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Steelbeasts Upgrade Released


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It would have been better style to give us some content here. Just a paragraph about what ssnake put in, that kind of thing.

Then people can google the sucker if you got them interested.

Well that was what my link was intended to do, this is a Battlefront fourm after all and my intention was not to take away from BF's sims, just to let those who may be intrested know that the latest version was available. So here goes then, a little brief on the up grade. Hopefully Moon dosen't take my head off.

For those of you familiar with Steel Beasts no formal introduction is necessary. For those unfamiliar, Steel Beasts Professional PE is a virtual simulation of contemporary armored and mechanized combat, focusing on small-unit tactics.

New unit additions for version 2.460 include:

The Leopardo2E MBT


Technical(SUV) w/ 106mm Recoilless Rifle

Technical(SUV) w/ 14.5mm HMG

2S6 Tunguska air defence vehicle

RBS70 dismounted air defence missle

MT-LB-FO forward artillary observer vehicle

Centauro 105mm gun system

Pizarro IFV

NH-90 Helicopter

UAV capable of laser designation of targets for support purposes

New features include "time of day" added to the mission editor. An air strike option for 2 x 500lb bombs. Sky textures that can now be swapped out to suit the scenario in the mission editor. Suppresive fire command added to unit context menus. Matrox TripleHead2Go multi-screen is also now supported.

There are to many features and extras for me to list here without this thread becoming offesive. For more info google steelbeasts and go from there.

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It's perfectly fine to talk about other games here in the GF. That's what it's for (among other things). Only commercial links to external sites are not allowed (here or anywhere in the forum).

I followed your link and the first thing you see are prices for the game, so I classified it as commercial.

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The new version is brilliant. Great new sounds, some lovely new vehicle skins (including some really beautiful M1 and Leos), the new time of day feature makes a real difference and people are having a lot of fun playing around with the UAV. There's a neat video on Youtube showing it being used to identify enemy armour and technicals and call in arty and airstrikes.


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I was a big fan of the original SB and never pulled the $125 trigger on this one. I was curious, looking at their purchase page, did you guys have to buy the upgrade? I noticed their selling upgrade CDs for $30.

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Anyone who bought SB ProPE from early December 2008 until now received the upgrade for free. Everyone else had to pay for the upgrade. There was a discount for pre-orders which has now ceased.

New purchasers receive the upgraded version 2.460 for $125. No extra charge for the upgrade.

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I already skipped two 50$ games this year for their copy protection scheme, Steel Beasts with the (IMHO very sensible) Dongle will be mine when I skip a third game.

Wouldn't it be great if some group of wargame publishers would all share one dongle so that everybody feels secure and we don't have to pay for new dongles with every game?

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ShiftZ, please watch out that you don't cross the line in terms of advertising your beloved Steel Beasts. I looked up your post history and you are bringing up SB an aweful lot in unrelated discussions, including posting what could be seen as pure marketing phrases. Commercial links are one no-no, but hidden advertising is another. Discussing (and liking :-)) other games is fine, but your frequency and focus is beginning to cross over into forbidden territory :)

To share my personal opinion: I own an early commercial version of SB from the bargain bin. I never regretted getting it and it's a great sim but I find the current versions way to expensive. They may be one of the best modern tank sims around but that still doesn't justify the exorbitant price. At least for me, I get very little playing time out of sims because of the high learning and practice curve before you can enjoy them and I just don't have the time. The screens you posted seem somewhat improved from the version I remember.

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It's got more than looks going for it, not unlike the CM series (though CM SF is probably a different kettle of fish - that's pretty). SB Pro PE is certainly expensive, but I'd hate to tot up the amount I've spent just at say Battlefront - CMBO, CMBB, CMAK, TOW, T72, CMSF, plus Marines add-on. And that's only at Battlefront.

Looked at that way, the price of SB don't amount to a hill 'o beans in my total spend on games in the last 5 years say, and it's given me at least as much satisfaction. I hope my wife doesn't browse this board....


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I wish the niche wargame companies would actually charge more for their games like eSim. I would rather spend $125 on a company committed to bringing the best than $40 on a company that delivers a good game and then goes on chase the broader audience and fail.

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It's got more than looks going for it,

Oh, no doubt about it. No need to convert me, I am a convert (although not at all cost :)) and still remember well how much fun it was playing (and re-playing and re-playing :) the first tutorials. The graphics never bothered me, I was just responding to the screenshots posted here.

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