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Actually, I'd probably toss in Illinois first. The inmates at Joliet would feel right at home in Oddstralya.

Except I believe they shut down Joliet prison...

But then there is the Thompson, Illinois one where they want to put the Guantanamo prisoners...

Maybe you are right about sending Illinois to Oz.

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Costard as at? Costard? Tha' rhymes wi' sai many things....such as feckless git bastarrrrd, fer example. Di' ye belong tae someone? A Knight 'o tha Cesspool someone?

Joe In fer a penny, in fer a farthing Shaw! Wha' as tha status o' this pillock, Costarrd? As hae a Serf yet? Ah didnae want haim, Ah wan' tae beat tha' cod-spittle oot o' tha' womble-bollocked git tha' own's haim.

Or, cos tha' Feast o' Steven as approachin', tha scratchin' snot-gobbler Costard may ask mae politely tae bae thrashed an' a game o' CM:AK like a tofurkey at a NRA tail-gate party. Assumin' hae even owns tha' game. Perhaps Joe Ma Depends are on backwards Shaw ye could gi' haim your copy o' CM:AK seein' as yer noo playin' at any more.

Boo Radley, Noba....yer both losin' an' ye both owe mae a turn!

An' Ah'm saindin' a big shout oot tae tha Donkey!

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Costard as at? Costard? Tha' rhymes wi' sai many things....such as feckless git bastarrrrd, fer example. Di' ye belong tae someone? A Knight 'o tha Cesspool someone?

Joe In fer a penny, in fer a farthing Shaw! Wha' as tha status o' this pillock, Costarrd? As hae a Serf yet? Ah didnae want haim, Ah wan' tae beat tha' cod-spittle oot o' tha' womble-bollocked git tha' own's haim.

Or, cos tha' Feast o' Steven as approachin', tha scratchin' snot-gobbler Costard may ask mae politely tae bae thrashed an' a game o' CM:AK like a tofurkey at a NRA tail-gate party. Assumin' hae even owns tha' game. Perhaps Joe Ma Depends are on backwards Shaw ye could gi' haim your copy o' CM:AK seein' as yer noo playin' at any more.

Boo Radley, Noba....yer both losin' an' ye both owe mae a turn!

An' Ah'm saindin' a big shout oot tae tha Donkey!

Whatever the hell you said, the answer is No.

Costard (Spelt, but not bolded) is a Serf of the Cesspool (Long may she wave), but has not been spoken for at this time.

If you're interested, he's up for grabs and I think the two of you would make a cute couple.

Couple of what, is still up in the air, but it's always nice to keep as many Oddstrayleyuns together as possible.

Provides a larger target.

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Which part o' "Ah didnae want haim, Ah wan' tae beat tha' cod-spittle oot o' tha' womble-bollocked git tha' own's haim." did ye noo understand? Sometimes Ah looks an' wonders, an' sometimes Ah jes' looks.

Actually a more efficient question would be what part of your entire post he DID understand. It would provide a shorter answer in any case. Not least because he's Boo Radley ... and not least because you're you.


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As I wing my way (1st class) to Seoul this evening, I ponder the intricacies of the in-flight meals l shall be offered...should I go for the Mousseline of pattes rouges crayfish with morel mushroom infusion or the Tartar of Kobe beef with Imperial Beluga caviar and Belons oyster?

As a VIP customer of impeccable taste I find such confoundments to be somewhat bothersome.

Should I perhaps instead request something from the galley a little more down-to-earth, something a little more Joe-like? Corn-dog and grits? Gumbo? Squirrel and dumplings?

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As I wing my way (1st class) to Seoul this evening, I ponder the intricacies of the in-flight meals l shall be offered...should I go for the Mousseline of pattes rouges crayfish with morel mushroom infusion or the Tartar of Kobe beef with Imperial Beluga caviar and Belons oyster?

As a VIP customer of impeccable taste I find such confoundments to be somewhat bothersome.

Should I perhaps instead request something from the galley a little more down-to-earth, something a little more Joe-like? Corn-dog and grits? Gumbo? Squirrel and dumplings?

I recognition of Korea you should order kim chi and monkey brains...heavy on the garlic.

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Boo, you Joebob understudy,

Must we go through this everytime your Alzheimer's kicks in? Costard has been claimed by House Rune. Now you are going to ask since when did I have a house, and I reply from the first mother-beautiful thread. Please take your meds, you are starting to make Emrys look at he is conherent compared to you.

Costard, me lad, Your next *boot* attempt at becoming a squire *boot*, I want you to translate OGSF's messages into regular american. The young one has moved to the United States, let his start *boot* speaking so someone can understand him.

Oh, and give Boo his meds right away *Boot*


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Boo...(REst of message SNIPPED because it is after all Rune and who really needs to read his nonsensical posts? Besides his various case workers, eh?)


House Rune? HOUSE RUNE??? Oh, you must mean that rusted out camper, up on blocks and filled with inbred howler monkeys (all of whom bear a striking and not entirely uncanny resemblance to you, behind the Cesspool?

I thought that got hauled away for scrap, months ago.

How goes the extremely unbalanced scenario building, sweet, sweet Rune?

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Costard as at? Ah didnae want haim, Ah wan' tae beat tha' cod-spittle oot o' tha' womble-bollocked git tha' own's haim.

That was quick - already you can't be arsed with the damned colonials. You've been brainwashed - how's it compare to the rock?

Or, cos tha' Feast o' Steven as approachin', tha scratchin' snot-gobbler Costard may ask mae politely tae bae thrashed an' a game o' CM:AK like a tofurkey at a NRA tail-gate party. Assumin' hae even owns tha' game. Perhaps Joe Ma Depends are on backwards Shaw ye could gi' haim your copy o' CM:AK seein' as yer noo playin' at any more.

Back-pedalling now, yeah? You disgust me, you little feral Scotch Git wanabee. Do you wish to pitch or receive, sir?

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At's like explainin' quantum-fecking-mechanics tae a wee span'l. At stares back an' wags at's tail, boot ye knoo ats a waste o' time. Ah'll bowl laddie, an' at'll bae nought boot yorkers', sae pad oop.

Rune, ye window smearin' glass-fogger, di' ye meend tellin' ye tub-thumpin' serf tha' Scotch as a drink? Ah blame feckin Shaw fer this....lettin' Boo run aroond wi' noo leash on.

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At's like explainin' quantum-fecking-mechanics tae a wee span'l. At stares back an' wags at's tail, boot ye knoo ats a waste o' time. Ah'll bowl laddie, an' at'll bae nought boot yorkers', sae pad oop.

I dunno... something about daisies and wallpaper? No? Boot yorkers... Toenails? Is it about toenails?

I know! You like to have your toenails painted!!! Wait... I think I can get a full translation now:

"I'd like to go to town in a golden gown and have my fortune told. Just one. Just once. Just once before I'm old. I'd like to be not evil, but a little worldly wise."

Er... you go, girl?

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As Ah said, explainin' quantum-feckin-mechanics tae a wee span'l.

"Yorker is a term used in cricket that describes a delivery where the cricket ball bounces on the cricket pitch on or near the batsman's popping crease. Since a batsman in a normal stance has his feet on the popping crease, this means the ball is bouncing very near his feet, which makes the ball difficult to hit with the bat. This is usually the 'ideal' place for a bowler to bowl, yet, because this is close to the batsmen, many bowlers mistime the release of the ball and bowl a full toss instead."

WTF? It's a Cricket term? Like I'm going to actually read something which refers to Cricket? Like I give a big fig about some Gobbernational pseudo-sport?

You cannot be serious.

Look, Sparky. You are now, supposedly, an AMERICAN CITIZEN! Don't you think it's time to put away these silly, unimportant Goobernational ur-sports and get with the program?

I'll bet you haven't even purchased your NASCAR commemorative plates yet, have you?

What? There's no Walmart in your neighborhood???

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I plan to visit Colorado next September for the Motocross of Nations event.

Whilst I am there I may be inspired to pick me up a shooting iron and plug that turn-coat Aussie, that Benedict Arnold of god's own country, full of fecking holes.

I will require bribing of course, who will post first bid for my services to turn the faux-scots-git into a wind flute?

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