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Industrial Tech, Convoys Questions

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This is very difficult to find out using the game. I have to ask for clarification from the creator:

Industrial Tech - I don't know what this actuall affects:

1) Home MPPs - I am sure these are increased

2) Captured MPPs - no idea? Are they or are they not affected by Industry%?

3) Convoys - I am sure these are NOT affected by Industrial tech

4) Allies - These also appear NOT to be affected by Industry

Convoys - I will use an example of Dutch East Indies:

1 - If there was no convoy script, you would get MPPs

2 - If there IS a convoy script, you get ONLY the convoy MPPs

3 - If there IS a convoy script, but the port is OUT - what happens?

4 - If there IS a convoy script, but the port is captured - what happens?

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Hi Nupremal

In answer to your questions my understanding is the following:

1) Yes.

2) No.

3) I don't think so either but would need to run a test to be sure. I certainly don't see why they would be affected.

4) Ditto.


1) Agreed.

2) True.

3) You get nothing.

4) You will receive MPPs for the places you still hold. This is a tricky situation, so you'll need to give some thought to which countries you give a convoy to. In the PTO it works out as hoped for in most situations (i.e. the Japanese will, more often than not, lose Yenanyaung before they lose Rangoon). In the long run the DEI roughly works out ok, at least in terms of the overall effect, but it wasn't working out at all well in China after it surrendered to the Japanese, which is why the occupied China convoy script was disabled in v.1.02.

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I just have a question on Convoys #3, when I just bombed Port Arthur to test this I noticed that Japan's cumulative income went down by about 30 mpps (32 to be exact). The convoy typically yields 64 mpps, if all the cities are at full strength. 8x8= 64, I understand this part, but what's 32x2 (64?), in other words it seems to me that when you knock Port Arthur out, Japan then gains what she would normally gain if Manchukuo was a part of her own industry, 8x4= 32 mpps, and she would get this because she has a 50% industrial modifier, 1/2 times 8= 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What are convoy scripts. I see convoy routes but is something you somehow initiate to get more MPPs? I am losing badly. I can't make any headway into China at all. I have the difficulty set as low as possible. I never have enought MPP's to purchase new troops, everything goes for rebuilding existing units.

I'm not a novice player but as Japan I take a beating. Additional MPP's would be very usefull and a lot less frustrating.

China has 14 armies and I have 3, and this is close to the start. I did not want to invade China at all but I figured there would be dire consequences if I didn't.

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To be honest with you yolo911, convoy scripts are more times a pain in the you know what for however is supposedly benefiting from the convoy. AKA you're better off not to have a convoy in most cases, because if you have one, there are two big ways you lose some serious mpps than if you didn't. One would be to bomb the port of the convoy and then you get absolutely nothing. The other way would be to have subs raid the convoy.

As for your difficulties in China all you have to do is purchase 4 cheap units without upgrades (AA’s, or AT’s), and this will enable you with 8-9 Japanese land units (Tanks and Armies) to take china out easily.

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To be honest with you yolo911, convoy scripts are more times a pain in the you know what for however is supposedly benefiting from the convoy. AKA you're better off not to have a convoy in most cases, because if you have one, there are two big ways you lose some serious mpps than if you didn't. One would be to bomb the port of the convoy and then you get absolutely nothing. The other way would be to have subs raid the convoy.

As for your difficulties in China all you have to do is purchase 4 cheap units without upgrades (AA’s, or AT’s), and this will enable you with 8-9 Japanese land units (Tanks and Armies) to take china out easily.

This is false.

@Yo-Lo --- Dude, which scenario u talking 'bout?

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China convoy script, Manchukuo, etc on Operation Z. If you play as the allies all you have to do is bomb the hell out of Port Arthur and then Japan get's 0 mpps for the respected territory. If you don't believe me that's fine, but all you would have to do is look at Bill’s (answer to convoy question #3) post and you’ll see that he stated the same exact thing.

If you’re talking about the land units part however I might be off slightly, but not by much, maybe 7-8 units with the Japanese Korean Army.

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What are convoy scripts. I see convoy routes but is something you somehow initiate to get more MPPs? I am losing badly. I can't make any headway into China at all. I have the difficulty set as low as possible. I never have enought MPP's to purchase new troops, everything goes for rebuilding existing units.

I'm not a novice player but as Japan I take a beating. Additional MPP's would be very usefull and a lot less frustrating.

China has 14 armies and I have 3, and this is close to the start. I did not want to invade China at all but I figured there would be dire consequences if I didn't.

Hi Yolo

Which campaign are you playing, is it Operation Z or one of the mods?

If it is OpZ then I'm sure we can all give you a little advice to help out. For instance, of the forces that start in Manchukuo, only five units are needed to garrison the country and the remainder can be sent south to fight in China, or elsewhere.

The five units that you need to keep in Manchukuo need to be in, or adjacent to, the five cities mentioned in the pop up on turn one.

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I appologize for the delay in responding back. Tied up. I am running the Mod that is The Whole world. German offensive going well. It's May 1943 and I am getting my head handed to me in China. Still can't wrap up The Philipines. No troops in Burma at all. And I do have two units north of Singapore but taking that is a longshot.

Back in 1941 I headed for Pearl Harbor to do the sneak attack. I left Japan November 21with the intent to attack on December 7. But it took over three months for my carriers to reach Pearl Harbor. I declared war on the US and got my butt kicked. Almost lost all four carriers. They took a beating. Some sneak attack that was. Another three months back to Japan and it took a LOT of MPP's to repair the carriers. Things are going down fast and I an playing at a low difficulty setting. i don't see how anyone has any MPP's to purchase enough troop to do an offensiv ein all the places that Japan has to attack.

Do I need to attack China in 1939 when the MOD starts or wait until much later?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Institute of Technology with a business degree. Wend obtained his ... questions. Cole and Wend realize that each solution means lower prices and ... HOPE, a Detroit industrial organization that also emphasizes civil and human rights

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I suggest read up on my documentation for more details on how everything works - it is too hard to go over it all in a post - there is a readme file and excel files with details on stats - pay particular attention to the diplomacy worksheet that has a whole lot of details

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