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Hubert, where can read a tidy summary of the scripts, like the DE's. I found some of them in each campaign in a certain folder, I can't remember where now, but i.e., it mentioned Italy's mobilization went up if the British navy abandoned the Gibralter port, etc. But a quick summary would be nice, you know, for the things like the Axis not posting a garrison of enough units in Warsaw and along the border w/Russia; of the Brits moving land units away from the Middle East; of declaring war on a minor, etc.

Great game btw, a masterpiece.


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I notice that everytime I transport a corps from the west coast toward anywhere into the Pacific that I get a prompt that the US isolationists demand the west coast fleet return, even if no capital ships were moved. Not sure if this effects US readiness. The prompt does not reappear the next turn. Bob.

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Currently the mini map is probably to small to show the loops, especially for the large map configurations, but how about the strategic map?

Hubert, would it be too difficult to use letters, or numbers for that matter, really I don't care, just some designation to denote the loops on the strategic map? I would suggest they be color coded for the country/alliance that can use them, if exclusive, if not, use generic white for all parties usage.

On the strategic map they would look something like this, color coded," A->"(arrow to show direction of the transfer, origination) and on the other end "<-A" for the destination. Easy to see on the strategic map, not too large as to commit clutter, but just enough for the players to get a quick reference for where things are arranged and where they lead.

This would really help out our novice players as they don't always realize the strategic importance of these locations.

So....how about it? An easy transition, or better for SC3?

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You'll need to use the Land Loops that are in the areas of the USA near the map edges, these are marked with red arrows.

As to moving US armed forces around before the USA joins the Allies, this could be a big mistake because it will have political repercussions in Washington leading to reduced readiness. It's your choice of course.

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I don't agree with that. Russia can move move forces unfettered east-to-west and back across the breadth of its vast territory using what historically was a much less capable rail system. America's rail system was far superior with multiple spurs and half the length side-to-side, but you're telling me that our forces have to disembark near the Rockies and then resume their journey after they've hit the red arrows? What if the Japanese landed on the West Coast or Axis on the East Coast after the US is in the war? You should fix this.


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Jollyguy, WHEN do the USA ever move land units from west to east or vice versa?

Usually you place your new units where you want them to ship.

IF someone invades the USA then think about the chaos that would create.

I have no problems with a LITTLE delay IF i EVER move land units from one coast to the other one.

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I still don't agree and you miss my point. Why can the USSR operate units across 6000 miles, while the US can only effectively do it over 1500 miles? And if you think an invasion of the US is unlikely then you haven't played enough good, creative players like Rambo or Terif, who was the master of SC 2. I can already see many instances where an invasion of the US and/or Canada is possible, regardless if the old SC 2 activation of the home guard occurs once an Axis unit hits US soil. My sense is that a Sea Lion is more possible in SC Global, although after several games I have in mind strategies to lessen this risk. And that's okay, as Sea Lion was a close thing in real life, too, especially if Hitler had pressed at Dunkirk. I.e, if England fell and the RN was routed the Axis could buy an engineer and fortify the eastern front, and concentrate on clearing the Atlantic with advanced subs and naval warfare, in front of a sizeable invasion force with advanced tanks. Once one North American city was seized advanced fighters could be operated over. Since effectively the US would be two countries, east and west, it would be easier for the Axis to prevail, especially if the Allies were postured for a Japan first strategy and had more units on the west coast.

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Maybe its comforting you that the axis can't cross from one side of the USA to the other at all.

At least not if the Axis doesn't hold both arrow points (entry and exit) in west AND east america (doesn't matter if Canada or Mexico has had surrendered.

The axis has to go by sea around cape horn or like Cortez through middle or south america...


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Hubert, where can read a tidy summary of the scripts, like the DE's. I found some of them in each campaign in a certain folder, I can't remember where now, but i.e., it mentioned Italy's mobilization went up if the British navy abandoned the Gibralter port, etc. But a quick summary would be nice, you know, for the things like the Axis not posting a garrison of enough units in Warsaw and along the border w/Russia; of the Brits moving land units away from the Middle East; of declaring war on a minor, etc.

Great game btw, a masterpiece.


Glad you are enjoying the game and to answer your questions there is unfortunately not summary list of all scripts. Best bet is to review them in the Editor, not ideal, but it can give you a better idea on top of playing through the campaigns themselves.

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Currently the mini map is probably to small to show the loops, especially for the large map configurations, but how about the strategic map?

Hubert, would it be too difficult to use letters, or numbers for that matter, really I don't care, just some designation to denote the loops on the strategic map? I would suggest they be color coded for the country/alliance that can use them, if exclusive, if not, use generic white for all parties usage.

On the strategic map they would look something like this, color coded," A->"(arrow to show direction of the transfer, origination) and on the other end "<-A" for the destination. Easy to see on the strategic map, not too large as to commit clutter, but just enough for the players to get a quick reference for where things are arranged and where they lead.

This would really help out our novice players as they don't always realize the strategic importance of these locations.

So....how about it? An easy transition, or better for SC3?

That's a good idea SeaMonkey and I'll have to think about this one for the future.

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I still don't agree and you miss my point. Why can the USSR operate units across 6000 miles, while the US can only effectively do it over 1500 miles? And if you think an invasion of the US is unlikely then you haven't played enough good, creative players like Rambo or Terif, who was the master of SC 2. I can already see many instances where an invasion of the US and/or Canada is possible, regardless if the old SC 2 activation of the home guard occurs once an Axis unit hits US soil. My sense is that a Sea Lion is more possible in SC Global, although after several games I have in mind strategies to lessen this risk. And that's okay, as Sea Lion was a close thing in real life, too, especially if Hitler had pressed at Dunkirk. I.e, if England fell and the RN was routed the Axis could buy an engineer and fortify the eastern front, and concentrate on clearing the Atlantic with advanced subs and naval warfare, in front of a sizeable invasion force with advanced tanks. Once one North American city was seized advanced fighters could be operated over. Since effectively the US would be two countries, east and west, it would be easier for the Axis to prevail, especially if the Allies were postured for a Japan first strategy and had more units on the west coast.

Just for clarification this was not done to penalize the US for no particular reason, rather the implementation is simply due to limitations of the game engine. That being said I think if we were to make another Global game down the road we would probably do some things a bit differently like implementing a continuous scroll etc., which would ideally eliminate situations such as these.

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I've read about the extraordinary efforts to repair naval vessels when in urgent need, ie. CV "Yorktown" for the battle of Midway, but in SC many times naval vessels that are reduced in strength sit out the rest of the conflict in some isolated port. The current SC mechanic mimics what occurred for the "Yorktown" incident, but does not truly simulate the way usual naval repairs are implimented.

So...to incorporate the well known human ingenuity and improvisation trait into the equation, how about allowing naval vessels to repair in their country of origin homeports at a one strength per turn allocation up to say a max of 5, maybe 8(editor defined). At this slower, more efficient rate the cost in MPPs would be reduced, say to 5% of the build cost(editable again), and would be activated to automatically occur every turn(MPPs reduction until maxed) by a right click menu option, attached to the campaign designer's designated ports(in the editor) for this feature.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I never got a response to the above question, what is the order that Russia moves capitals, and is there another move from the second capital? How about if Moscow is recaptured before the 2nd capital falls? I know in SC 2 the capital would move two or three times. Thanks. Bob

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  • 3 weeks later...

Placement of minor country units.

One aspect I think could be improved upon is the major vs minor country fighting, in particular the placement of the units of minors. It would be good if players themselves could place at least some of the units of minors themselves.

For example, at the start of the game let each player select a number of important minors and place their units where they would like them to be IF attacked. The most obvious one would probably be Spain and Sweden where the current placements are very bad indeed.

All the best,


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Loosely, this is how it works:

The oil resource = x number of fuel points multiplied by your "infrastructure" technology level, this accounts for synthetics and refining. The oil resource must be connected to your occupied territory or you can receive "fuel points" from convoys.

New units will be purchased as integral motorized and armored which when moving expend a fuel point per turn. All others are allowed to move the base APs set by the designer for animal / foot movement, no fuel point expenditure.

HQ attachments now signify the use of the Army Group motor pool and allow the usual foot units to move further at a cost of 1 fuel point per unit per turn.

Air units use 1 fuel point per action, which means fighters can use up to 3 fuel points per turn, 2 intercepts and one escort/attack. You better have fuel points in reserve for your opponent's turn or....no intercepts.

Naval units will now use 1 fuel point per movement and if not moving (on patrol) and they are not in or adjacent to a 5 or greater supply port. And of course CAG actions require an additional fuel point per usage.

Think about using those gigantic naval groups at sea now and how about the importance of those island ports for basing at no fuel point required.

All tracked by the game engine and displayed on the primary screen of SC combat and movement, like a counter, you watch as the fuel is used up by your actions.

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  • 1 month later...

Works just like the sub features, two modes. Why have hunt and silent? If you're not in "silent", then you're in "hunt" mode, so just one choice on the menu. If you park your warship on a convoy line then it is raiding, stay away from them if you don't want to expend supplies.

Now for the surface game, the new mode is "evade" for warships, this is treated like an action of avoidance, like when surface vessels zig-zag and there are fewer action points available, like when a sub goes "silent" and dives. Obviously, naval vessels in "evade" or "silent" cover less distance, but in the other mode they are hellbent for action. Opposing vessels not in evade or silent mode run into each other and stop just like the SC naval feature works now, no pass throughs.

So...how does one acquire a silent or evading naval vessel? From now on we use the "Ctrl"-left click mechanism to initiate a "search", like setting a waypoint and it costs an additional AP cause you're searching and that is a deliberate action that takes time and you have more APs cause your in "hellbent" for action mode. If you happen to set a "waypoint"/search on top of, or adjacent to an enemy vessel, whether in either mode(the enemy), that enemy naval vessel is revealed and you may initiate an attack, otherwise the two opposing naval vessels "pass-through" each other.

The search now looks like a current waypoint movement with multiple search tasks set by the owning player, as many as the naval vessel has APs to conduct them. We need a search aid now for when multiple warships are searching for an enemy vessel(s), so we don't cover the same sea tile twice. I propose that a dotted, imposed line show the search path of each vessel until the player ends his turn so to illuminate the tiles that have been searched, the waypoint/searched tile has a small "s" on it.

One more thing. Since our SC naval icons are actually task groups, I propose that all vessels with ASW level 1 be allowed to reveal "silent" subs also with this search mechanism.

That is all!:eek:

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As an addendum to the above post, what happens when a searching vessel sets a "search"/waypoint on top of an enemy vessel and it is revealed? ....Anyone..? It seems one or the other will suffer a displacement to another tile. How about we treat that as a surprise contact and the one suffering the most damage is displaced to another tile that may have another enemy vessel on it and so the action replicates again and again until the vessel finds an unoccupied tile?


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  • 2 weeks later...

How about we get a slightly different look to the Nato sprites? I propose that we just use the nato symbol, no background or base. The symbol with the appropriate country background color is enough, also to be used in the strength designation, beneath. Now on the left side of the rectangular Nato symbol we get the unit name(user designated) and on the right side the appropriate research level upgrades.

On top of the symbol, the organizational size, you know the drill, XXX = Corps, XX division, X brigade, III regiment, II battalion, that's about it.

Why obscure the map terrain with these overly enlarged sprites, the terrain has significance, let's see it!:cool:

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