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Which is why you're still a bloody SSN and a bogan ta boot and will never amount to nuthin'.

But if you play ROF, Joe will love you.

I'm sensing a bit of jealousy from the Noo Yawk contingent ... come along Nidan1, there's room for you as well. Of course you'll have to start in the observer cockpit and sit there helpless as your DFW V is spinning to the earth in flames with your dead pilot's hand still clutching the joystick.

We can only hope that the dive started really high so you can get the full effect.


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You do me great honour with your generous offer Stuka but to use the 'Merkin vernacular


"I ain't no body's bitch"

Did I not mention "you don't have a choice in this?"

You are hereby press-ganged into service as Serf to the House of Moriarty, welcome aboard! As part of the press-ganging you will a receive mighty great belting up at the end of a 4lb black sausage. (Ekky-Thump being the official disciplinary measure of House Moriarty)

So let it be written, so let it be done!

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Did I not mention "you don't have a choice in this?"

You are hereby press-ganged into service as Serf to the House of Moriarty, welcome aboard! As part of the press-ganging you will a receive mighty great belting up at the end of a 4lb black sausage. (Ekky-Thump being the official disciplinary measure of House Moriarty)

Well if it is press ganging there is not much I can do really is there? Thanks for the welcome, at least is an Aussie House and not some appaling Pommie lot or shudder a 'Merkin one

Just be very careful what you do with your 1.81 Kg Black Pudding or it will be Ghost Who Walks Funny *

*Llongo Name for Phantom after "The Sausage Incident"

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Ahem...Moriarty is/was a 'merkin. Mind, since he departed on journeys unknown about 5 years ago i've had Schloss Moriarty redecorated with a bar in every room and taken down the tatty stars'n'stripes drapes and put in some natty venetians to give it a more 'homey' feel. You can have Leeos old room.

And don't be threatening your Kniiigett, it's my sausage and i'll wield it as I please.

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I'm not quite sure you'd want to be polishing the black pudding, u19814711.jpg it's much better fried. I do appreciate your enthusiasm so better you take the Mr Sheen to the furniture if you want to polish something, Joe comes over you see and there always crumbs between the cushions and sticky paw prints everywhere after I kick him...after he leaves.

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Did I not mention "you don't have a choice in this?"

You are hereby press-ganged into service as Serf to the House of Moriarty, welcome aboard! As part of the press-ganging you will a receive mighty great belting up at the end of a 4lb black sausage. (Ekky-Thump being the official disciplinary measure of House Moriarty)

So let it be written, so let it be done!

You idiot Stuka, he's not a Serf to the House of {shudder} Moriarty, he's a Serf to the CessPool as a Hole. Now in the fullness of time he may show enough promise that someone decides to raise him to Squire in which case you have first rights of refusal.

IF you decide to take him to Squire IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME ... then he'll be part of the House of {shudder} Moriarty but not until then and for the luv of Gawd can we at least make sure the lad sticks around for a bit. I'm not asking for glittering prose, he's Australian after all, but perhaps we can hope for at least some sticktoitiveness.

I'd also remind you that the lad is Australian and therefore has two strikes against him right from the start.

But, since you are (technically) a Seniour Knight of the CessPool I suppose I have no choice ... much like the choice given the lad who'd doubtless prefer to be under the wing of some homeless vagrant than you. Mind you given your travels and employment you come pretty close.

So ... let it be known to one and all that Magpie_Oz (spelt but not bolded) is now a Serf to the CessPool as a Hole and shall be given his own piss bucket for the relief of the Knights and Squires of the CessPool. Wield it with pride lad, it's likely the best you'll do here.


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...some homeless vagrant...

Which reminds me, what has become of the Gnome? Has anybody heard from him lately? Last I heard, he was off on one of his kayaking trips, this time to Florida I believe. I suppose he's either sleeping it off under a banana tree somewhere or being quietly digested in the gullet of an alligator. Well, one can hope, can't one?


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Which reminds me, what has become of the Gnome? Has anybody heard from him lately? Last I heard, he was off on one of his kayaking trips, this time to Florida I believe. I suppose he's either sleeping it off under a banana tree somewhere or being quietly digested in the gullet of an alligator. Well, one can hope, can't one?


Nothing wrong with hope, I'm with you on that Michael.

But haven't seen hide nor hair of the lad for some time, not on Facebook either.


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He's in Canuckistan I think, at least that was his excuse to avoid his Uni-lifetime inspection and report. Come to think of it...Joe and Boo are avoiding their Uni-lifetime inspection and report's also. Peng is a maybe...at least Nidan1 has the necessary moral fiber to stand up to the gruelling hours of BBQing and drink...to the gruelling hours of inspecting and reporting.

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He's in Canuckistan I think, at least that was his excuse to avoid his Uni-lifetime inspection and report. Come to think of it...Joe and Boo are avoiding their Uni-lifetime inspection and report's also. Peng is a maybe...at least Nidan1 has the necessary moral fiber to stand up to the gruelling hours of BBQing and drink...to the gruelling hours of inspecting and reporting.
Oh please ... We are the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread ... WE conduct the Quasi Annual Inspection, Review and Audit and WE report to the CessPool as a Hole on the results.

Speaking of which I, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, will be in the Seattle area (specifically Kirkland) during the week of June 13th and I shall be setting appointments with the local denizens to conduct the Northwest Quasi Annual Audit, Review and Inspection.

All CessPoolers in the area are urged to get their requests for an interview date and time set as slots will soon fill up.


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Alright, in order to give my opponent a fair chance, I haven't read the manual, and have only played half a game. I see a few SSNs posting here. Since I am of such low standing, I'd be happy to give one of the a smack down in the name of House Rune. Here newbie, here newbie....

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Alright, in order to give my opponent a fair chance, I haven't read the manual, and have only played half a game. I see a few SSNs posting here. Since I am of such low standing, I'd be happy to give one of the a smack down in the name of House Rune. Here newbie, here newbie....

Did Rune really claim you at some point? As if NoGo cavscout wasn't bad enough. I was wondering why there was a lingering odor of rotton herring in the great hall. From your boots no doubt.

I should beat you with your own arm for even existing and polluting my house.

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Ohhh, little Stuka boy. I haven't the time to trace your house lineage and lob a proper insult. I do, however, have the time to teach you a lesson for insulting House Rune. Ready to test yourself or has your witless commentary on others’ posts left you mentally spent?

Well wasn't that just the cutest widdle faux-challenge you ever saw?

Typical House rune...

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Well, never a full-fledged Knight of House Rune, to be sure, but at least a piss-boy or some such.

Did Rune really claim you at some point? As if NoGo cavscout wasn't bad enough. I was wondering why there was a lingering odor of rotton herring in the great hall. From your boots no doubt.

I should beat you with your own arm for even existing and polluting my house.

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Well, never a full-fledged Knight of House Rune, to be sure, but at least a piss-boy or some such.
Well which is it lad? It makes a difference, if you're just a Serf then we don't bold your name. If you're a Squire we do ... so which is it ... and be sure to provide some evidence since we don't trust you as far as we can throw you.


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Speaking of which I, your Beloved...


...Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, will be in the Seattle area (specifically Kirkland)...

And aren't I grateful for the rather substantial body of water lying twixt hither and yon? We all know how much water terrifies Joe—he'll go to any lengths to avoid having it touch any part of his body—so I do not expect him to cross. Sometimes Joe's personality deficits are a blessing to be exploited to the fullest.


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