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Battle for the Pacific AAR

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Timskorn and I are currently in the middle of playing a game. In this game I'm playing as the Allies and Timskorn is playing as Japan. This game has also been going for time now so to bring you up on the most recent turn of events, Japan has taken most of Malaya but I hold out at Singapore, Japan has taken out Thailand, currently there is a battle for Burma in which I'm beginning to relieve the Burma corps with British units, In China, Japan has decided to go with an all out offensive to capture Sian but is meeting stiff resistance, In Manchukuo there is a Chinese partisan and Army marching north to locations that will be revealed at a later date. Timskorn has also decided to go with an island strategy so once and for all I think we can settle whether or not the islands have any true value in the Pacific. One last thing is it’s Mid May of 1942.

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I'm also writing a separate article for this I'm going to post later in regards to overall strategy. Kind of like an AAR but will dive more into the decision making behind the things I'm doing, how/why I'm reacting to scottsmm's moves, and of course the glorious end result of my master planning. ;)

Japanese forces just took Malaya! Singapore falls and the Dutch are tossing their guns in the ocean and fleeing in rubber dinghies to Australia. We also have "Warlords Gone Wild" in northern Japan that will be dealt with, but the IJA is putting heavy pressure in Sian with combined armor, infantry and air attacks. This has prompted a quick response by Mao who has joined the Allies.

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The IJN comes in heavy off the Indian coast. The BB warspite is sunk and a CA and CV are critically damaged as they find themselves surrounded in their own waters. There will be no escape for the British fleet!

Standstill in China, but steady ground is being made in the north where IJA forces have destroyed a partisan unit, Chinese Army and a Communist China Army. Bombers smash the Chinese capital unopposed.

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British fleet attempts to escape to the south and the safer waters off Australia, but the IJN were prepared and waiting. The Indomitable Carrier is sunk, along with a destroyer and a cruiser. This goes along with two other ships that were sunk a couple months earlier, a BB and a sub I believe. Some ships may have escaped but the IJN have scored a major victory against the British navy.

In China we destroy another division and bombers flatten a few more cities. Time isn't on my side though!

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Naval warfare level 3 tech is revealed for the beast across the Pacific. Japan made a huge mistake at Pearl as she will soon find out. However at this time my inferior and really pointless British, Australian, and Dutch Navies are close to extinction. It really doesn't bother me though, because of all the US big gun ships I have.

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A few more Allied ships are sunk as they try to engage the massive IJN fleet. Mostly DD's, but one was a cruiser. A good mix too. Think there was a ship each from Britain, US, Australia and Dutch. A British Indian division is routed in Burma and the IJA encroaches on the Communist Chinese capital from the north.

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I sink a BB this turn, and watch as a sub dives from two attacks. The good news of the ships that I've lossed was they were never really valuable units, in fact they were all the ships from the very beginning of the campaign, and should have been sunk a long time ago. So in truth this battle may appear as a defeat for me, but I see it as a victory as I've damaged multiple carriers, sunk a few ships (BB's and DD's), and crippled the vast majority of my enemies fleet. In other words I've set myself up for future success as Japan has lost her valuable experienced carrier pilots, while the Yamato BB will not be much of a nuisance later on, as it was crippled in this battle. On top of it all my opponent hasn’t seen my American CV technology developments which I’ll reveal at a later time :).

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Hey Zukkov! Great games aren't they? Don't worry you'll get better with each game, and the AI is no slouch so don't feel too bad! :)

IJN gets tangled a bit with a lingering sub and DD, but for the most part the Allies have been routed from the area. IJN did take some hits but actual losses are minimal, and overtime the Fleet will be back to full strength.

In Burma the IJA is pushing hard to the north and towards China's back door. A lone Chinese division blocks the way, and was knocked down to 1 str. but Japanese carrier fighters couldn't finish them off. In China dual bombers are reducing cities to rubble, but the IJA makes little progress on the ground.

The US will likely be entering the fray here sometime, somewhere...

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You bother to repair your IJN a lot? I tend to reload carriers with planes during the expansion phase - they are too effective not to work hard - generally find it too expensive given limited MPP to do too much with the surface fleet. Even Naval warfare seems tricky, you can get the tech hits but I've done this several times and found I can't implement the full benefit. Prority for me is to get my airforce and army up to speed in that order. In the early game you have Naval superiority - in the late game you lose it. Repairs are very costly and only delay the inevitable unless your opponent is careless.

But I'm interested in contrary opinions.

Enjoying the AAR.

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The Jap CVs are very effective when working from ports that have anti-Air applied.

You'll need LR to give them the flexibility, but if you cover them with your fighters and use them in the limited area around the home islands shuffling from one port to another, they can put a big dent in any amphibs coming in for landings.

They're very good with naval tech 3, as are the TACs, but again you'll need advanced fighters for cover coupled with anti-air units.

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This is my first game playing as Japan in multiplayer, and maybe only my 3rd time overall so I can't say I have a general MO in how I handle tech and reforming damaged naval units, etc. Suffice to say that it IS expensive to reinforce naval assets, but I can't exactly reveal too many particulars in regards to how I'm spending my MPP's.

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I think as the Allies you're allowed quite a few of those, anyway, as long as it doesn't involve lots of US carriers getting wiped out!

It's now December, 1942. Forces in Burma eliminate a Chinese division and are pushing north towards India. IJN carriers have complete dominance in the area for now and have destroyed a British division on the coast. Paratroopers land and capture Sarawak this turn and newly acquired Japanese convoys have kicked in, now adding quite a bit more MPP's to Japan's war efforts.

In China we rout another division, while the last Communist army is the only fighting unit standing on the road between us and the Communist capital. Tough terrain though, and lots of Chinese divisions waiting in reserve to the south.

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Timskorn, Most of the units on my side of the battle should have been wiped out in the first few turns of the game, so in either case I still say I won this battle, because I caused considerable damage to your surface fleet, and your subs didn't escape untouched by any means.

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The US has meet with her allies, and has decided how they would like to wipe the Japanese off the face of the earth! Thus Japan's fate is now sealed, and the defeat of her military is guaranteed. There will be absolutely no prisoners in this war, as Japan's atrocities are simply unacceptable, and every Jap we find shall be executed without any trial or reason other than there Japanese alliance. They sow the wind and very soon there going to reap the whirlwind.

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