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Just not possible with current engine. There needs to be a significant change to improve speeds on bigger maps. I tried my Global Fall Weiss MOD without AI scripts and just the engine AI and it took FOREVER.

Anyway, I am not interested in the Pacific War. My Global Engine MOD is strictly Western Hemispehere although Japan can occupy Madagascar and use it for a sub base if the Allies don't intervene there before hand!

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Will the global model allow a country to sue for peace and then become embroilled in the conflict again.

In other words if Japan attacks USSR and then decides its not a good thing with a likewise conclusion from the Soviets could they become nonbelligerents. Further, as was historical, the two then become at war with each other at a later date.

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Alright, how about it HC / SC development team, are we going to see amphib assaults from sea tiles?

I'm still thinking about this one because it would require a system that avoids abuse, i.e. I'd like to avoid an all or nothing assault from the sea that would allow a player to simply reload their turn until they achieved the desired result.

I've got a few ideas around this but I am just not sure it will make it into the initial release of Global.

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Will the global model allow a country to sue for peace and then become embroilled in the conflict again.

In other words if Japan attacks USSR and then decides its not a good thing with a likewise conclusion from the Soviets could they become nonbelligerents. Further, as was historical, the two then become at war with each other at a later date.

Good ideas but not likely for this release.

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One feature from the late but great game Panzer General was the ability to click a botton and on a large scale map toggle between Land units and Air units. Just think about the advantages of a feature like this in SC. Especially if you could toggle between Land, Air and Sea units. Right now when I play Pacific Theater I have to constantly make the rounds to every little Island to remember what is there. If an antiquated game like PG could do this you'd think a modern game would be able to also.

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I see your point Hubert, I'll leave it to your ideas and a later patch.

During a quick bite(at lunch), a deluge of work, I thought about something that has always been a problem for SC enthusiasts, and as of Nupremal's World mod, me too.:confused:


Hubert, if you do anything in GC, please give us a supply overlay for sources, cities, ports, HQs to be toggled on and off.

I really thought I had a handle on this, but it needs a definitive visual aid. Not so much for the sea tiles, but on land I always seem to find some anomalies.

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@Yolo and SeaMonkey.:

I think those are both great ideas. Add my 'vote' to both of those!

The toggle between air/land/sea would be really helpful and eliminate a lot of repetitive searching around the map.

And the supply would make it much easier to plan.

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OK I got to put this in here even though its in the WaW thread.

Give us naval surface units selection of "avoid" or "search" on the right click mode menu. "Avoid" meaning similar to "silent"' sub mode, there is a percent chance that contact of enemy vessels will cause a tile displacement.

"Search" option meaning surface forces will seek out engagement with enemy naval forces, no displacement and not subject to "surprise contact".

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Remove supply as it is now. You might as well just lower the efficiency of all the units and just get supply out of the picture because they are NEVER in full supply. And HQ's can be right next to the units and they are still worthless. The supply model really ruins the game for me.

Some things that could be done about it:

1. Drastically reduce supply factor in the combat equasion.

2. Make it an option you can turn off.

3. When you click on a unit display what it'ssupply will be if it is moved to that square.It is impossible to try and calculate what supply will be for ALL of you units. I can't even do it for one unit with any degree of certainty.

Okay, now I will bend over and get ready to take it from the fans. I'm 61 and have a thick skin. All I'm saying is there has GOT to be a better method if you insist on having supply in a game.

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Would it be possible to "Pop-up" Partisans via Script? If I recall it right it was not possible in PDE.

What about a Garrison Unit? No attack but very limited defence abilities, like HQs? Reeinforing them should be quite expensive/ or there max hitpoints are 5.



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Partisans need an overhaul. At a minimum, make them like subs. Allow them to be in "hidden" mode (not capture stuff, avoid combat if they run into somebody). And for the love of God, give them some supply. How can a partisan form with Supply-0 in their home country.

Because when partisans form with no Supply-0, they can't even move. They can't fight, they can't do squat. Maybe they should have higher combat values in Woods?

I don't know, but would love to see this unit get a little attention.

Give partisans better spotting? (just an idea).

Make different types of partisans? (Spotters, Silent Movers, Super Hidden Ones) Just typing outloud.

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I'd like to see all units be given different types of orders, since this is a turn based game.

Paratroops, Fighters, Subs, & Aircraft Carriers have "modes".

How about Tanks, Infantry, Destroyers, and the rest?

Ground units can have "Fight to Death", "Skrimish", "Attrition", "Run like Hell" modes.

Tanks could have extra movement mode, IF they wanted to use up more supply?

Ships could have "Fight", "Pussy Sail Away", "Avoid", "Patrol", etc.

All units should have "Sleep" mode.

Anybody play Victory Game's US Civil War hex board game? That was cool. You could try to run, if you made a roll. Same thing could be done with SC.

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I'd like to see more types of units. Ground units like in 3R then can't move "Replacements". "Green Units", meaning really inexperienced at first. More types of tanks, ships, planes, etc.

Special units that can't not be rebuild. Special supply pieces, SS, Marines, bridge counters. Engineers than can build rail or destroy rail.......

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I'd like to see all units be given different types of orders, since this is a turn based game.

Paratroops, Fighters, Subs, & Aircraft Carriers have "modes".

How about Tanks, Infantry, Destroyers, and the rest?

Ground units can have "Fight to Death", "Skrimish", "Attrition", "Run like Hell" modes.

Tanks could have extra movement mode, IF they wanted to use up more supply?

Ships could have "Fight", "Pussy Sail Away", "Avoid", "Patrol", etc.

All units should have "Sleep" mode.

Anybody play Victory Game's US Civil War hex board game? That was cool. You could try to run, if you made a roll. Same thing could be done with SC.

How about an 'exploit' mode for armor where you can move twice but not attack?

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I know this already must have been covered years ago or perhaps I overlooked something - being a new recruit and advocate of this great series, but is it possible to provide gamers with game toggle - i.e., within / during actual game play - to our pdf manuals?

An online game pdf link seems like a no brainer ... which, of course, probably explains why I'm still just a colonel living in a foxhole someplace outside Tripoli.

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