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TO&E, a suggestion


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Rather than just moaning about the inability to select the units a player takes into a QB, I put some thought into a middle ground that would avoid excessive 'cherry picking' but would still allow the flexibility to shape your force.


The much vaunted Auto TO&E gave me 2 platoons of Abrams and what I assess to be an ENTIRE Marine TOW platoon.. and that was on 'mixed medium infantry'. Wow, combined arms to the max there guys.

Another game gave me a company worth of dismounted infantry.. and a platoon of LAV ATGM... Brilliant!

If the game, in its' wisdom, makes these decisions, it cannot be much worse than me choosing to have a core mech infantry company supported by some LAVs, a M777 Troop in support and a section of M1's.


What I propose is the ability to select a core sub unit (say an infantry company) and then have a certain amount of 'command points' to attach other assets (funnily enough like a real life combat team). If you choose to add more than one Platoon of extra stuff you have to trade out core units (maximum 25% of original units with no reimbursement points wise).

This would keep it realistic while still allowing the player (ie, the person who bought the game), to have some tactical choice with units not being arbitrarily assigned.


I hope this might forment some discussion over QB setup. I don't really care what CM: Normandy is going to do for quick battles as I'll be hard pressed to find an Abrams/T72/RPK or M16 in that. If whatever it is finds its' way into CM:SF however, I will be interested.

Finally, I am highly impressed with the rest of the game since 1.10 was released, especially the support chatter (helpful) and the ability of weapon teams to set up in buildings (essential).

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Last year we decided to not invest our time in making improvements to a QB system that we know, for sure, that is going to be completely changed. Instead of doing that we've been putting our time into making the sorts of improvements you've seen in the various patches (especially v1.10). This means that everybody is getting improvements, not just people that play QBs. Unfortunately, it also means that people that really love playing QBs are not going to see significant change until CM: Normandy when the new system is in place.

We are not planning on retrofitting CM:SF with any of the features going into CM: Normandy. There are many reasons for it, but the primary one is that we're going to change all the data formatting for the TO&E. To retrofit that into the CM:SF data (which means all the Modules too, since it's all got to be the same) is an enormous amount of work. Work that means we aren't doing new things because we're busy doing the old.

What we have announced is CM:SF 2. It will come out sometime after CM: Normandy, hopefully right on its heals. It will have all the improvements seen in the Normandy and also a temperate environment. Lots of other major new stuff too.


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What we have announced is CM:SF 2. It will come out sometime after CM: Normandy, hopefully right on its heals. It will have all the improvements seen in the Normandy and also a temperate environment. Lots of other major new stuff too.

For those of us who like a middle-east setting, I hope CM:SF 2 will not have any unnecessary modding restriction. I would hope someone would create a middle-east mod for CM:SF 2 soon after its release. There are enough temperate mods for CM:SF at the moment to convince me this must be possible.

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Last year we decided to not invest our time in making improvements to a QB system that we know, for sure, that is going to be completely changed. Instead of doing that we've been putting our time into making the sorts of improvements you've seen in the various patches (especially v1.10). This means that everybody is getting improvements, not just people that play QBs. Unfortunately, it also means that people that really love playing QBs are not going to see significant change until CM: Normandy when the new system is in place.

We are not planning on retrofitting CM:SF with any of the features going into CM: Normandy. There are many reasons for it, but the primary one is that we're going to change all the data formatting for the TO&E. To retrofit that into the CM:SF data (which means all the Modules too, since it's all got to be the same) is an enormous amount of work. Work that means we aren't doing new things because we're busy doing the old.

What we have announced is CM:SF 2. It will come out sometime after CM: Normandy, hopefully right on its heals. It will have all the improvements seen in the Normandy and also a temperate environment. Lots of other major new stuff too.


Will you be able to load in units/scenery from CMSF1 +modules into CMSF2? or Will they be ported across anyway?

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