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(Mod) WWWIII Even Start

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Starting a new thread so I do not hi-Jack the other Mod Thread


Originally Posted by John DiFool the 2nd viewpost.gif

Wasn't someone working on an ahistorical 6 country scenario where everyone starts out with their home country but no units?

That would be me.

Not sure how much interest there is in the community for such a "risk type game"

Basic Idea is Both sides start dead even in everything like mpps, income, tec, unit attributes etc

Very open sandbox with all majors starting with no units (except a sub and destroyer) and 3months worth of MPPs to spend as they wish.

I call it "RISK on SC Steroids"

Build times are short 0-3 months

Each major brings in about 300mpps per 2weeks at start

Diplo 10% chance of hit per chit (20-40% swing on hit)

Oil Produceing minors will convoy to parrent at 25% mobolization

2 strike air wings

helocopters replace tac


anti ship missles

SAM Networks

Cruise Missles

Coast Guard Units

The Majors are UK, US, India vs Rus, China, and the newly formed MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition)

Victory is determined by gaining control of 5 key cities either through diplo (which will be huge) or aggression.

Paris, Berlin, Rome, Singapore, Tokyo

There will be no 'back-up' Capitals so protect your Capitlals.

Everytime a major Declares war all unmobalized minors will move 1-30% against them.

Lots of possible stratagys

War starts Jan1 2015

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Country List So Far

Country IDs

#SEA= Sea


#CHINA= China


#USSR= Russia

#GERMANY= Middle Eastern Coalition

#JAPAN= India

#NEUTRAL= Neutral

#ABYSSINIA= Afghanastan

#ALGERIA= Algeria

#ARGENTINA= Argentina

#AUSTRALIA= Australia


#BENELUX= Belgium

#BRAZIL= Brazil

#BRUNEI= Morocco

#BULGARIA= Bulgaria

#BURMA= Burma

#CANADA= Canada

#CHILE= Chile

#COLOMBIA= Colombia

#DENMARK= Denmark

#DUTCH_INDIES= Indonesia

#EAST_INDIA= East Africa

#EGYPT= Egypt

#FINLAND= Finland

#FRANCE= France

#GREECE= Greece

#HUNGARY= Hungary

#HONG_KONG= Packastan

#ICELAND= Iceland


#IRAQ= Iraq


#ITALY= Italy

#MANCHURIA= South Korea

#MONGOLIA= Mongolia

#NANJING= North Korea

#MEXICO= Mexico

#NEW_ZEALAND= New Zealand

#NORWAY= Norway

#PERSIA= Libya

#PERU= Peru

#POLAND= Poland

#POLYNESIA= Polynesia

#PORTUGAL= Portugal

#RHODESIA= Rhodesia

#ROMANIA= Romania

#SAUDI_ARABIA= Philippines

#SINGAPORE= Malaysia

#SOLOMONS= Solomons

#SOUTH_AFRICA= South Africa

#SPAIN= Spain

#SUDAN= Sudan

#SWEDEN= Sweden

#SWITZERLAND= Switzerland

#SYRIA= Syria

#THAILAND= Thailand

#TIBET= Tibet

#TUNISIA= Tunisia

#TURKEY= Turkey

#VENEZUELA= Venezuela


#WEST_AFRICA= West Africa


#YUGOSLAVIA= Eastern Block

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This is indeed an intriguing prospect. I do, however, have some questions about your selection of countries.

In your "Middle East Coalition" you have presumambly included such potentially independant and important minors as: Kuwait, Yemen, Jordan, Iran and Saudia Arabia (difficult to see the latter two cooperating in any effort), but the MEC does not include Egypt, Iraq, or Syria, for example.

Yet at the same time you have a few insignificant micro-states like Malta, the Solomon Islands, and Polynesia playing the role of minors. You might want to have another look at this line-up.

Also, Rhodesia is now Zimbabwe.

Good luck with this effort !!

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Nice! I would love to see someone finish WWIII mod. I had plans for one, waited for Global Conflict, and now once I have it the editor runs like molasses on a cold day, and won't save. I guess it's windows 7, because my computer is powerfu.

Anway, good luck with it, I would like to play something other than WWII.

One comment, three questions...

First, your spelling of Israel is wrong, it's not "IsREAL".


What of the European Union?

What about nukes?

Are you going to have a back story?

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now once I have it the editor runs like molasses on a cold day, and won't save. I guess it's windows 7, because my computer is powerful.

This should be corrected with the first patch as we've introduced a VIDEO ACCELERATION option for the Editor as well. From the Windows 7 test we've run it did dramatically increase the speed of the Editor on our end, i.e. it ran as it normally should.


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Nice to see that there is some interest.


This is indeed an intriguing prospect. I do, however, have some questions about your selection of countries.

In your "Middle East Coalition" you have presumambly included such potentially independant and important minors as: Kuwait, Yemen, Jordan, Iran and Saudia Arabia (difficult to see the latter two cooperating in any effort), but the MEC does not include Egypt, Iraq, or Syria, for example.

Yet at the same time you have a few insignificant micro-states like Malta, the Solomon Islands, and Polynesia playing the role of minors. You might want to have another look at this line-up.

Also, Rhodesia is now Zimbabwe.

Good luck with this effort !!

MEC does include Iran, Kuwait, Saudi. But Egyp, Iraq and Syria are minors starting at 100% Axis Mobiliazation. Israel (thanks for spelling correction) leaning 50% US. If the Axis decide to take out Israel then Egypt will connect to MEC Capital Tehran (I'm so bad with spelling) Causing Egyption resources to increase in production. Obviously my MOD deviates strongly from Reality.

Rhodesia is actually a unassigined slot since I have lumped it in with East Africa. I was thinking of giving Cuba the slot with a lean toward Russia.

Nice! I would love to see someone finish WWIII mod. I had plans for one, waited for Global Conflict, and now once I have it the editor runs like molasses on a cold day, and won't save. I guess it's windows 7, because my computer is powerfu.

GC is the first of SC series that I actually opened the editer, and I am very impressed how powerfull and easy to use it is for a amature like me. It runs perfectly silky smooth and saves fast so far (not going to be that many scripts in mod) on my 6yr old P4 running xp. I am using the Stock Map and altering it to try and match the current globe. I am no Geography Genius and I am sure there are mistakes.

What of the European Union?

What about nukes?

Are you going to have a back story?

All European countries are minors except UK but they will be able to build more units then most of the other minors and probably the only minors (beside starting MEC countries) that can build armor.

Initialy there are no nukes. The majors powers are aware of how awfull a Global Nuclear War would be. I may add a decision to use nukes at some point but the backlash from minors will make it not worth it. The only reason to add it would just to say it is in there.

Back Story Yes. I havent completely ironed it out but the main points are:

US population has forced the Pres to pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanastan in around 2012.

China has developed some super radar that makes Stealth Tech much less effective and has shared it with its allies.

As for a reason why those victory cities are so important, I havent come up with one yet. I only chose them because it gives both sides a fairly even chance.

Today 06:57 PMheatrrClarification of this: "HONG_KONG= Packastan"

Hong Kong is part of China.

The slot that was assigned to Hong Kong has been reassigned to Packastan.

Here is a quick SS of MEC.

Still very much a work in progress, so I know the Flags are wrong and the little flashing indicators are wrong.

I tried replacing the 3d sprites but my skills are lacking and they did not look good so I have instead altered the nato icons to give a more modern look.


Thanks for looking

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; Unit IDs

#HQ= Supply

#CORPS= Mechanized Infanrty

#ARMY= Army Group

#COMMANDO= Marines/Amphib

#ENGINEERS= Engineers

#PARATROOPS= Paratroops

#ANTI_TANK= Garrison

#ANTI_AIR= SAM Network


#ROCKETS= Cruise Missles

#TANK_GROUP= Armor Brigade

#AIR_FLEET= Jet Fighters & CAS

#TACTICAL_BOMBERS= Attack Helocopters

#STRATEGIC_BOMBERS= Strategic Bombers

#BATTLESHIP= Naval Fleet

#CRUISER= Coast Guard


#CARRIER= Carrier Fleet

#SUB= Attack Sub

#PARTISANS= Insurgents

#AMPHIBIOUS_TRANSPORT= Amphibious Transport

#TRANSPORT= Millitary Transport

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Hong Kong is part of China.

The slot that was assigned to Hong Kong has been reassigned to Packastan

Hi U8led

I think he was pointing out the spelling mistake, as it should of course be Pakistan.

BTW this mod looks pretty interesting! It reminds me of one I used to play in the SC1 days which had the whole world divided into two camps right from the start.

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Thanks for the update Hubert, I'll be looking forward to using the editor. :)


Looks good so far, I like the sprites, and it looks like in your screen shot that Jordan has been taken over by Israel eh?

Check your spelling for Pakistan.

Sorry to be annoying :) , but your spelling for Afghanistan is wrong, and Eastern Block, should be Eastern Bloc.

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Thanks for the update Hubert, I'll be looking forward to using the editor. :)


Looks good so far, I like the sprites, and it looks like in your screen shot that Jordan has been taken over by Israel eh?

Check your spelling for Pakistan.

Sorry to be annoying :) , but your spelling for Afghanistan is wrong, and Eastern Block, should be Eastern Bloc.

Thanks I have addressed each of these issues.

Jordan Has been added.

See SS


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I never realized how simliar Egyt, Syria and Iraq's flags are before,

Constant Learning Process this modding thing is.

Way More Then I learned in High School back in the 80s

Global Campain should be required learning

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Back Story Yes. I havent completely ironed it out but the main points are:

US population has forced the Pres to pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanastan in around 2012.

China has developed some super radar that makes Stealth Tech much less effective and has shared it with its allies.

As for a reason why those victory cities are so important, I havent come up with one yet. I only chose them because it gives both sides a fairly even chance.

Thanks for looking

OK getting closer to a reason for the Victory cities/Countries.

Look at the following chart of the busiest ports in the world.

I have decided to base Victory on the Side that controls the busiest world ports belonging to Minor Countries.

Control of the 4 Countries Circled in Red will be required plus one of the Countries circled in Blue.


Most of the non circled countries are allready part of the Majors in this Mod. I thought about adding S Korea as a Victory Port but It just seems to easy for the Axis to take and hold While moving on Tokyo.

Next we have a preview of the Jet Sprites for US, UK, & Russia


Well they look a bit better than that in game.


And Russia


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