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Predator Time?

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Thats a really cool, idea, it could even be the first controlable on board air vehicle. You call it in and it appears on the map with and without hellfires. You then control where it goes what it targets etc. then after so many round fuel low or whatever it automatically heads off map. it shows the location of enemy personel and vehicles and can be shot at by units from the ground.

That would be awsome

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Flamingknives - what I'm angling at is the platform - at the end of the day the operating height is immaterial given the lack of ground to air effects. I just think it would be nice for scenario designers in a non-warfighting battle (strike on a Bravo location for instance) to have a Pred above - pretty superficial and cosmetic but I think it would add a lot.

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The only thing is predators aren't designed for CAS missions, not that it can't take two aimed shots, its going to be up there for about 15 hours providing overwatch or intel to the ground troops. From the commanders perspective you'd just about eliminate the fog of war aspect if you had one on station. I'm not sure how you'd add that to the game. The Reaper would actually be a more appropriate addition since it is a CAS platform by nature. You'd get more bang for your buck to, 16 hellfires (eventually) and 2 gbu's. Another option is the MQ-1C (see the army's Warrior for reference), adds another pair of hellfires and has better sensors and should be replacing the B models some day. Of course I'm not sure big airforce has actually sat down and thought about how these will be used in a real war, still a little bit of that "ooo look at the cool remote control plane" mentality out there..... and I think I've rambled enough now.

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