing you mean you never got across the river with the majority of your force and although you never got to the "high ground" even with the demoralized and shattered troops that did end up cowering on the banks of the river the computer somehow considered the victory location "contested" then yes, I guess you did.

I think your incessant mortaring of your own troops would cost you a few victory points but maybe that was just you growling and showing your teeth (false though they may be). Perhaps the computer respects that and gave your some sympathy points.

Anyway, hopefully the victory conditions in our next battle are a little more balanced.

You may not have noticed but your victory conditions were not the same as mine, and I mentioned that to you.

You were required to "Control the high ground" whereas I was required to (a) Control the Crossing Point AND (B) not lose too many troops in the process. I'll grant you that the locations of both areas were, at best, nebulous ... but I deliberately did not expose most of my troops to your fire so as not to lose too many troops in accordance with my victory conditions.

Clearly I killed more of your guys than you did mine ... or I did mine with my mortars.

If I was trying to be fair, and I see no reason to do that HERE for the luv of gawd, I'd acknowledge that getting a handful of guys across the crossing point and having a smaller handful survive may not have logically met the victory conditions. But neither of us knew where either the Crossing Point or the High Ground was located ... that's if I was trying to be fair.

Regardless I think it's significant that the system recognized who I was and awarded me the victory.


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Announcing another glorious victory for House Rune!!!!!

Ng_Cavscout has secured a Major Victory against me in a meeting engagement, his second win against me in as many games. I would like to thank Ng_Cavscout for the lesson in tactics and his impeccable manners throughout the match. It is matches such as these that enflame my ardent desire for knighthood in House Rune. Rest assured that I will be applying all lessons learned against the vile Herr Oberst in our Blood Hamster match and against Hiram of House Bard.

Adding a few screens of House Rune's triumph


Buzzsaw's brave Shreck team KOs a tank (didn't do so well against that second Sherman)


View of the carnage


Buzzsaw's beast, 40 casualties, 5 tanks, 3 halftracks


House Rune wins!

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Hey Boo, picked up one of those fangled computery things over the weekend. If I can figure out how to turn it on maybe you and have bit of a rematch as our last one ended in a complete and lack of...well, turn sending.

Let me know when your dance card has an opening.

Are you talking CMAK or CMBN? There's a difference you know.

I only have the demo version of the latter at the present time.

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Do you have paypal Boo? I'm going to send you money for CMBN, it's unbecoming for a thuggish henchmen to be without his thuggish cudgel. You must be armed thusly.

Happy Hannukah.

I have money for CMBN, but I choose not to purchase it at this point.

And when it comes to a thuggish cudgel, as you put it, Don't worry yourself one little bit, Missy. We have that adequately handled.

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It is matches such as these that enflame my ardent desire for knighthood in House Rune.

Get dropped on your head a lot when you were a kid?

And I have to question again this whole "House Rune' thing. Is there also a House Emrys? Was there a House Dorosh?

Can anyone come in here and say "Oh, I don't WANT to be A Kannigget! I don't want to mess with all that folderol! I don't WANT to be a serf or a Squire! No, no, no! That's all just too, too silly! I'll just stand over here and be an "Other Recognized", but I want all the RIGHTS of a regular Kannigget, yes indeed I do! And mummy, mummy, I don't WANT jam on my scones!

And can someone brought up (If you can call it that) in a "House" ruled by an "Other Recognized" even BE a Knight?

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Boo you evil henchmen in a summer dress. How many times are we going to go over this...you have the memory of Joebob shaw. I am not a another recognized, I had a house from way back. I played and defeated your betters [yeah that isn't saying much, kinda like saying I defeated Lawyer] and even fought Steve in one of his own scenarios.

However, since you brought it up.. Joebob, i bring to your attention that your evil barney Fife should not be a senior Kannigget, nor even your faithful sidekick with a bullet [unless he decides to use it upon himself, but he would likly miss] until he has CMBN. As we all know, it is all about the challenge, of which he cannot partake. What is Boo going to do, challenge someone to match his shoes with his dress? For shame, for shame. I make this offer, Boo you ignorant lout, toss me your addy and pc or mac version and hanceforth, a copy shall be upon its gloriest way to thou. I claim the right of Chicago, which is, as we all know, "bribe early, bribe often".

So let it be written, or let it be done.


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We have that adequately handled.

WE?? Who is this 'we'? Are you speaking as the Royal 'we' again? Look, no matter how much you fancy Prince William you are no Princess Kate a'ight? No-one cares if you think you've got the legs for it so you can lower the hem on your skirts too while you're at it..

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Are you talking CMAK or CMBN? There's a difference you know.

I only have the demo version of the latter at the present time.

Boo-sies, you disappoint. I can't believe a man of your standing in this community is still running around in that tattered old CMAK. What will the neighbors think?

Luckily for you I can put my grubby mitts on CMAK in a mere matter of minutes, so let's fire up one of them games.

Sadly, my CMBN is in a box. In the garage. And I am not going out there again unless its for beer or steaks. I hate moving.

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Dear evil, evil, hateful, hog-butcher-to-the-world Rune.

Take a hand-out from you? Are you serious? I would rather let you design every single scenario I play for the rest of my unnatural life. I would rather say, "Oooooh, yes, Rune! Give me a company of Conscript ground squirrels and a couple of platoons of Bill Baird marionette's with their strings cut off going up against a battalion of elite paras! Please Sir, may I have another?"

{serious}No. I thank you for your kindly gesture, but I am holding off on buying CMBN until after the first patch*.{/serious}

*If you guys had done your job properly, there wouldn't be the need for a patch. Slacker

Shut up, Stuka.

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That's the best thing you've said in .... well ever.

Don't be snarky just because I've kept your setup file on simmer for a week or so, i'll cook it until it's al dente, then use it to whip your spotty arse with...again.

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There's an olde saying about 'beggars can't be choosers' but in this case it's more 'beggars with attitudes can't avoid the kicking they so richly deserve'.

There's another old saying that goes, "Stuka's a Git!" . It may not be in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, but I think it has deep, deep meaning in today's society.

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