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New player with questions

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Just purchased the game - have figured out a lot of it - three questions (I am sure there will be more!)

1. I cannot figure out naval supply - I seem to always be in supply - is this true or am I imagining it and what do I have to do to be in naval supply?

2. Had first major naval battle - my large allied fleet met the Japanese fleet - he got the first strike in - all my carriers were set to the Green ball (full CAP?) and I deflected most of his planes - lost a few ships but finally my turn. None of my carriers would fly strike missions. I had set the mode to naval missions but no flights. Alright, figured it had something to do with all the CAP I flew in the Japanese turn - next turn all my carriers flew missions. On the next Jap turn no Cap was flown at all. On my next two turns I could again not fly missions. Is this something to do with supplies. What am I missing.

3. Finally, in the forums everyone talks about using silent mode with their subs and keeping an eye on the Jap fleet. I cannot get near Japan with a sub in silent mode. They get exposed everytime. Any tips here.

Thanks - enjoying the game


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First I would like to be the first person to welcome you to this forum.

1. With naval supply it depends upon how close you are to a port. If you’re in a port then your supply would be 10. From there you will only lose naval supply by attacking enemy units, or by shore bombardment, or your units getting attacked. In essence you only lose supply if you attack something, or if you're attacked by something. This question could go on and on until, but I think this a good enough answer.

2. What is the aircraft strength of your carriers? If it is 0 then you will not be able to do anything with them until you reinforce them with some aircraft in a port. I think this is what you're asking, but to be honest you worded your question a little vaguely, so this might not answer your question.

3. Do you play with FOW on, or off? It has to be on, and there is a chance that you're just extremely unlucky as Japan (AI) and that they are getting intelligence reports which show where your units are. Also make sure you’re not getting spotted by either a land tile, or some long range bombers, as if they spot you the AI will send her navy on over to crush you. This could be a very good strategy if you think about it :)...

Hope this helps,


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1. With naval supply it depends upon how close you are to a port. If you’re in a port then your supply would be 10. From there you will only lose naval supply by attacking enemy units, or by shore bombardment, or your units getting attacked. In essence you only lose supply if you attack something, or if you're attacked by something. This question could go on and on until, but I think this a good enough answer.

So if I go to any friendly port regardless of size I am at full supply and can go crusing around as much as want as long as there is no combat. Does this sound accurate? How much combat supply will I have and how will I know if I am getting low? In my only naval battle so far in the first round of combat my ships were deadly inflicting a lot of damage. In the second round hardly any damage. Is this a factor of low supply?

2. What is the aircraft strength of your carriers? If it is 0 then you will not be able to do anything with them until you reinforce them with some aircraft in a port. I think this is what you're asking, but to be honest you worded your question a little vaguely, so this might not answer your question.

Sorry to be so vague - my carriers were at full strength - they had not fired a shot except for the noted Cap in the previous Japanese turn - they just would not fire. Another thing if I may - I have seen screens where two balls are showing on carriers but mine only show one - I could have sworn in my earlier games there were two - could this be anything?

3. Do you play with FOW on, or off? It has to be on, and there is a chance that you're just extremely unlucky as Japan (AI) and that they are getting intelligence reports which show where your units are. Also make sure you’re not getting spotted by either a land tile, or some long range bombers, as if they spot you the AI will send her navy on over to crush you. This could be a very good strategy if you think about it :)...

FOW on - try to stay away from all land masses - have silent mode on - have only tried the northern approach - near Marcus Island (I think is the name) - is this approach always well guarded - maybe that is the problem

Anyway - thanks for the reply and help


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Hi Jcrohio,

1. No if for example you go to a Russian port for starters they might not be active so they won't give you supply, and secondly if they are active they are uncooperative which means that they don't help their allies out at all in terms of supply and bases to be used against the enemy. In other words you won't get any supplies from the Russians. Other then that the first part of your statement is correct. Your unit would turn grey when you begin to run low on supplies, your readiness, morale, and action points would also be affected. Note this applies to any unit land, naval, air, etc. As for the supply you would have that depends upon were your naval units where before they started there jouney. If they were in a port it would be ten, if they where 1 tile away 9, if they where two tiles away it would be 8, etc. No, because you don't run that low on supplies in just one turn, it would usually take awhile, so the answer would be, because your units were weakened they would not be able to attack other enemy units with as much force power as they were able to in their first turn.

2. Don't worry about it; it's not that big of a deal. What do you mean your carriers wouldn't fire? What cap mode did you put them in? Auto, Intercept, escort, or ground. Don't worry about the balls you're seeing it's just meant to show you the mode you're carrier is in.

3. Are you playing the AI or a Human? That approach can be well guarded, but to be honest I never use it, so I can't really say for sure, and at the same time I can't say which approach I use, because I'm in the middle of a game with Timskorn, and I don't want to make it to easier for him to just pick off my subs.

No Problem Jack, I just hope that I was of some assistance.

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On your question 2 I wonder if your carriers are out of range of the targets. Japan Carriers start the game with a higher strike range then the allies.

Right click the unit and then click properties and it will tell you your strike range.

Also your carriers can not launch a strike from a tile that is raining.

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Thanks for all the help

1. I have a better feel for naval supply now

2. The problems with aircraft carriers not being able to attack was they were in rough seas - I knew they could not attack in rainy weather but did not realize they could not in rough weather

3. I guess I will just have to play with subs until I figure out the best way to use them

One last thing that is driving me nuts - I could have sworn in my earlier games that aircraft carriers showed two balls - mine only show one now - I understand the difference between red, green and yellow - was I dreaming about the two balls showing or not???

Thanks again


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Its also interesting that when using mixed mode, carriers only get one strike. I'm wondering that since the effectiveness of the strike is diminished what is the reasoning for not allowing the second strike?

If you are spotting and launching a similar number of aircraft in the CAP and TAC mode and more(double?) aircraft in the mixed mode, why would the strike effectiveness be less?

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SeaMonkey, are they also acting as escorts during the turns when you only get one strike?

The reason for asking is that mine have always launched two strikes, except when their first strike is intercepted, in which case what would have been the second strike acts as escorts for the first.

Could this be the answer here?

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Bill, you’re probably right that the planes have to escort the TAC, but what if you could launch a huge strike with a carrier? Something so powerful that it could destroy an enemy carrier or battleship with just one strike. To make it so that Carriers don't become invincible you could make the air casualties for this attack much higher than the other TAC, and CAP modes for using this type of an assault. SeaMonkey might be on to something here.

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That's interesting Bill. So..if I'm reading your statement correct, my carrier in mixed mode launches a strike and it is intercepted, then my second strike planes do an escort using up my second strike?

Sorry, I may be a little dense here, but I thought the mixed mode included an escort of fighters with my dive and torpedo bombers. For some reason...I don't get it!

Are you saying that in mixed mode I only have a CAP and an unescorted strike force?

If that is true, I must say, IIRC, carrier strikes would usually involve a split of the fighter contingent(if enemy CVs were suspected) into a group that performed CAP and the rest as escorts. I was assuming that is what is meant by "mixed" mode, perhaps I should read the manual.

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Mixed mode does put up a mixture of planes in its first strike, but to ensure that this strike reaches its target, the carrier will send up a second strike to escort the first if it is intercepted.

However, if you have a proper fighter unit within range and at a decent strength level, or a carrier set to CAP which hasn't yet moved or fought, then it will send up an escort to your carrier's strike, thus allowing your carrier in Mixed Mode to have another strike.

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Maybe I need a little clarification of what the theory is behind the double strike carrier feature. Assuming most CAGs have a compliment of one third fighters and two thirds attack aircraft are we simulating the entire group has the ability to sortie twice or does the fighter and attack group do separate missions?

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I've been thinking about this some more since I posted earlier, and I think that what it means is that a mixed strike will not take as much damage from enemy fighters if intercepted, if it lacks escorts, as it would have done if it was in Naval/Tactical mode.

So it's a safer method of launching if you fear enemy interceptors and have no escorts available, and want to guarantee doing some damage on the target (which a CAP strike couldn't guarantee). But each strike in mixed mode is a mixture of fighters and bombers.

The reason why the second strike will escort the first is because if any interceptors come up then your side will automatically look for someone to escort the strike. It searches for the best escorts first, hence if you have fighters or carriers set to CAP available then it should, all things being equal, use them before it uses your Mixed Mode carrier's strike.

I think it's actually safer this way than if the Mixed's strike went in unescorted by the second strike, as being a mixture of fighters and bombers it would probably lose against the interceptors and not strike home.

Sometimes it is a wise option to use, but other times I'll send in the fighters only, or if I'm really desperate to get a kill on a naval target, just Naval/Tactical without escorts, always hoping that the bombers actually get through!

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I get it, although this is the way I would like to see it work. If I want a fully escorted strike I would set up another CV or land based fighters in "escort" mode and my strike CV in TAC mode. This would be the configuration if I suspected full strength, teched interceptors and I get two strikes and two escorts. This mode serves to minimize my aircraft losses/vessel damage, hopefully, while getting the benefit of maximum strike damage, but uses two units.

If I'm positive or the probability is high of no interceptors or interceptors of low grade either in numbers and/or tech, then I would use the mixed mode and get two strikes, semi escorted. This mode also gives me a semi CAP so that my CV doesn't suffer as much damage on the enemy return strike that I believe is an automatic calculation, true? This configuration gives me a medium between the full TAC strike and the full escort stike but uses only one CV.

If I want maximum strike damage potential and I don't care about aircraft losses or return vessel damage then I select TAC/naval mode and go in with both strikes using only one CV.

The deal is, I want maximum flexibility for two strikes at my disposal as I can always choose not to send in the second strike.

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K Man,

I believe we were experimenting with the new Carrier display modes and before we officially finalized the changes the new mode became available in the v1.01a Hotfix.

Either way it looks like this will be finalized for the official v1.02 patch as most players now seem to prefer it.


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