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A plea to Battlefront

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I hope this does not fall on deaf ears after reading you have abandoned the CMx1 series.

Please could you bring out a patch so we can continue playing AK and BB on computers running Vista. Yes I know it's not Vista but the new graphic drivers which are causing the problems.

You continue to sell the CMx1 games so I think bringing out a small patch to address this problem would be the least you could do. New customers trying to install AK or BB onto their computers with Vista are not going to be very pleased when they can't play their newly bought game!

I very much doubt any one from the BF staff reads the CMx1 message boards but no harm in trying :)

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I have vista and a dx10 video card (8500) and therefore was unable to enjoy the CM1 games.

I purchased a "very reasonable priced" 7600 card (not dx10). I am now able to play the CM1 games and all my other games with no apparent loss of video performance.

I believe a fix will not be forthcoming from nvidia and certainly not from Battlefront, therefore a $60 investment in a new video card is a small price to pay to enjoy my favorite pc games. Also, when CM Campaigns is released, I'll be able to play it.

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Just for note: the forum where NVidia support people hang out is nvnews.net.

I haven't seen any of you people who got Vista and want to play CMx1 report the problems in DX5 calls in their DX10 drivers over there. Not a single person, for all the gazillion threads we had on the topic.

You are barking up the wrong tree and don't want to do homework.

Of course BFC could do it, too.

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Just for note: the forum where NVidia support people hang out is nvnews.net.

I haven't seen any of you people who got Vista and want to play CMx1 report the problems in DX5 calls in their DX10 drivers over there. Not a single person, for all the gazillion threads we had on the topic.

You are barking up the wrong tree and don't want to do homework.

Of course BFC could do it, too.

The reason I haven't posted on the nvidia boards is I have no technical knowledge regarding DX 5 or DX10. All I know is CM1 games don't play well with a DX10 video card and vista operating system. Why that is, I have no idea, nor do I really care. In order to play my favorite games, I had to purchase a non-dx10 video card. The problem for me is now resolved. Why it is up to the users to get this resolved with nvidia still mystifies me.

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You should probably send your plea to Nvidia to fix their Vista drivers. We're not going to "patch" to "break" the game, only to unbreak it when Nvidia fixes their end. Sorry.

In future Battlefront should attach a sticker to the front of any CMx1 games they sell. It should read, ' if this game fails to run on your computer, it's not our fault but Nvidia. Should you insist on trying to run your brand new game, then we suggest you remove your new graphics card and replace it with a older model'

Other option is, stop selling the CMx1 games!!

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I hate to butt into a conversation, but shouldn't BFC be doing this, since it is their game that theya re selling to people with these issues?

The system specs required to run the game as well as the problems with certain cards are mentioned on the order pages.

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Good :)


You should include links to the CMx1 demos so that people can try it.

You need to clarify in a followup that the DX9 drivers are fine, that the games run both in XP with 8/9000 series cards and in Vista with 7xxx cards, just not in Vista with 8/9xxx cards.

I'll post there too even though I don't have Vista yet. I think this should really get a lot more attention here. I motion to make a sticky in both AK/BB and CMC forums entitled "Help make Nvidia fix their Vista drivers" or something like that. Include the above link in the thread and Redwolfs clarification.

If we make enough noise there's at least a chance this will get fixed with future drivers. I hate see a great series of games get phased out unnecessarily and too early.

Ok, so the 9000 series cards have the same problem, anybody know about the newer GTX cards?

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The system specs required to run the game as well as the problems with certain cards are mentioned on the order pages.

That is fair enough, but I would figure a smaller-ish gaming company would want to help support all of its users in whichever way it can. Would it be difficult for BFC to contact Nvidia and make a request? I am sure it would hold more sway than a single user being aware of needing to contact Nvidia and make the request.

Paradox Interactive immediately comes to mind. One of the reasons I have always loved wargaming in its many forms is the closeness of the communities. If all it will taeke is a whisper in Nvidia's ear, what's the issue?

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Well, the problem with doing this from the user community is that those who are articulate enough and have enough technical background to provide a useful bug report than can be acted upup - don't run Vista :)

That same sheep mentality to take Vista just because it's the default install also prevents that group of people from digging into technical detail.

Not to mention it helps having the source code to the game and tell NVidia which API call(s) specifically fail(s).

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Well, the problem with doing this from the user community is that those who are articulate enough and have enough technical background to provide a useful bug report than can be acted upup - don't run Vista :)

That same sheep mentality to take Vista just because it's the default install also prevents that group of people from digging into technical detail.

Not to mention it helps having the source code to the game and tell NVidia which API call(s) specifically fail(s).

Sheep mentality??? I have no idea where you live but here all the computer shops sell new computers with Vista (unless you go the Mac route). You CANNOT buy XP here so we are stuck with Vista. So please stop talking down to us with less computer savvy than you.

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Sorry, couldn't resist :) It's a tradeoff, I couldn't bear to take the word Vista into my mouth without some kind of sarcasm.

I just have to smirk about those who who always rejected Linux because it would have too many driver and application problems, only to then go through Vista with more driver and application problems.

Of course you could always download Ubuntu, shrink your Vista partition by a couple GB for Linux and CMx1, buy Cedega's version of the Wine windows emulator and play away. But of course the people who would do this, again, don't run Vista in the first place.

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Allright, so since I don't run Vista myself, please somebody in one plain post say where exactly CMx1 fails.

Does it fail to detect the video resolutions at the start, was that the problem?

Here's my problems in plain English :)

1) the background and map edges spin around when I move around the map. This happens with AK and BB.

2) when I come to save a PBEM turn, the background and buttons are in black. This can be over come by simply changing the turn number and hitting the enter key on the key board.

3) when the replay ends, I get a sound loop. Again, not a big problem.

4) when moving around the map, the screen is jerky and slow. reminds me of playing a huge scenario on an old computer.

It's number one above which is causing the biggest problem. I have tried changing settings in the Nvidia control panel but so far nothing helps :(

Only thing I could try is going back to the old driver but I haven't a clue how to roll back to the old one. I know you can do that in the control panel (I think) but where? :(

And thank you for asking how the problems show up in CMx1.

PS, my graphics card is a Geforce 8400 GS.

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Sheep mentality??? I have no idea where you live but here all the computer shops sell new computers with Vista (unless you go the Mac route). You CANNOT buy XP here so we are stuck with Vista. So please stop talking down to us with less computer savvy than you.

Perhaps I can help here, living as I do within sight of the White Cliffs.

You can buy a very high spec machine with XP from www.pcspecialists.co.uk a firm in Yorkshire who provide an excellent machine without all the rubbish which Dell foists on you. £500 for a mid range home computer. Give them a go and their after sales service is excellent.

My current machine is one of theirs, plays CMX1 plus CMX2 with XP and a high spec NVIDIA 7 series card bought off eBay.

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Here's my problems in plain English :)

1) the background and map edges spin around when I move around the map. This happens with AK and BB.

2) when I come to save a PBEM turn, the background and buttons are in black. This can be over come by simply changing the turn number and hitting the enter key on the key board.

3) when the replay ends, I get a sound loop. Again, not a big problem.

4) when moving around the map, the screen is jerky and slow. reminds me of playing a huge scenario on an old computer.

It's number one above which is causing the biggest problem. I have tried changing settings in the Nvidia control panel but so far nothing helps :(

Only thing I could try is going back to the old driver but I haven't a clue how to roll back to the old one. I know you can do that in the control panel (I think) but where? :(

And thank you for asking how the problems show up in CMx1.

PS, my graphics card is a Geforce 8400 GS.

OK British Tommy here is what other people have reported:

With an 8400GS card and VISTA = Setting the Antiailasing mode to "Override any application setting" eliminated the adverse video effects! The two games are still somewhat slow and jerky so I continue to monkey with Anisotropic Filtering, Antialiasing-Gamma Correction, Antialiasing settings between 2x and 16x, and Antialiasing-Transparancy settings.

With DX10 and Vista: These are my settings. Bear in mind that I have very little clue as to what they are and it may be possible to optimise further, especially on the speed issue.

Anisotrpic filtering: 16x

Antialiasing gamma : on

" mode: override

" setting: 16xQ

" transparency: supersampling

Conformant texture clamp : use open GL spec

Error reporting: on

Force minimaps: billinear

Multi display: compatabilty perf. mode

Stereo: use onboard DIN

Texture filtering Anisotropic : on

" " Negative Loss bias: allow

" " Quality: performance

" " trillinear: on

Threaded option: on

Triple Buffer: on

Verical Sync: force off

By the way, if you set AA and AF to 2x you should notice huge improvements in framerates and still have some visual delights.

If you want to try rolling back the driver here is where you look:

Start Button

Control Panel

Performance and Maintenance

Basic Info about your computer

Hardware Tab

Device Manager

Look down the tree for Display adatpters

select your 8400GS

double click

Select driver tab

Select driver roll back

Have a stiff drink and press the button!

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