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cant download CMSF because Battlefront wants more money!

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I've got mine backed up :) It's not really a matter of rights, it's just a friendly thing to do if someone actually has gone and emailed asking for a replacement. Most companies do cover these things, and if postage is involved customers are usually willing to pay to cover that. To suggest someone has to rebuy the whole game might be over-the-top, and probably will continue to surprise and annoy people who don't know about the policy. Maybe charging a couple bucks for it would be more in-line, but I have no idea.

What is the policy exactly if we lose our backup?

read the post from battlefront above. They just yesterday changed the policy and are now cahrging a small fee for a new link and key. fair enough i think, better than having to buy the whole game again.

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The policy was never that you have to buy the game again. What has changed is the amount you need to pay for a new download. It used to be 50% of the game purchase price. We have re-evaluated that and are now going to charge $5 for it. ($10+S&H for hardgoods by the way)


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Guys you can digitally purchase 3D models and development software these days costing hundreds of dollars and depending on the site you purchase from you are lucky to get a month to download the product, often its a week! The first thing I do when downloading that stuff is to back it up and Im surprised that many people dont consider this important step. Personally if I buy something and I lose it I consider it my problem, not someone else's.

Sorry, your analogy is poor. Computer data is not analogous(sp.) to foodstuff, DVDs, etc. that are in a BAM store.

Id be interested in hearing how so? Does a movie or computer game lose value when purchased over the internet vs in a store? Do you consider paying a mechanic for his labour cost less valuable than the parts he put into you car as the labour is not a tangible object? Yes digital downloading is a somewhat new and probably somewhat scary concept to some people, but the bottom line is that its just another product that you purchase after which you are free to do with it as you wish.


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I lost my Ferrari, can I get a link to download a new one for $5?

Come on man, i agree with battlefronts view and i was the reason for this whole thread. But comparing an exspensive car to a $50 game is just retarded. It did not contribute anything to the thread.

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i will have to say, i just purchased the new link and new key for $5. I will hopefully will be playing CMSF shortly, its been a while since ive played it and cant wait. i would like to publicly thank battlefront for this new policy, you guys really do listen to your customers and have the best customer service i have experienced. Thank you!

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How many of those people coming back are going to feel great about paying more money to get their download, considering the reasons they dropped the game in the first place?

Well, what if someone decides to give the game a shot again and he bought a physical copy which he no longer can find? Would that person expect us to send him a new CD for free? I suspect not. Which is why I feel MOST people will be like Mat7861 and accept the responsibility that he doesn't have a copy of CM:SF any more because he deleted it without backing it up first.

Most customers don't expect something for nothing, which actually Mat7861 was very clear about at first. What Mat wanted was a reasonable way to fix the problem. In all honestly we didn't have a reasonable way until yesterday :D We simply haven't had this problem crop up since we started offering electronic downloads several years ago. Which, BTW, tells us that the vast majority of download only customers do in fact backup their software.

So there we go. We have a very reasonable, generous even, repeat download policy to start off with. This eliminates most problems. And for those people who, for whatever reason, find themselves with no copy to play with can get a new license from us for $5 (we kill off the old one, of course). Considering it costs more than 2-3 times that for a physical replacement it's a good deal.


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The question here is: why aren't all downloads the same for all users (and on a public link) and get activated by the key you buy?

I explained that several times now, as has Martin.

I can't imagine the protection win to be worth the trouble for either side.

We've had about one complaint since we've started this up and we fixed it for him. Most companies would pay consultants good money to figure out how to duplicate that amount of "trouble".

Our policy is more than reasonable and 110% within the customer's ability to control. Just like having a physical CD. So whatever "problems" are being mentioned here are theoretical or completely imaginary. Now there's nothing to see here that wasn't said about 10 times already. Which is why I'm locking this thread up :D


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