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  1. That is fair enough, but I would figure a smaller-ish gaming company would want to help support all of its users in whichever way it can. Would it be difficult for BFC to contact Nvidia and make a request? I am sure it would hold more sway than a single user being aware of needing to contact Nvidia and make the request. Paradox Interactive immediately comes to mind. One of the reasons I have always loved wargaming in its many forms is the closeness of the communities. If all it will taeke is a whisper in Nvidia's ear, what's the issue?
  2. I hate to butt into a conversation, but shouldn't BFC be doing this, since it is their game that theya re selling to people with these issues?
  3. I am glad it's useful to you! It's really quite informative, and expands a bit on why, say, German Rifle squads may have two LMGs, while Allied squads may only have one. I haven't come across anything concerning armor, YET, as I am still trying to absorb the infantry side of things. The website I posted has a short article on armor-infantry combined arms operations: http://www.bayonetstrength.150m.com/Tactics/CombinedOps/tank-infantry%20cooperation.htm
  4. Hello all, Been lurking for a bit, and this is my first time posting. I am more an ancient history guy, but have recently discovered CMx1, and have been developing a keen interest in WW2-era infantry tactics of all major nations involved. I am still getting my bearings, as the phalanxes give ways to the V-formations, and contubernia give way to squads, but I am getting there. Anyways, I am sure this link has been posted in the past, although I have been unable to find it, I have found it of great help. True, it doesn't quote too many sources, but it is good for a beginner such as I. http://www.bayonetstrength.150m.com/Tactics/infantry_tactics_of_world_war_tw.htm Of particular interest of me have been the infantry tactics of rifle squads, platoons, and companies (those that apply most to CM). Some quotes, concerning company level tactics: Concerning mortar platoons: There is really a plethora of information that can all be readily applied to CMx1, and also help you further understand the intricacies of this great series. Sure, it may not all be of grognard-quality, but it's a great beginning, an a great resource for WW2 era tactics. Platoon level formations, company level ones, antitank platoon tactics, etc. Great stuff! WHat is really fun is trying out the fundamental tactics of the different nations (say, German and American), within the game and judging how it all turns out.
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