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Wha widnae oop an' rally a' tha new Peng Challenge thraid?!


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The devil made me do it!

It's time you lot stop blaming Berli for your own errors in judgement. Even if he might, in fact, be to blame. Somehow.

Nidan, your punishment shall be light, since, as far as I can see, you were simply following the bad example set you by Boo.

You shall be required to do a virtual 'song', by posting here the lyrics to an Abba song. Of course, and I really mean this, when you post the song here, I want you to do the analog/reality version in your home.

You scurry off, my little lad (cracks me up to say that, because I'm fairly freaking sure you're twice my size in every way but weight, because I am, as we know, a short, stout fellow), and you pull up the lyrics to whatever Abba song moves you, and then post them here. And, after you hit 'send', I want you to stand in your home and sing all the lyrics.

We will then take that as your having down penance.

Now, anyone can go out and get the lyrics, and post them here. And that, in and of itself, will be regarded as being the Peng Challenge equivalent of actually having 'sung' the song.

But you are an honourable man, and so am I. If our positions were reversed, I would, unquestionably, post the stinking lyrics, while standing here in my apartment, singing the song.

So I know that you will do the full penance. And I know that you will feel the shame.

But although I am a hard man, I am not unfair. You may be quite drunk when you do it. I recommend it.

You may choose your own time. I do not hand out such a judgement on Boo, because, frankly, and it pains me to say so, I think that he might either not meet the letter of the requirements, or might actually enjoy it.

You are not required to dance while you sing the song.

And why should you do this? I could answer that I am an Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread, and all here are answerable to me.

But that would be simple megalomania, and, while everyone here would certainly affirm that I'm a megalomaniac, that is not why you should do it.

I could say that you should do so, or I will smite you, hip and thigh, and lay about your buzz-cut headed self with all my powers of mockery and scorn, but that is simply 'might makes right', and that I will not do.

What I will say is just this: Because simple justice requires it. You not only misrepresented yourself as me (you might notice that, honourable man that I am, I never simply post as Dalem, although I could), but that what you posted was not clever enough to have come from me.

You don't have to be drunk, of course. But it makes it easier, and a bit more fun. I will simply take your word for it that you actually sang the song.

Because we are all, all, honourable men.

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Moriarty, happy one year closer to death

It's Moriarity's Birthday?! Bless my stars and garters! A happy day for us all, then!

But, Moriarity, unlike Berli, I won't celebrate your approach to death.

I regret every year that shortens the time we have to mock and abuse you. If I had my way, you'd live for another hundred years, each one filled with a paean to what a pillock you are.

Happy Birthday, sir! And many, many more!

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Moriarty, happy one year closer to death
Moriarty and Rleete both having birthdays this close together ... it's a Government plot that's what it is ... next they'll both have health insurance and then where will we be eh?

Why is it you can never find a Death Panel when you need one?


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I met a traveler from an Internet land

Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the Wasteland ... Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose smile,

And sardonic look, and look of having no command,

Tell that its Poster well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:

"My name is Seanachai, Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The endless internet Forums stretch far away..

-Seanachai's Lament

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Sure. Do you have my email? I think you must. I get facetwit spam from thee often.

I do. And no, don't thank me. If I'm going to have to suffer the whole 'Facebook' phenomenon, I don't see any reason why my pain shouldn't be EVERYONE'S bloody pain. Do you know how many people are my 'Facebook Friends'? And do you know how many of them hate me with a passion?!

I blame Berli. The whole thing was his idea. It should come as no surprise that 'The Great Evil One' was the person who suggested I sign up for Facebook...

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It's time you lot stop blaming Berli for your own errors in judgement. Even if he might, in fact, be to blame. Somehow.

Bah! I wave my hand at you. It's time for the other lot to stop blaming Berli for their own errors in judgement. I'm not them, and I know EXACTLY what to blame Berli for. And he knows exactly what to blame ME for. It's more than you might think.

We're comfortable with each other and our culpability. We are, after all, both Old Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. If you want to achieve the same level of comfort, and speak for/lay blame on the bugger, email me your phone number, and I'll have him call you anywhere between 6 AM and 5:59 AM, seven days a week.

The International Dateline and Time Difference isn't going to do you a bit of good, lad. The Prince of Darkness is on a completely different schedule than little folk like you and I.

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You shall be required to do a virtual 'song', by posting here the lyrics to an Abba song.

What? What have you got against the rest of us? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

I spent a weekend with a girlfriend once who had an 8 track tape player (yes, one of those) and one of those big 8 track cassettes of Abba, which she popped into the machine and set it to repeat. Endlessly. That's when I knew beyond all doubt that she was beyond redemption. Only my boundless good nature prevented me from hacking her into small pieces with a dull steak knife. I never forgave her.

Because we are all, all, honourable men.

Including the Ladies? Would they not object to being called men? Of course I have long suspected you of some gender confusion, and it does provide yet one more opportunity to point in your direction and make rude comments.


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It's time you lot stop blaming Berli for your own errors in judgement. Even if he might, in fact, be to blame. Somehow.

Nidan, your punishment shall be light, since, as far as I can see, you were simply following the bad example set you by Boo.

You shall be required to do a virtual 'song', by posting here the lyrics to an Abba song. Of course, and I really mean this, when you post the song here, I want you to do the analog/reality version in your home.

You scurry off, my little lad (cracks me up to say that, because I'm fairly freaking sure you're twice my size in every way but weight, because I am, as we know, a short, stout fellow), and you pull up the lyrics to whatever Abba song moves you, and then post them here. And, after you hit 'send', I want you to stand in your home and sing all the lyrics.

We will then take that as your having down penance.

Now, anyone can go out and get the lyrics, and post them here. And that, in and of itself, will be regarded as being the Peng Challenge equivalent of actually having 'sung' the song.

But you are an honourable man, and so am I. If our positions were reversed, I would, unquestionably, post the stinking lyrics, while standing here in my apartment, singing the song.

So I know that you will do the full penance. And I know that you will feel the shame.

But although I am a hard man, I am not unfair. You may be quite drunk when you do it. I recommend it.

You may choose your own time. I do not hand out such a judgement on Boo, because, frankly, and it pains me to say so, I think that he might either not meet the letter of the requirements, or might actually enjoy it.

You are not required to dance while you sing the song.

And why should you do this? I could answer that I am an Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread, and all here are answerable to me.

But that would be simple megalomania, and, while everyone here would certainly affirm that I'm a megalomaniac, that is not why you should do it.

I could say that you should do so, or I will smite you, hip and thigh, and lay about your buzz-cut headed self with all my powers of mockery and scorn, but that is simply 'might makes right', and that I will not do.

What I will say is just this: Because simple justice requires it. You not only misrepresented yourself as me (you might notice that, honourable man that I am, I never simply post as Dalem, although I could), but that what you posted was not clever enough to have come from me.

You don't have to be drunk, of course. But it makes it easier, and a bit more fun. I will simply take your word for it that you actually sang the song.

Because we are all, all, honourable men.

Why Abba?..........(needed the dots because the stoopid forum thinks "Why Abba?"[without quotes], is too short to mean anything on this glorious web site.

I know about honor olde gnome, but why Abba?

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Do I hear what I think I’m hearing?

Do I see the signs I think I see?

Or is this just a fantasy?

Is it true that the beast is waking

Stirring in his restless sleep tonight

In the pale moonlight

In the grip of this cold December

You and I have reason to remember

Soldiers write the songs that soldiers sing

The songs that you and I don’t sing

They blow their horns and march along

They drum their drums and look so strong

You’d think that nothing in the world was wrong

Soldiers write the songs that soldiers sing

The songs that you and I won’t sing

Let’s not look the other way

Taking a chance

’cause if the bugler starts to play

We too must dance

What’s that sound, what’s that dreadful rumble?

Won’t somebody tell me what I hear?

In the distance but drawing near

Is it only a storm approaching?

All that thunder and the blinding light

In the winter night

In the grip of this cold December

You and I have reason to remember

Soldiers write the songs that soldiers sing

The songs that you and I don’t sing

They blow their horns and march along

They drum their drums and look so strong

You’d think that nothing in the world was wrong

Soldiers write the songs that soldiers sing

The songs that you and I won’t sing

Let’s not look the other way

Taking a chance

’cause if the bugler starts to play

We too must dance

Soldiers write the songs that soldiers sing

The songs that you and I won’t sing

Let’s not look the other way

Taking a chance

’cause if the bugler starts to play

We too must dance

Only for you Story Teller

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You have to admire him though, for the creative juices.

No I don't. And I will not be forced into something like that. Is this not the United States of America? When I woke up this morning, did I suddenly wake up in some 3rd world dictatorship, where I HAVE to admire the garlic fumed insanities of El Jefe, or be suddenly whisked off by the Federales to some retraining camp?

Will I suddenly have to peek between the blinds to watch for the black helicopters, simply because I choose NOT to admire the social disease raddled Seananchai?

Is that YOUR idea of America, my faithful former Squire?

Is that what YOU want?

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No I don't. And I will not be forced into something like that. Is this not the United States of America? When I woke up this morning, did I suddenly wake up in some 3rd world dictatorship, where I HAVE to admire the garlic fumed insanities of El Jefe, or be suddenly whisked off by the Federales to some retraining camp?

Will I suddenly have to peek between the blinds to watch for the black helicopters, simply because I choose NOT to admire the social disease raddled Seananchai?

Is that YOUR idea of America, my faithful former Squire?

Is that what YOU want?

Well, that doesnt sound too bad. We are on our way to parity with the 3rd world anyway, we might as well start here.

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