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Is this a new animation?


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I like it. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that one.

I've been a big proponent of BFC increasing the animation set in the game. I like to think my lobbying for the new "wall jump" animation was a factor in getting the one we currently have. It's much more appealing than the old "hurdler" animation.

I've been thinking about an animation that is actually more of an option for soldier posture during a movement command. Instead of only being able to utilize HUNT movement while standing, you should also be able to use it prone. I was able to sort of mimic such a move using real time mode and the STOP button.

I had a prone soldier who was behind a protecting ridgeline with enemy soldiers a few meters away but out of LOS. I SLOW moved the soldier (prone) to the edge of the ridge and pushed STOP as soon as he was able to achieve LOS. In this way he was able to dispatch 4 enemy soldiers while maintaining good cover. Otherwise he would have likely been killed trying to achieve the next waypoint which was beyond the ridgeline. A prone HUNT command would allow you to achieve the same idea without all the micromanagement and you could use it in RT or turn-based mode without penalty.

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Not really new, but yes, somehow new. Around the time of the British forces module.


I've never noticed it...I'll have to keep an eye out.

Animations are definitely something we want to do more with. The problem is finding the animators :( We hope to fix that soon.


That would be nice...have you put a call out on the BB here?

New animations always spice things up...

@Slaphappy...I was very happy to see that wall hopping animation when it showed up. Way better than the original.


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