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[AAR] Skrivebordsgeneralen (Yanks) vs J.J. Rambo (Japs)

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Time to play one of our Junior Members a game of SC-Pacific. Originally, we were going to play Fall Weiss, but I only have SC-Pacific installed currently. Skrivebordsgeneralen has already set a record, for the longest named opponent I've ever played. I have nicknamed him "CPgeneral" standing for "Cut & Paste General" because I ain't typing his name Scrabble name in Norweigan.

He gave me Japs in Operation Z.

Opening two turns:

- DOW on Thailand, nobody home in the capital. One night in Bangcock makes the tough man tumble.

- Landed amphib ground units on the strip of land above Singapore, will take me a couple turns to take the prize.

- Worked over the various Allied ships in SouthEast Asia, a few are running away somewhere.

- Amphib units land in Northern Phillipines, one Yankee fighter blasted.

- Pearl Harbor is trashed on turn #1, all battleships sink.

- Pearl Harbor is attacked on turn #2 (Japs turn), we destroy AA-gun, damage a Cruiser who came to port & have tried to entrapped a Destoryer who came to port.

- Guam taken.

- Hong Kong captured & looted.

- very little to no activity in China.

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Jap turn #3:

- Singapore approach is slower than I want, only took one city.

- Tank & Army with air support attack city North of Bangcock.

- Jap navy rules Southeast Asia, picking off fleeing Yank sub & destroyer.

- Jap generals organizing new troops operanded to East China.

- Pearl Harbor hit again. Carriers finish off Yankee Destoryer & Cruiser who were brave enough to return after the battleships got waxed on turn #1.

- Jap Navy shore bombard Dutch East Indies & an oil field.

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Feb. 1942

- Japs capture Brueni, misc. ships bombard oil fields for target practice.

- Marines hold Hawaii, tactical Yank plane guards beaches, Jap Navy position not revealed.

- Rangoon is attacked, with Armor & SF, we cause 4 damage, take none.

- Progress continues on Singapore & Manilla, causing damage & killing one unit.

- Only attrition in China, nothing major to report there.

*Need some MMPs to buy some goodies & tech.

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March 1942, huge success for Imperial Forces.

- Midway Island taken after Hawaiian invasion was blocked, didn't want to risk my carriers around Pearl after 3+ turns in the area.

- Advance Jap Special Force unit lands at New Guinea, they are greeted by Austrailian army & American Artillery near the capital city of Port Hosesby. SF retreat back to a port, expecting Allied attack.

- Singapore looted.

- Manilla burned, death march started.

- Br. looted.

- HUGE *** Rangoon captured by my Armor! Burma road cutoff. American General inside Jap controlled Burma along with Chinese lead Army. Couple of Allied fighters spotted on the oil well in Burma.

- Jap-SF takes the other road in Burma to prevent Chinese from grabbing the M-city.

- Oil wells pounded offshore in Dutch East Indies.

- In China, the weather is cold, but that doesn't stop me from taken Sian, it was unguarded when the Chinese decided to flank my central units in the moutains. My fighter spotted the opening.

- Japs put huge ground forces around IChang, 2-armies, 2-tanks, 3-bombers, 2-tactical, 2-fighters......We are pounding central China with everything I got for now.

The Japs certainly have the initiative & are keeping it.

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Spring 1942:

- Japs capture port & oil well in Dutch East Indies. Don't know why I took this position instead of focusing on the capital. Oh well, got in a hurry, wanted to jump those paratroops immediately. I've got paratroops, SF, & HQ there. Not sure if supply & movement w/o technology will allow me to march to the capital there via the land.

- Jap Armor supported with HQ pound Chinese Army unit North of Rangoon. Same goes in East Burma, nearly killing a different Chinese. His supply & position in Burma is not good.

- Main China, we capture Ichang. 2-Armies & 2-Armor did the trick. Working Central China are 3-Bombers, 2-Tactical, 2-Fighters.

- Chungking firebombed to 0. Along with the mine & city to the West of Chungking.

- Chinese Army out of supply pounded North of Ichang.

- Port city of Foochew (or whatever) reduced to strength-1. Lots of carriers returning from the glourious victory of Pearl Harbor helping to diminish these cut off Chinese.

Question is: What do we do now. It's obvious to continue the onslaught in Central China, with focus on Chungking, and keeping my troops in supply. Not sure where to spend my MMPs, should I go tech or more units? Still need to take Dutch East Indies, my advance & plan there is a little lazy. Need some focus to finish the job. Burma is going well, but I'll need units there, weather always sucks too.

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May 1942:

- Wake Island taken

- Army, SF, & HQ marching towards capital of Dutch East Indies.

- Huge pileup of troops at Chuangking. Japs have good supply, dinging lots of Chinese.

- Fight for middle Burma continues. Japs kill a China Army with 2-Armies & Tank.

Japs in control (as should be in Spring 1942), just want good weather for awhile.

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I haven't played this scenario in awhile, since the game originally came out. They have changed the scenario, because I have been given some units to guard some islands (not like a corp is going to stop a massive US fleet anyways). I also noticed, that the beginning troops in transport (amphib) in the sea near Singapore were moved one hex North. This had to be so the Japs couldn't take Singapore on turn #1. Because I do remember when I blasted the game designers that the "Allies will always win", they had to make changes. I don't know all the changes.

This turn I was a little sloppy. In Burma, I moved an Army without upgrading it to +1 infantry, dumb. I shouldn't have done that, since I wasn't going to dish out any easy damage, should have just reinforced & upgraded those units. I did go for the kill in Eastern Burma. China has to be low on MMPs for reinforcements. My other moves in China, I just decided to go for weaker targets (artillery & the Army in the open). My damage combat odds were high, meaning you'd take more damage, while I was predicted to take none. I was tempted to go for Chuangking, but decided the odds were strong enough, yet. I hate to waste good weather on a city attack, if I have no guarantee of getting it. Might as well just dish out punishment to the Chinese.

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Because I do remember when I blasted the game designers that the "Allies will always win", they had to make changes. I don't know all the changes.

I strongly suggest checking out the Version Notes to see what's been changed since the last time you played, because otherwise you just might be missing out on some good opportunities.

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John, get down into the SW Pacific, like the Solomons(Guadalcanal) and lets see how that affects the MPP distribution. I believe that was one of the new features for the 1.03 patch.

And remember, the best way to make US pay for those outer Pac. islands is keep their supply down. Get that LR on those bombers(build'em all, mak'em heavy):cool: that are getting good experience in China. As soon as US lands somewhere, bomb their supply, then they'll have to bring amphibs from long staging distances, can't operate air in and improve AAA levels not to mention having to build lots of HQs.

Oh yeah, go get that oil. Get them MPPs up as fast as possible, you've got an Empire to create. (Queensryche):D

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Yeah, I just read that MMP island stuff. But come on, I've got 3-bombers with 2-attacks each pounded China constantly. Operation Z is just a time race as usual.

Is it really worth it to waste MMPs for Long Range? Japs don't need LR, more units & power technology is more my style. It's about taking China quickly enough, to get the jackpot of MMPs, then guard that long enough to fill a huge coffer. Then the final showdown when the big parking lot of American ships comes to town.

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Well its your strategy, can't say I don't see the merit in stuffing the home islands, its just those A-bombs decimate your defenses. I'd rather keep them off the Philipines and Marianas as long as possible and those LR bombers can spot them coming, not to mention the flexibility of deployment. You can really reach out there and touch someone with LR3, makes those double strikes devastating to supply. Think what they'll do to unprotected HQs, the ones that land in the outer islands, you can operate them(bombers) around with impunity.

Bill did y'all tone down the NW tech effect on attacking planes? Its a real killer trying to attack naval vessels with NW3, not realistic IMO.

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Bill did y'all tone down the NW tech effect on attacking planes? Its a real killer trying to attack naval vessels with NW3, not realistic IMO.

The only relevant change in 1.03 has been in raising Fighter defence against carriers, because in the past they could be slaughtered by carriers if attacked on the ground, whereas both types of bombers withstood the attacks much better. So that change was only to try to even out the differences a little.

What types of planes are you using to attack the NW3 ships with, and how do the results you're getting compare with what you think would be more correct? You can always send me a turn if you want me to look at a real life example.

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Bill, I've had some experienced NW2 TACs take 4 strength points damage when attacking NW3 BBs with them taking only 2, seems a little extreme and makes it really difficult to protect any islands from marauding BBs that want to bombard.

Thing is with so many tiles for naval vessels to bombard from its tough to keep them off of you. As I've said before landbased air should be very dominant over unprotected(unCAPed) surface vessels, remember we're talking 300 - 400 planes given the build limits. Wouldn't matter if they had double strikes, which I'm a proponent of, they'd be decimated in two strikes, perhaps eliminated with an intercept.

I've been saying, you want the islands important, you make naval units especially susceptible to landbased air. Historically, they(naval TFs) avoided the proximity of LB air like the plague.

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June 1942 ---

- Lazy overconfident move in Burma costs me an Army, moved right into x3 attack from the British (2-armies & 1-Armor).

- Japs sink destroyer in the little Island just South of Burma, what is that Sir Lanka? Yanks got a fighter & British support ground unit on that Island......they had to spot some ships....most certainly, because I shore bombarded them.

- Dutch East Indies are now my property.

- Chinese lose a mine & the city beside it (Southern China one), Chiekeng is it's name?

- Commie Chinese are in every turn attrition with Jap Army.

- Chinese get hit every turn with full Jap air force (3-bombers, 2-tac, 2-fighters). Chinese do intercept daily with a fighter. No rain lately, hope it continues that way.

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First ever game of PT. instead of facing just another noob, I am thrown right into the lions cavern: The biggest and baddest SC2-player out there, the all-american, guns-slinging and bible-preaching J.J.Rambo.

Our norwegian peace-brokers hurriedly left Sri-Lanka and the Middle-East burning and went off to attempt last-minute negotiations. But, alas, to no avail. In despair, we decided to confer with the grand-ayatollahs at the Oslo Peace Research Institute. They came up with a shrewd idea: let’s give Rambo the Nobel Peace Prize!

As Norwegians, we would indeed much prefer to give Americans the Nobel Peace Prize than to fight them. Rambo, however, flatly rejected our generous offer and frowned at our brilliant idea of setting up a socialist world government under the leadership of the United Nations. Not even a generous offer of oil-financed development aid could sway him.

Summary of the action so far:

Western Pacific:

Instead of giving our peace-offers any consideration, Rambo simply started bombing our ships. Foolishly, the cruiser and destroyer sought refuge in the harbor, only to be bombed to pieces in the following turn. At least I’ve managed to rescue a sub and a cruiser from South-East Asia. Later on, only luck saved Pearl Harbor from a Japanese invasion. In order to reinforce it, I moved a bomber rescued from the Philippines closer to a supply source and accidentally spotted a lone jap amphibious vessel headed straight for our main base! Fortunately, the repositioning of a TAC bomber was enough to dissuade him. The American researchers are useless – no advances in industrial tech nor in production tech as of yet. No doubt, it’s the ethical committee of the Norwegian oil-fund who refuses to invest in arms!


After a few quiet turns, Rambo decides to hit the Chinese with everything he’s got. My defensive setup was no good: Too weak in the North and too strong in the South. As a result, the Legend makes major gains both in the North and in the South and my army is rapidly disintegrating. Only south of Kunming was I able to score some very limited success against a lone jap army who keeps running into the defenders barring the route of Kunming. No doubt, Rambo is just forcing me to overstretch my defenses. My general staff gravely underestimated the supply problems caused by mountains – an army foolishly left it’s entrenchments in a city only to be cut off and ruthlessly killed. The japs use their bombers to great effect, relentlessly pounding my industry and supply centers. In a desperate gamble, we were pray for rain and hope to defend Chungking a few more turns. Afterwards, we really have no plan. Some of my generals want to establish new defensive lines to the north, others prefer to hold Kunming and block the Japanese access to Burma. It’s a predictable disaster.


In this theater, I have fared slightly better for the time being. After the Burma corps was wiped out, a Malayan unit shipped in from Kuala Lumpur was unfortunately not able to resist the jap advance, so Rangoon fell. I have established good defenses, but still have two major worries:

1- A Japanese landing behind British lines in India. Many enemy ships have been spotted in the area.

2- An incursion from the north if the japs manage to take Kunming

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June 1942:

- Commie Chinese are engaged with my Northern flank. I haven't killed any Commie units, but they are taking 5+ damage per turn from two Jap Armies, now supported with Artillery. I just waxed the a Chinese regular Army in the city East of Commie capital. Also, have operanded a 3rd Jap Army, the Commies will pain, I need to kill a unit.

- Central China, we bang away on Chungking, but not enough damage for the kill. I had to reinforce my troops a little this turn, don't feel like a counter-attack at this point. It's a matter of time. Used some of my air, had to reinforce a little there too. I HATE reinforcing in clear weather though.

-South China: I have one Army who strayed too far into the mountains, he's been target practice for my opponent. We do have a breakthru towards Chuangking though....something will give soon enough. Wanna do it before the weather hits.

-Burma: I was shocked to find Royal Navy units in India ports. They are half strength. I sent half dozen Jap ships, most with +1 technology. We sink a couple ships, trapping 2 in port. On the ground in Burma, he has a solid British line, 3-Armies, 1-Tank. Going to be a bitch here, always raining too, neither of us have air (far as I know).

It's obvious I'm going to continue to pound China. Question is, what else? Do I try for Burma? Do I go for tech? Or do I buy more units? Meanwhile, Yanks & Aussies are a no show.

It's early.

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Hey "CPGeneral" you can return the favor that those Jap bombers are dishing out to your Chinese.

You'll have an Amis HQ in China eventually, get some big bad ass heavy bombers with LR ready and watch Rambo tuck and run!;)

You don't wanna end up like Ben Afleck in Pearl Harbor do you? I suggest leaving the Yank bombers in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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September 1942:

- Legendary forces have opened up the Chinese front. Chuangking captured.

- Commie Capital is undersiege. 3-Armies, Artillery, HQ, & Bombers working them over.

- Kumming is next major target.

- Burma, I've brought more ground forces to engage the British. Couple attrition shots. Need weather to break.

- Legendary Navy has shown its face -> All out shore bombardments on India, Sir Lanka, & whatever I can find in the Indian Ocean. Has rained last 2 turns, so the carriers are useless. Come on weather, break.

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October 1942 ---

- Legend goes Legend in India. Double paratroop drop from Burma into Ghandi-land. Calcutta's port captured & destoryed. Chittyknog city & port captured & destroyed. This should get the attention of British forces in Burma.

- Massive shore bombardments & carrier strikes against British Army on the Coastal rail SouthEast of Chittykong. The unit is destroyed. Allies had a couple intercepts against the carrier tactical strikes, but no worries.

- Japanese ground units team up against a different British Army parked on the Burma trail. That British Army is buried there, destroyed.

- In China, the beating continues. Kumming getting pounded every turn, down to strength-4 this turn; just a matter of time.

- Lengchow in the North captured, Chinese Army destroyed by air as it tried to run.

*Yankee fleet pinging an empty Midway Island. At least 4 support ships & a carrier strike on Midway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fast Forward, we're upto Fall 1944.


The most boring game ever played. I sailed the Japs to Midway in 1943, the Yanks would not fight me. There was so much rain in Burma, why bother. The Japs dug entrechments, then slowly backed off to the border with China to take the most excellent defensive position in the history of SC. I basically abandoned Singapore (just one unit), Bangkock, & the rest of SouthEast Asia. Since he wouldn't fight me at Midway, I'll wait at Tokyo & try to stall for a win.


**** What has happenend to the Forum? All the threads gone?

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