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Yugoslavia and Greece profits?

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I have been looking at it and it seems to me that once you consider the cost in garrison troops for Yugoslavia you end up with a net loss for income for the most part when invading Yugolavia. Does that fit with most folks assessment? The return on Greece seems pretty small. I have been ignoring the both of them as the axis.

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If you just crunch the numbers then you are indeed correct, but just as in life the numbers don't tell the whole story, there are intangibles.

Using the timing factor of morale and efficiency bonus from a conquest can be instrumental for obtaining other objectives. Again there is the all important parameter of experience gain, using green troops to vanquish a minor as well as partisan duty can have far reaching effects for a long campaign.

A long game can eventually provide you with a positive flow of MPPs, given proper management of the conquered territory.

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From my experience, these countries are useful only to increase Italy MPP.

As a side note, I also cede to Italy Syria, Egypt and Turkey. And if the game is going well, I throw in the Swiss as well :P

Cede? Can you cede countries in SC2? Or do you just mean taking then with an Italian unit?

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Dont forget you need one of them to bump Albaina up to 10. Unless you take Egypt its implortant to take Greece to stop the allies using it as a second front and with 1-2 chits in dipo the Allies can offen bring Yougo to thier side. You dont have to use fully teched str 10 units. If axis minor or Itlian unit gets mauled and you need to operate them out dump them in Yougo and it will provide the needed ZOC. You can also allow the Yougo partsians to control the MT hex releaving you of having a garison there. Once a unit pops up, destroy it with air (or after it moves out) for the exp and dont retake the MTs leaving them as allied.

2 cheap corps for garisson of the two countrys 200 MPs

16 MPPs for each + 5 for Albaina = 37 MPPs .... you will make back what you put in less then a year after capture. Add in the plunder, minus out that Greece normally produces much less and it still a MPPs gain some time in 1942 I would think.

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Iron Ranger, in WaW/PDE there is no railway to Albania, so it would only be 32/turn. That still would not be a bad deal, but the problem with these countries is that it increases the Soviet activation by 15~20% if you take them both. Russia has an income of 200-250 or so, so that is 40/turn to the Soviets until Barbarossa begins.

So lets say you capture them 10 turns (2/3rd of a year) before you attack the SU. That is 400 extra income for the SU, 400 for the corpses = 800. 800/32=25 turns or almost 2 years before you get your money back.

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Why would it take 10 turns? Yugoslavia should be destroyed in one turn, (totally annihilated) and from there when you position your troops and attack Greece it should only take a total of 3 maybe 4 turns. So I would see it as 4 to maybe 5 turns tops. So that cuts SU extra income to roughly 200.

Note don't forget about partisan attacks, as that will throw that 32 mpps number way off if Athens is at a strength of 1 or 2.

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Scottsmm, if you put 2 corpses in Greece at the correct positions Athens does not lose strength. In my calculation I assumed you would dedicate 4 corpses to suppressing partisan activity, so that both Greece and Yugoslavia wouldn't give any problems.

What I mean by 10 turns is that you take it 10 turns before you attack Russia, not that it takes you 10 turns to take Yugoslavia and Greece. It is of course not impossible to take it in 1 or 2 turns before you attack the Soviet union, but this brings you into problems with positioning your units before your invasion in Russia starts as it takes a couple of turns to move your units back from Greece.

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Okay that's fine, but the strategy most players use is to attack the USSR first, and then get rid of these "minor pests" later on.

Even with re-positioning your units and the conquest of these two countries should only take 7-8 turns tops, in less you're playing in slow motion? Also if you've developed production or industrial tech you whack a good chunk of the 400mpps for the corpses.

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