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enemies but not at war?

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I just started playing SC2 Blitzkrieg after laying off for a while and i got the newest patch and i notice something strange. As the allies i notice that before Italy enters the war when i move a ship and run into a hidden italian ship it says enemy contact but there is no fighting and i can not attack them. What is this all about? We seem to still be at peace but my movement is interrupted by hidden italian units. Any ideas?


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Yes, it is sad. This is actually the reason for the main exploits in the game. You can scout German subs with Russian and US ships, since the subs cannot fire at them this will prevent their first devastating attack and allows your other ships to move in for the kill. The only penalty for this is that countries like Spain, Sweden and Finland will be 'alerted' to the presence of the US and Russia if they get too close and gain a bonus to Axis activation. The unfortunate reality is that these bonuses are either insignificant or easily prevented by not moving your ships close to these countries.

In multiplayer games it is often a rule that you may only order the ships of countries that are not yet at war directly to a friendly harbor.

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Except for the Med, the SC "house rule" is that you cannot move a non-belligerent away from your home shores.

Of course, perhaps one day we will get the "pass through" naval feature I have been asking for a number of years. We did at least get it as a sub function.

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We have been doing our best to incorporate solutions to this in campaign design, so for example in Operation Z in the Pacific, the Soviet navy only deploys when the USSR joins the allies. That way they can't be used for early scouting, and we are doing our best to minimise this for the Global Conflict too.

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In fairness this is more of a design decision rather than a bug really.

For example, there are essentially two basic ways to handle a non active major country, i.e. you can simply keep them off of the map until they are activated or you can allow them to move about just like any other country.

There are pros and cons for each choice but we felt this was the best way to go to give players more freedom during game play.

Consider if we didn't allow movement for a major country prior to becoming fully activated... and let's use Italy as an example since this is the major you referred to. An Allied player could time Italian entry into the war and knowing exactly where their fleet is located, they could sink and destroy it each and every game. By giving the Italian player the option to move his fleet about prior to entry they now have the option to put them into an optimal position for their own planning or defense and so on.

The mechanisms we have in place to compensate is to add various penalties to aggressive movements, such as an increase in US mobilization should Italy aggressively posture itself in the Med prior to entering the war etc. In more recent games we've added a few more solutions where applicable as Bill has mentioned above.

Otherwise there are of course house rules but again we are trying to minimize those while at the same time maximizing game play. One additional option is of course the pass through feature that Sea Monkey mentioned and if there is time this may also be included in the Global game.

Hope this helps,


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This pass through you speak of, do you mean the ability to be able to pass through future enemy naval units without being stopped in your tracks? That would be just fine with me if thats what that means. I think of course all units that come into contact should be able to see each other but if you are not at war it shouldnt stop your movement for the turn like it does. I know nothing about programming so im not knocking the game , i have no idea if that is a hard thing to program or not. This game is top notch all the way, I love that you (Mr Cater) have created these games. I also love that you listen to peoples input, please keep up the fantastic work!

William Overby

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Hey w1963, welcome to SC, "the best of WW2 grand strategy". The way the "pass-through" should work is that based on yours vs theirs intelligence level as well as proximity of enemy air(in spotting range), weather conditions and experience of the enemy naval units that cohabitate the tile there is a % chance your task force will be revealed, ie stopped and engaged.

The idea being that two TFs can pass each other in a sea tile without disclosing one anothers whereabouts. Of course it may be simplified if we could select the "search" or "avoid" parameter for the TFs sort of in the manner we do hunt/silent mode for subs.

If the two enemy TFs didn't satify the algorithm for engagement they would simply displace(as subs do) to some other tiles. In this way, even though you've received feedback that enemy vessels are in proximity, there's still difficulty in pinning them down for combat.

Hey...I like this idea...Hubert...are you reading this? You can do this, the sub feature is the model.

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Thanks for the welcome, this game totally rocks. Ive loved WWII grand strategy games for a good many years. This is the first really playable and fairly comprehensive computer version ive seen and i really like it. I like the whole their intelligence vs yours for spotting and all, but i just dont like that my movement gets stopped by a non enemy. Cant it just let me know that i spotted a ship and continue my movement. Otherwise the game is awesome, i find myself sometimes playing way longer than i should have.


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