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Hunt order (or am i missing something?)

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Didnt hunt used to be "move until contact, stop and fire, then move again" back in the old CMx1 days?

i very rarely use hunt nowadays since it usually ends up with my tanks stopping completely long before they get to their target because they saw an enemy infantryman 2000 meters away run across a road for 2 seconds...

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I only use "Hunt" for advancing infantry towards points with an unknown enemy presence. Using this command will ensure my Recon teams will hit the dirt at the first sign of an enemy and terminate their advance.

I find very little use for it with AFV's, unless the vehcile in question is only making a short move to contact with a known enemy and there is no chance of a "2000m for 2sec" interruption. :-)

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Yeah, slow just moves them slow... they engage targets, but dont slow down, or stop whilst doing so (but hopefully have better accuracy than if moving faster than slow).

I really miss the old hunt command that meant "drive there and stop to engage everything you see on the way"

maby it got redesigned due to the game series going into modern warfare where vehicles can fire on the move and the need for such a command was no longer needed, so replaced with a "move until contact" command.

But we need the old one back. Hunt is no longer Hunt, its move to contact.

And its more or less completely useless for AFV's since they even stop (and "forgets" all subsequent move orders) even if they see a lowly tank crewman running across the road at 1000 meters :(

It is especially crucial for us WEGO players since the current hunt command can render a vehicle (or even a whole column of vehicles) useless for up to 60 seconds, but issuing a move/slow/fast/quick command can be completely fatal since you have no control over the vehicle if it does make contact.


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At the risk of feeding you bad info (I haven't operated any SPGs yet# I would say yes, at least I would be confident it would. Try it out.

Why take the risk then? It´s not like there forum is dependent on you giving an answer this very minute. How about testing before posting? The fact that someone, you in this case you, says "yes i think that is how it works" will only serve to confuse the discussion, when the assumption is not based on facts, no matter how innocently and well meaning the intent.

The CM:BN "slow" command does not replace the CM1 "hunt" command. "Slow" moving vehicles do not, as a rule, stop to engage spotted targets. That´s bad information for starters.

And, secondly, turret less AFV´s do not stop any more than turreted vehicles (they don´t) and if the target is out of the arc of the main gun, they will not engage at all.

For WeGo players the loss of the CM1 "Hunt" command meant the loss of one very important tactical tool since, as has pointed out, a brief irrelevant spotting might stop the vehicle for more or less the whole 60 second turn. And since WW 2 tanks, as a rule, stopped to engage that means that the player now has to choose between low accuracy firing while moving)or tactical inflexibility (speeding from firing position to firing position) when compared to CM1.


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It is dispiriting that Hunt is lost. What were BF thinking of? Togther with the lost of an armour only arc this seems positively weird. Perhaps some of the beta-rtesters can shed some light on what is meant to happen. Or was it that beta-testers were primarily CMSF players so this aspect never occurred?

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..or playing RT. :P

....and lose the one excellent wego feature which CM has which is not emulated anywhere---many of us do not like the clickfest fast reaction sim but the more thoughtful ,reflective decision making process and the chance to view the outcomes and action in detail and breadth.

There should be opps for both approaches within the game The absence of the old "Hunt" feature as is explained above, causes a real problem for the "wego" exponents with the current CMBN.

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..or playing RT. :P

Absolutely! Alas, it is not an option I´m afraid. PBEM is my game. Planning and no hands on execution. Heart and mind, against the most devious minds on the planet that´s where it´s at :)

Coming to think of it.... Are there any primarily RT players out there who really like the "Hunt" command and find themselves using it extensively in it´s current form? What are the primary advantages of it when compared to other move orders, other than as a "move to contact" substitute? After all there seems to be new lessons to be learned about pretty much everything in CM:BN.

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The manual says that covered arc helps with Hunt. IE if you have a covered arc on, then you shouldn't get your movement interrupted by a 2s @ 2000m sighting...

I haven't been able to prove this myself... it's hard to tell, often, if you've been shot at and this is why you stopped...


Yes..... But if that 2s @ 2000m sighting happens to be an M-10 I want my Panther to react to it (after I all I cannot predict, target type or time frame beforehand#.

But not hard to test however. The fact is that your AFV´s do not stop, as SOP, because they are being shot at. I had three StuG´s moving "slow" into LOS of two M4´s. The StuG´s spotted the Shermans almost instantly but then went on their marry way, shots bouncing off them, until they were destroyed after a minute or two #The Shermans were out of the arc of the main gun). To give a perspective though, this exactly how turret less AFV´s would behave in CM1 when you used the "Hunt" command. That is now -not- the case in CM:BN, giving the current system an "edge" when it comes to turret less AFV´s. The new system has still penalised turreted AFV´s in WeGo though.

I can see why this quickly becomes a mess when entangled with other priorities of the design process :)


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Why take the risk then? It´s not like there forum is dependent on you giving an answer this very minute.

Well it's hardly like jumping a motorbike across a canyon. OP asked me a question which I thought was innocent (not actually a troll to set up a "oh no, how it was in CMx1 was better" thread) and I gave my opinion, which I blatantly stated as assumption. Carry on.. bring back the real 'hunt' etc.

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Coming to think of it.... Are there any primarily RT players out there who really like the "Hunt" command and find themselves using it extensively in it´s current form?

I use it quite a lot in RT. But in fact I would find it more useful if it worked as CM1 hunt, even in RT. Would save me some clicks and micromanagement.

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I have seen Slow move orders dropped entirely on occasion, and not for any 'valid' reason I could see (no risk of infantry ambush, effective incoming fire/damage, morale effects) apparently so that a tank could engage its target. It might just have been the pathing calculations to sneak past the edge of a mine tile got all tangled up, though.

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A forum full of unopinionated 100% factually correct posts fully researched to a high degree of statistical certainty would be a very boring forum indeed. :-)

Are you absolutely sure about that? It sounds like heaven :)

This forum sustains a large number of humorous, hard partying, ass kicking life lovers, that are at the same time pretty much always right when it comes down to the facts, and are willing to put in the work that it takes to dig up the truth when it is hidden.

Separating serious from fun like it is some kind of law of nature is high school stuff.


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....and lose the one excellent wego feature which CM has which is not emulated anywhere---many of us do not like the clickfest fast reaction sim but the more thoughtful ,reflective decision making process and the chance to view the outcomes and action in detail and breadth.

There should be opps for both approaches within the game The absence of the old "Hunt" feature as is explained above, causes a real problem for the "wego" exponents with the current CMBN.

To this line of thought I say: +1, Amen!

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Unless of course the sighting occurs within your covered arc, in which case you are screwed...again.

Not to mention the fact that the game designers have basically said that using covered arcs should almost never be necessary, and that we're better off not using them and allowing the TacAI to do its job.

I'll add my name to the pool of guys who don't like the new system. Hunt is basically Move to Contact and there is no replacement for the CMx1 version of Hunt. This is basically made up for by the fact that tanks can now inexplicably make unrealistically good shots while on the move. If BFC fixes (I think most people agree that it's broken) the uncanny ability to fire while moving, they're also going to have to address the fact that the movement commands don't force/allow vehicles to stop, fire, then continue.

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+1 to the idea of tweaking AFV accuracy so they can't so easily hit targets on the move.

But in WEGO you can definitely order AFV's to stop, fire, and continue if you use a series of move waypoints with 5 sec. pauses, and assign separate "target," or "target light" commands at each one. I often use tanks to lay down smoke cover or suppressive area fire this way along successive spots along an enemy front, and it works perfectly.

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