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The moment I realized...

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My CMBN "it" moment was entering the code after downloading the Alpha version which in so many ways would have been a pretty good gaming experience even had there been no additional work done. Too bad you guys didnt see the "Ganja Troops" though. The colors, the pretty colors! (Yes Ganja Troops were American crunchies running around in Tie-Dyed helmets as the textures werent added yet.)

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Too bad you guys didnt see the "Ganja Troops" though. The colors, the pretty colors! (Yes Ganja Troops were American crunchies running around in Tie-Dyed helmets as the textures werent added yet.)

I had that happen back in the long lost days of CMAK. In fact, I believe I posted a screenshot or two of the phenomenon. Pretty, but disconcerting.


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for me stumbling across the cmbo demo. Eastern front is my bag, so cmbb and all it's improvements. having the action play out in a way that corresponded with historical reality. Cmbn, german squad running through a village, from behind a wall up pops an american G.I. who starts blasting away at my squad.

The gunner in the german squad, who had his m.g. 42 Shouldered, stops, pulls out his pistol and drops the enemy with one shot, then casually jogs on. When I saw that I thought, ok there is a lot going on here.

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The gunner in the german squad, who had his m.g. 42 Shouldered, stops, pulls out his pistol and drops the enemy with one shot, then casually jogs on. When I saw that I thought, ok there is a lot going on here.

I love this game.

I was not a CMx1 fan. I just couldn't get into the graphics, but became a CMSF fan in 2008. My "it" moment was when BFC first announced they were going to go back to WWII.

But...visually/game mechanics-wise, it probably was when first playing the training scenario, and one of my US squads burst through a hedgerow opening, heading across a road to another hedgerow opening, just as a German squad rounded a corner on said road heading for the same opening. A la Saving Private Ryan, the scene where Tom Sizemore ends up throwing his helmet at the German running parallel with him, both squads stop, adopt various firing positions, and start blasting away at each other 5-10 yards apart in a relatively confined space. It was load and it was bloody, and it was way cool.

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My CMBN "it" moment was entering the code after downloading the Alpha version which in so many ways would have been a pretty good gaming experience even had there been no additional work done. Too bad you guys didnt see the "Ganja Troops" though. The colors, the pretty colors! (Yes Ganja Troops were American crunchies running around in Tie-Dyed helmets as the textures werent added yet.)

Sounds like it may have been Soldiers of the 42 Division.The Rainbow division.


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Too bad you guys didnt see the "Ganja Troops" though. The colors, the pretty colors! (Yes Ganja Troops were American crunchies running around in Tie-Dyed helmets as the textures werent added yet.)

This reminded me of making another attempt to upload my Beta Screenshot Gallery to the Repository. It has some shots showing these.

Best regards,


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My CMBN "it" moment was entering the code after downloading the Alpha version which in so many ways would have been a pretty good gaming experience even had there been no additional work done. Too bad you guys didnt see the "Ganja Troops" though. The colors, the pretty colors! (Yes Ganja Troops were American crunchies running around in Tie-Dyed helmets as the textures werent added yet.)

Nothing beats that Alpha bug where the Sherman turret flipped exactly 90 degrees onto its side under some circumstances.

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When I destroyed an enemy Panther tank in a QB with hand grenades from a Platoon HQ, that was my it moment in CMBN. That was a PBEM game too, and included a kill on another panther with the M7 Priest, a very odd jumble of aces I had in that battle.

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Hi, I have been playing CM since CMBO, amazing series of game's!!

Last night I was playing the Last defence, I had a few "moments", possible spoilers ahead.....

My poor GI's had been pushed back into the town under pressure from the Tiger tank, numerous half tracks, panzergrenadier squads and 2 assault guns. as the panzergrenadier's started to get near the south eastern side of the town next to the corn field, my Mortar section commander who had a good view of the battle called down a heavy mortar strike on top of them, within a minute or 2 mortar shells where landing among the Germans causing chaos and many casualties and thus helping to break up the attack, I think I actually cheered aloud when the mortar's found there target lol

The second moment came when one of my M10 tank destroyers knocked out the Tiger which was in the middle of the town..

The Tiger had battered its way into the middle of the town causing lots of casualties, the M10's had arrived as reinforments behind the hill at the north end of the map, I set them to hunt over the top of the hill and maybe get into a hull down postion if I was lucky, one of the M10's caught 1 of the assault guns by surprise and knocked it out with one hit into thin rear armour. In the meantime the Tiger had turned and exposed its flank to fire at some infantry in one of the buildings, luckily my M10 was just coming over the crest of the hill, and with the turret on the Tiger being very slow turning the M10 got 3 penetrating hits in, the last penetrated the side of the Turrent and and knocked out the Tiger.. yes I cheered again :D

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