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The game being as mod-able as it is makes simulating WW2 fairly close. The neat thing is that it has a very simple system where strategy is important and a player can make small mistakes. The fact it isnt complicated makes AI a lot better and the game work a lot better.

I really enjoy SC2 PDE and the new AI. How you handle land based air is great. The only thing I am so-so on is naval. But that is really difficult to implement in a PC game correctly. We have massive air fleets but in reality the largest land based air vs carrier battle was 800 japanese planes vs the US fleet off the Philippines (if I remember right) Thats 1 counter in SC2 :) Processing the fact that most sea battles took place near shore and only 1 off the top of my head took place in deep sea (bismark) its really tough to make it work but I think you all did a good job at it for its complexity. We can lower the spotting range of planes and ships to make it harder to find. Raise naval attack for planes to demonstrate land based air vs ships close to shore. **** I just got an idea for my scenario.

I love it. You guys have a permanent customer here.

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Im incredibly "IMPRESSED!!!"...by the Campaign Line-Up for the PACIFIC THEATER release!!!,..."SPECTACULAR-WORK!!!".

I'm also hoping for some 'Hypothetical' Campaign's...specifically at least for the one i have in mind,...and that is...with the assistance of breaking new-technology from the III-Reich,...the 'Japanese' were putting into work or into motion...effort's to drastically modernize their 'Air-Arm'. New Jet Technology was very-near visited in the Pacific Theater,...as well as for new technologies for the other branches of the Japanese armed forces.

Even beyond WAR IN EUROPE & PACIFIC THEATRE,...if 'Hubert' desires so...there is so much more that can be done!~,...but!...is there time to do it?...or any desire to do it!.

'HISTORY!'...is replete with an almost endless-supply of material to work with for future release's. OK!...i'll rattle off just a very-few of my favorite day-dreaming's!..."Just-Because!"... .

1. "RED CRESENT"_Ressurgence of the 'Muslim-Islamist-Empire'!.

Before the Crusades began in earnest...the Muslims nearly conquered Europe!,...check your history...this really nearly happened! [Today...much of Europe is flooded with Cheap Foreign MUSLIM Labor_Large Numbers Of Them!.]. Also...TODAY...'Mahmoud Amadinejad' [iRAN'S LEADER] has that same/similar dream/thought in mind!,...but 1st he need's to gain control of the Arab-Middle-East!,...Eradicate Israel...then onward's...ever onward's!...to greater glory & conquest!.


Spanish Conquest Of The 'NEW-WORLD!'. An amazing-daring-brilliant effort by the Spanish-Empire to take control of Central & South America!.


Very recent stuff!...full of mind-boggling brilliant effort's by the ISRAELI'S to defend their homeland!.


So much rich material to work with here!. I think that one of the reason's why the ROMAN-EMPIRE fell...is because that when the EMPIRE had expanded as far as it did,...the ROMAN'S were getting into a short supply of Gold and other mean's with which to pay the hired Mercenaries & and for the expenses of fortifying the frontier region's. They opted to use alloy's in their Gold - Silver & Copper in order to make their fund's stretch out to keep the payroll's going!. Neighboring Merchant's may have not been impressed anymore with gimicky-'Roman Coin' anymore,...and so thereby causing this fraudulent scheme to backfire on the instigator's,....thereby causing the Roman-Empire to Collapse!!!. ?????...am i partly right?,...mostly right?...who really know's...there are also other reasons why this powerful Empire fell!. Which to bring it in today's perspective...is what is also now happening to the United States! [iE: Printing TrainLoad's Of Money To Pay For These Bailout's!_>Creating HyperInflation!_>Devauling The U.S. Dollar!_>Severe Recession or maybey even Depression!].

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I forgot who produced P.T.O. ...Pacific Theatre Of Operations?. Anyway...in that game, for example... i could order the construction of a 'New-BattleShip' or a 'New-Air-Craft-Carrier' or what-ever!.

At that point i also could input 'what-ever-available' Technolgies into my new 'Pet-Project' that i wanted too! [size Of Ship-Battle Ship or Carrier or What-Ever_Transform Carrier into a Rocket-Launcher-Platform or Use it only for aircraft_Designate a name for it...EG:(Japanese) 'I****SUCHI'???]. Once the design consideration's were emplaced,...a Construction-Time-Frame would be blurted out for me! & as the game time would progress,...i would then be able to stop in and peek to see how the progress on my effort/effort's...were coming along!.

It would be great...if on top of all of that...that one could see a visual-image of the actual physical 'Ship-Construction' progress!...~A Deam!...Only In A Dream!.

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  • 3 weeks later...

'What-If!',...by some chance the JAPANESE were successful at MIDWAY!,...would Pearl-Harbour and the West-Coast of the United-States have been possibly on the Menu Next?.

I look forward, not to just the 'Historical Lineup' of the Pacific-War-Campaign,...but also to some 'What-If'_Hypothetical Studies...such as i just described up above!.

This could also later include 'New Technological' advances by the Japanese in 'Jet Aircraft' as well as 'Specialized Constructions' such as the Submarine the Japanese were in the processes of constructing and proving...which was in effect a Submarine that could carry 3-Aircraft in it that could be launched anywhere in the world. A possible target could be the 'Panama-Canal' [Disrupt a Shipping Conduit to the Pacific used by the U.S. Navy] or 'New-York-City' [A reply/response for the Dolittle-Raid] or what-ever so as to demoralize their opponent and encourage the Japanese to move on ever onward's.

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To much American output for Japan to have any real chance.If they had sunk all three Ami.Carriers and lost none it would have been demoralising but I cant see them ever hoping to mach the U.S.in production.Not to mention the population difference,plus the fact the Americans were real pissed about Pearl harbour.It probably would have delayed things somewhat but in the end the Allies still win.

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