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Machine Gun thought


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I read in a recent thread someone complaining that mg bursts were too small and not as effective as they should be.Im no expert when it comes to modern day mg use but why not an option with mgs like there is for air strikes.

The option would be for mgs only. Light,Medium, or Heavy.Light being short harrasing bursts.Medium being normal average usage.Heavy meaning abnormal urgent sustained useage.I know we have target and target light and some people will say then have that option with every unit.Also choosing medium or heavy would increase the chance of an mg jam which doesnt exist in current game so maybe this should only apply in CM Normandy.Just some thoughts.Tell me if Im crazy.

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Well I think you are crazy! :) j/k

Well i know for one that the more under-trained you are the bigger chance you have for firing longer uncontrolled bursts. That just doesnt happen with squad guns either. I have yet to see a Syrian or Uncon force empty the clip but in real life I have seen and heard this done quite a bit.

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I agree that MG bursts should be tad longer and when on targeted or area fire they should give it hell.

My poor assistant gunners always seem to be the first to bite the bullet because the MG wasn't firing often enough or the bursts were to small.Take your pick.

A little tweak would be nice but im not sure in what way.

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I did a few test with turn corner ambushes. To represent the typical experience found in the game I set veteran WMIK and Javelin crews against a 12.7 HMG 7m away from a corner that both teams would go around. Of the 10 test the WMIK crew took out the MG 5 times, with the MG winning only 3 of the exchanges (with casualties) the remaining 2 were equally bloody and both sides were forced to withdraw.

Even with the overwhelming advantage of firing first in all cases the MG lost because it lacked sweeping fire and was still firing in bursts. Also even with regular experience and high motivation the Syrians are tragically poor shots in 1 instance they couldn't kill a pinned Javeline gunner in the open at 4 meters with: grenades, HMG fire, and the A-Gunners AK. This could be a fluke however this reflects how terribly useless it seems the Syrian regulars are in ideal circumstances.

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Also even with regular experience and high motivation the Syrians are tragically poor shots in 1 instance they couldn't kill a pinned Javeline gunner in the open at 4 meters with: grenades, HMG fire, and the A-Gunners AK. This could be a fluke however this reflects how terribly useless it seems the Syrian regulars are in ideal circumstances.

That could be a reverse Audy Murphy moment...where in 1 out of 100 or 1000 times he would've bought it...but this time lucked out...I like moments like that even when I am on the receiving end.


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That could be a reverse Audy Murphy moment...where in 1 out of 100 or 1000 times he would've bought it...but this time lucked out...I like moments like that even when I am on the receiving end.


I had one of those today.

There was an enemy trenchline on a reverse slope that I knew had some troops in it.

A team of Styker infantry were on "Hunt" and approached from the rear. My plan was to get them into handgrenade range and then rush into the smoke and chaos and sort everybody out. They got to about 30m when an alert Syrian spotted them and opened up. Suddenly, a whole platoon of Syrian infantry opened fire on my 4, just 4 guys, some even threw grenades which exploded all around the troops. My guys managed to return fire and throw a couple of grenades of their own, and I had some guys nearby who were able to fire on the Syrians, score some casualties, and get them pinned. My team was pinnned for a few seconds, took no casualties (not even a yellow!), and beat feet. I watched one hand grenade take out 4 Syrians alone! It was insane!

I cheated a bit, made a save and did a ceasefire. I was curious about what I had given them, and I was more than surprised. After the firefight, which lasted all of 30 seconds, or so, only 5 Syrians (2 were yellow) remained from that entire platoon. It was epic.

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I think a improvment would be to have the MG's fire in proper "Z" patterns and sweeps as well as direct killing bursts at infantry, non-vehicle/solo and area targets.

Battlefront have never really got MGs correct. In CMBO their effect was woefully under-modeled (I remember one game where I had 5 .30 calibre MGs and 2 .50 cals covering a route and my opponent marched a whole platoon across without even being pinned).

Over successive games the situation has got better and CMSF is definitely the best of the bunch. However, penetrating fire, beaten zones and variable length bursts still seem to be missing.

Maybe in CM:N we will get another tranche of improvements, maybe even predicted (indirect) fire will come along one day.

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