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I hope this is my last post on this subject. I'm sure you do too.

Stock - 1939 War Campaign. Now it is summer 1943. I just had a veteran tank group(strength 10) wiped off the map by two air strikes. Gone. I don't have the dispostion to take this. I'm ready to delete this game.


I have never used the editor but I don't know what else to do. Can anyone tell me, step, by step, how to lower the attack value of planes to ZERO? I just can't accept that they can wipe out hundreds of tanks. I would appreciate it if you can tell me how to edit air power out of the game.

and while we are at it, how can I lower the price of HQ's since this is a supply game and not a war game. Maybe I can place enough HQ's around the board so that I can do some war tactics.

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I don't think you are looking at things abstractly enough Yolo911 (by the way, was it you that arrested me behind Woodland College last week?). The air units aren't necessarily bombing the snot out of the tanks but rather the tanks as well as the logistical units needed to supply them.

Indeed, the Germans abandoned whole columns when stuck on the road and out of fuel in the daytime as a result of U.S. air power in June 1944.

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For the Airfleets: GOTO:

Editor / Drop Down Menu "Campaign" / Select "Edit Country Data" / Then in the new Window click "Combat Target Data" / Select Unit Tactical Bomber and the Country(s) and then reduce the Tank Attack Value from 2 to 0, or choose the Tank Group , and Lift the Air Defense Value from 1 to i.e. 10, then Save.

btw fyi: the Junkers JU-87 was called by the German Army "Flying Can Opener" and "TankBuster" not for nothing...

Similar for the HQ: in "Edit Country Data" select "Unit Cost Data" there Click on "HQ" and reduce the Value 250 to i.e. 1

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Please could you tell me what settings you're playing at? For instance, have you given the AI any experience bonuses (presuming that you are playing against the AI?).

You can reduce the attack values of Tactical Bombers by going into the editor, opening up the campaign you want to change, selecting Campaign; Edit Country Data; Edit Combat Data.

You'll see a list of countries down the left hand side and unit types more towards the middle. With the UK selected, click on Tactical Bombers and then using the up/down arrows reduce their Soft and Tank Attack values from 2 to 0. You will need to do this for every country in this list, but it shouldn't take too long.

Once you've finished, click on Ok.

Now to reduce the price of HQs you will need to click on Edit Unit Cost Data and again using up/down arrows you can reduce the cost of HQs for every country.

Now go to File; Save as; and choose a new name for it. It will take some minutes saving, but you will now have a new campaign created to your requirements and ready for playing once you've closed the editor and gone back into the game.

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I have a simple solution that requires no editing at all, and would still provide a realistic game for you: simply provide some air cover for your tanks, and you will find this becomes a relatively mute point. ;)

Otherwise, as PG indicated, that's why they are called "tank busters". :rolleyes:

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I think you are right. that must be a record number of responses. I should be able to make some adjustments. Thanks!

I am running the stock 1939 campaign. No advantage to either side. i just keep all of the settings as is. No experience for the AI and I run as a beginner.

I understand that the air power unit represents an unknown number of planes doing an unknown number of attacks wiping out 40,000 men(if it is only a corp). Just seems a stretch. matter of opinion and playability I guess.

I would make it so that it could not bomb a unit below a strenght of 4. That it would then require men and/or armor to annihilate the unit completely.

Brianlala-- are you a past client of ours, so to speak?

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I think the question must be asked:

Have you tried providing fighter cover for your tanks? This would greatly reduce the damage the tac bombers do to your tanks significantly without editing at all, and just might even destroy those tac bombers as well. :eek:

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sorry, I forgot to ans the last question. i am maxedout on fighters. Unfortunately I have serious problems in France and have two fighter groups stationed there. I also have two fighter groups stationed in North Africa where I am advancing, slowly. All I have there is an Itie HQ I had to buy.

I have lost two HQ's in Russia so I am, as uusual, fighting a supply war in the Russian front.

I am not saying that air power shouldn't be in the game. I just think it is the all-powerful segment of the game. Yeah Yeah...And I know supply should be in the game but I think that it's too sensive to it's environment and has too great of an impact on units that receive supply from it. Also- that a unit, in a one month turn, should be able to move at least one tile in any direction. Regardless of supply. But I have one unit, my best one, strength 15 that is stuck south of Kumming, and can not move north eventhough it has a supply of 6. Crazy.

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Well yolo, you got me here and I agree with you somewhat, how would you feel about a couple of CVs taking out a level 3 USSR, experienced "Guard Tank Corps"?:mad:

I know exactly how you feel but I would be a bit more composed if it had been stukas instead of Carrier Air Groups with double strikes.

Now don't get me wrong, air units should be fully capable of being the strongest unit in the game, I mean after all they got the high ground, line of sight, just think of them as flying artillery. The problem is there is not much of an antidote other than our single strike fighters or another CV which is kind of hard to deploy on land.:rolleyes:

I'm telling you Betas...and Hubert too, we need anti-air(especially against ground attacks), you're all missing the boat here. Anti-air upgrades and deployment was a big part of any conflict with airframes in the skies, the technology has been well documented and furthered through scientific focus. Why do you think that was so?

I find it very contradictory that SC naval vessels are able to increase their anti-air capabilities with naval tech but there's nothing for ground formations.:confused:

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I understand that the air power unit represents an unknown number of planes doing an unknown number of attacks wiping out 40,000 men(if it is only a corp). Just seems a stretch.

Seen from a Strategical Point if i.e. a number of Planes as you write whipe out a entire corps this is the global view. You must imagine on the Tactical approach the fact that an Army / Tank Group or whatever "disappears" should more be seen as the "unit" is dispersed / scattered or somehow totally "unready" ( imagine unarmed soldiers withdrawing by foot or on any moving Cars, dispersed, and any leading structure lost )

It's nit that 40.000 guys are killed but more like i wrote they dont form any more a combat ready unit, but rather civils escaping.

Therefore if the Supply of the Units was above 5, this means the "Unit" can be bought at half price, as Strategically seen this is like it becomes again a Command Structure.

Just try to zoom/focus bit back from the Tactical Level to the Strategic Level ( this is Strategic Command , not Tactic Command:D)

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TAC are a bit powerful but as others have implied - if you aren't putting up fighters then you have effectively ceded air superiority to the enemy. If thats the case then park the armour in rough terrain and attack in bad weather - as the Germans did - and they still got tank-busted a lot.

I'm in favour of double intercept for fighters too - given double strikes for bombers and carriers its too easy to draw them off then send the TACS in - though quite wasteful on resources and trained pilots.

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Twice the protection from fighters would certainly help temper the effects of tactical bombers. I think I would like to see that implemented.

As far as using armor in bad weather only, there are three things that prevent me from doing that:

1. supply seems to drop off even more than usual

2. The tanks are about as useful and strong as bicycles

3. Not enough game time to use this strategy.

If supply was realistic, if the attack factor of armor was at it's usual rate and if turns were two weeks instead of a month then the hide-in-mud strategy might work, IMHO.

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I just threw in the towel in my game. It's january 1943 and I have nothing left. Russian planes wipe out 2-3 units a turn and i don't have enough MPP's to both reinforce and replace units.

I am actually making fair progress in China. Attacking Chungking directly now but one of my main units simply will not move north. Supply 6, strength is 15 , action points 2, it is in 2nd tile south of Chungking and WILL NOT move north, just sideways one lousy tile. Makes me want to scream because I can't play a game like this with my hands tied behind my back.

Japan is dying elsewhere. I can see 13 BB's and CA's belonging to USA. I know the carrirs are there but I can't see them. According to the reports I have sunk the following enemy shipping - 4 BB's, 3 CA's, 1 DD, 4 CV's, 5 SS's. But I am uo against at least 20 more enemy naval units. And i have two depleted carriers and one DD left. So there is no point in continuing. With supply and uber=planes i am just going to have to play this game as s super-novice so that I can have some fun.

I might have found two minor bugs-- There is a unit (must be enemy) sitting in Tehran. Each turn it appears in the city, attacks a tile 114,24) and disappears again. There isn't a unit on 114,24. So I don't know what it is attacking.

And I was moving an Italain sub, west to each along the north side ofthe island Heraklion, The island town is in enemy hands so of course the harbor is too. As the sub moved THROUGH the enemy harbor it encountered an enemy naval unit that was parked on the tile just east of the harbor tile. At that poing my sub stopped in the enemy held harbor. I don;t think it should have been able to enter that harbor. I had not performed any attacks during the game on the town or harbor.

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I hope this is my last post on this subject. I'm sure you do too.

Stock - 1939 War Campaign. Now it is summer 1943. I just had a veteran tank group(strength 10) wiped off the map by two air strikes. Gone. I don't have the dispostion to take this. I'm ready to delete this game.


I have never used the editor but I don't know what else to do. Can anyone tell me, step, by step, how to lower the attack value of planes to ZERO? I just can't accept that they can wipe out hundreds of tanks. I would appreciate it if you can tell me how to edit air power out of the game.

and while we are at it, how can I lower the price of HQ's since this is a supply game and not a war game. Maybe I can place enough HQ's around the board so that I can do some war tactics.

Well, it is realistic to lose tanks to airstrikes. Planes vs Tanks, planes win everytime.

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I just threw in the towel in my game. It's january 1943 and I have nothing left. Russian planes wipe out 2-3 units a turn and i don't have enough MPP's to both reinforce and replace units.

I am actually making fair progress in China. Attacking Chungking directly now but one of my main units simply will not move north. Supply 6, strength is 15 , action points 2, it is in 2nd tile south of Chungking and WILL NOT move north, just sideways one lousy tile. Makes me want to scream because I can't play a game like this with my hands tied behind my back.

Japan is dying elsewhere. I can see 13 BB's and CA's belonging to USA. I know the carrirs are there but I can't see them. According to the reports I have sunk the following enemy shipping - 4 BB's, 3 CA's, 1 DD, 4 CV's, 5 SS's. But I am uo against at least 20 more enemy naval units. And i have two depleted carriers and one DD left. So there is no point in continuing. With supply and uber=planes i am just going to have to play this game as s super-novice so that I can have some fun.

I might have found two minor bugs-- There is a unit (must be enemy) sitting in Tehran. Each turn it appears in the city, attacks a tile 114,24) and disappears again. There isn't a unit on 114,24. So I don't know what it is attacking.

And I was moving an Italain sub, west to each along the north side ofthe island Heraklion, The island town is in enemy hands so of course the harbor is too. As the sub moved THROUGH the enemy harbor it encountered an enemy naval unit that was parked on the tile just east of the harbor tile. At that poing my sub stopped in the enemy held harbor. I don;t think it should have been able to enter that harbor. I had not performed any attacks during the game on the town or harbor.


I was about to make a list of adjustments to ease game play regarding supply and a few other items and as I started I figured it would probably be just as easy for me to finalize the steps and put together a campaign for you. I uploaded a custom mod in the Repository, I don't think you will miss it ;), and let me know if it plays any friendlier as it should be good to go from either side.

For a quick recap I reduced some of the terrain movement penalties, adjusted the occupational supply in Russia, removed the most harassing Partisan and Supply events, removed a few of the extra AI units from the UNIT scripts, and removed the major weather penalties. I think there were a few other minor items but in general I think you get the idea.

For the bugs, can you send me any turns you might have where this is repeatable and I will be happy to take a look, thanks!


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