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Not Another AAR?! Tux Vs. Myglas

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Wow, didn't mean to jinx you. Ouch. I hate those SU's, unless, of course, they are in My OOB, heh heh.

Nice move using the damaged panzers as distractions. He can't be absolutely sure, and will have to take them into account. I try to use my damaged panzers too, instead of driving them to the rear. They can sometimes come in handy, and I've loaded squads onto them to dash for a position as an armored carrier in some desperate actions.

The flank shot is the way to go on this one. Keep up the action.

Good luck on the employment front. What jobs are you interested in?


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Turn 17

The ploy is working. Whilst the rest of the fight is beginning to die down, my unarmed Panzer IV performas a faux-'shoot n scoot' movement, made with a fast waypoint followed by a reverse back into cover. As he drives around the corner of his sheltering building he spots the SU-122 which has driven still further towards him in an attempt to remove the 'threat' he poses to Mylgas' flank. Even as the SU lowers his gun prior to firing however, my Panzer reverses smartly back into cover.


Elsewhere my fully-capable tank has made it to the road and is preparing to assail the SU from its rear quarter. After 13 seconds of Turn 18 he is going to set off and, unless the SU has changed its focus, he should be able to kill the offending SPG before the minute is out.

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I've just sent the orders for Turn 19. I'm quite confident the second gun should be dead by now, and so I'm switching my mortar halftrack onto a distant rubbled building which has been housing a pesky ATR and MG for some time now.

My impotent tank is going to perform another fake shoot 'n' scoot manoeuvre to keep the SU distracted, and my fully-capable tank is going to race up the hill and try to gain a point-blank flank shot with which to kill the thing.

That's it really. Things are definitely winding down now...

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Turn 19

As my impotent tank performs his forwards + reverse manoeuvre the crew confirm that the SU-122 is properly distracted, and that, again, it just fails to get off a shot:


Seconds later my fully-capable Panzer IV crests the hilltop being used by the SU as cover. Even as the Russian crew struggle to counter the new threat the German gun goes off at maximum muzzle-depression and point-blank range:


The shell slices through the SU's thin flank armour and detonates inside:


German forces across the entire map breathe a sigh of relief - within seconds the Panzer IV will have fired again and killed Mylgas' final SPG for good!

Unfortunately we must wait until Turn 20 for that to happen. In my orders for the turn I have decided to send my pristine Panzer over the crest of the hill and deep into Mylgas' territory. There are no longer any threats that can endanger it, and I want to get my own back on those bloody mortar crews!

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Yeah baby, TREFFER!! I'll bet you were sweating it just a bit as the great lumbering beast began to grind gears to turn into your Mark IV. I noticed the SU managed to partially turn before getting cored with AP. It is moments like that when time stands still for me. Woe unto that mortar crew....no mercy.


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Dieseltaylor, you may be right about the game length, but I hate it when fights are cut short by 'the timer'. For me it really ruins the immersion when you get the Results Screen up, look back at the map and then are supposed to imagine all the combatants simply standing up and walking back to their respective frontlines without any further firing. I always like to see a fight through to its natural conclusion.

John and Heinrich, yes, it's a relief to have done with that final big-hitter. I think, in general, Mylgas' AFVs have been too static throughout the game. Every one I killed was after I'd been given two or three minutes to carefully arrange and order an attack on my own terms against a practically immobile target. When the game is over we can perhaps discuss this in more depth with a view to providing Mylgas with some constructive criticism, but I personally always get nervous if I leave a tank in one place for more than a minute or so without specifically guarding against possible flank/ rear attacks.

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In fairness to Myglas, he's operating the SU-122s without any kind of screen armor against proper tanks, and pretty powerful ones at that. Classically, in the defense, these SUs rely on ambush tactics and on the offensive, are not the front line, rather, trail it behind the tanks by several hundred meters. It is the Germans who used their StuGs offensively, whole brigades of them, in fact, and wrought havoc when used well, as opposed to, say, the Kursk insanity. I've read accounts where a StuG brigade went right through a rifle division, even shattering the divisional artillery before returning in triumph. Some of the StuG brigades fought down to 20% strength, were pulled out and rebuilt twice.


John Kettler

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Never fear, I've simply been away for a few days. Not for Thanksgiving, being British an' all, but nonetheless away.

By the way I accidentally labelled the previous turn as 19 instead of 18 and it is now too late to change, so sorry for any confusion caused.

Turn 19

It doesn't take long for the SU to be finished off. In the first few seconds of the minute a second AP shell from the nearby Panzer sparks off a raging inferno inside the crippled hulk:


A few seconds later the tank moves away, its job done, and the crew sit back to spray at nearby routed infantry as they begin their mission to destroy Mylgas' mortars.

I also noticed something very bizarre in this turn. My 'Gun Damaged' tank has been spraying MG fire at visible targets! The tank selects a target and exhibits the usual red line connection to the latter, but it never engages this target. Instead the hull MG sprays at different targets, such as the bailed-out crew of the latest SU-122.


I have never ever had a 'Gun Damaged' AFV continue fighting in a battle before. They have always been rendered entirely impotent, meaning all guns and MGs are useless. That even extends to external flexible MGs, but this time it's different. Very strange.

Here is the movement order my last fully-potent tank is following. A quick dash along the main road into Mylgas' rear area to take on the support weapons. Mwahahahaaaa.


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A standard Gun Kill result shouldn't take out your tank's hull MG, for it's treated as a separate weapon, rather than as part of the affected turret armament. By contrast, a Gun Kill on a Grant or Lee will take out both cannon and any Co-ax MGs, for it's the way the code was stretched to allow them in in the first place. Going clear back to CMBO, I've had tanks reduced to ultra expensive MG carriers, which is what you've got here. Said MG is NOT under your control, but is instead run by the AI.


John Kettler

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Heh, it seems that I've been unlucky in the past. Never mind - I'm not complaining!

Turn 20

All of Mylgas' units, save the lone ATR which I have been commenting on from time to time, are now either routed or fully suppressed and I have many of my infantry and MG units on Area Fire orders to maintain that state of affairs. My 'breakthrough tank' therefore makes it to the enemy rear without being troubled by anything more than a few long-range ATR pot-shots. None of them hit.


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Turn 21

The breakthrough tank makes it to within metres of the enemy, but has been forced to button by a very light burst of rifle fire - at least I know Mylgas' units are still here.


In the orders phase for Turn 22 I have told my breakthrough tank and my TC-less tank to Area Fire at the nearby building. I am also going to adjust the breakthrough tank's positioning to gain better LOS to Mylgas' units' last known positions.


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Just by the way, I will not be able to post the next turn here until next weekend unless Mylgas returns it to me very soon. I will be working in Holland during the week for the next few weeks, so the post-rate is going to suffer I'm afraid.

Never fear though, I will finish it off when I get the chance.

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Looks like some loose ends to cover at this point. I can't imagine he has much left, but ya never know. Post when you can. We'll be waiting.

Will you be anywhere near Amsterdam? According to the paper, Amsterdam is trying to "clean up the crime," due to adverse publicity. Yeah, like that will happen. You can't have the "fun" stuff (drugs and sex) without the "crime" part being involved.


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Hi, I've found time at work to post a quick message. Yeah I flew into Amsterdam, but I'm working around the industrial area of Rotterdam so I'm not able to comment further on Amsterdam itself. I was under the impression, though, that the very fact that the sex/ soft drugs industry was legal in Holland contributed to their very low overall crime rates? Perhaps I was mistaken...

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Off topic....

Depends on statistics.

Assume a city with 1 m inhabitants.

Say 300 crimes a day, of whom 30 are prostitution and 50 (soft) drug related. Allow prostitution and soft drugs and there are 220 crimes left. But as you offer a safe haven, you will attract gangs that will defend their turf. You will see more forced prostitution. Red light districts see people running around with cash that are less likely to go to the police after pickpocketing - as their wifes might have different ideas about prostitutes than the law. So expect thieves there. Say 50 (reported) cases a day for these crimes attracted by the "scene".

That still means 30 cases less a day, i. e. an overall decrease in the crime rate.

So you can't compare the crime rates of the Netherlands to those in the UK. You gotta compare Amsterdams red light district to other Amsterdam quarters (ie areas with similar/same laws). Any you have to compare the detailed crime rates where types of crimes are included.



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Good point...

Turn 22

Everything is so quiet now - it's scary! The only disturbances to be heard are a few Area Firing German infantrymen and the odd crunch of a distant 75mm gun as my commanderless tank hammers away at Mylgas' rear building cover. Unfortunately I was careless with my breakthrough tank's orders, and it spends most of the turn rotating on the spot to avoid a patch of 'slope' which it cannot traverse in order to reach its final waypoint. On the bright side, a mortar unit is identified inside the building and will be attacked next turn:


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  • 5 weeks later...

Turn 23

Very little happens - a couple of 75mm shells flush out whatever red infantry units remain in Mylgas' rearmost building, and my Panzer IV finally begins to move around to the other side.


Sorry for the delays folks. Work has got the better of me these last few weeks, and then I was without internet access last weekend.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey hey hey, folks, it's Turn 24!

I'll bet you all thought the game was dead? Well you may as well be right, in all honesty. The entirety of this turn sees my raider-Panzer IV flush out an assortment of Soviet gun- and mortar-crewmen, who are promptly persuaded to take cover in the nearby building by my tank's MG-fire.


One unit, which I think is probably to be a Company HQ, pops up dangerously close to my tank (within 25m), but poses a limited threat since he is promptly spotted and efficiently suppressed by the tank crew.

Elsewhere a few of my infantry units maintain nuisance Area Fire at the expected locations of a few of Mylgas' routed troops, but nothing of note occurs.

In my orders for Turn 25 I let my Pz IV's main gun loose on the assorted infantry, with priority given to the nearby HQ.

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Turn 25

Again, very little to report. The HQ is wiped out by a brace of 75mm HE shells, eliminating the last expected threat that Mylgas could pose to my raiding Panzer.


In my orders for Turn26 I have included one for my Panzer to destroy the building in which Mylgas' crewmen are taking shelter. To be honest I'm jsut running down the clock now. I'll offer a ceasefire next turn.

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