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Marines Bug Reports


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Hi guys,

Secondly, in 1.08 I was pretty sure that when 8-9 AK's opened fire at a suicidal Blue squad running in the open I was sure to knock most of them down quite quickly. Since 1.10 I am not so sure anymore. I read that accuracy had been toned down, and I am aware that troop quality/experience, and suppression all play a part in how accurate outgoing fire is, but since the new patch, I watch in disbelief as loads of out-going fire seems to miss seemingly 'sitting duck' targets at relative close ranges (20-40 metres) The Blue troops will stop amongst the sickeningly hail of fire (in most cases in this scenario in the middle of a road), turn to face their newly acquired targets and rip off long bursts - killing/pinning etc my boys in good cover who literally had the jump on them. My Red fire just doesn't seem to hit them like it used too.

The "abstract cover" units receive seems to have increased significantly since 1.08. Since the game does not visually represent every possible type of cover(for example, no cars) and since the tacAI isn't as good at taking cover as a real soldier would be, this is generally how it should be.

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In the USMC Hills and Highways scenario, Some things I noticed about the objectives...There were 3 objectives, the intersection, the heights, and the village square. The intersection didnt show a green area at all so forgot it was an objective and never took it. I had troops on the heights but didnt get credit for it in the end credits or a radio message during the game telling me I had taken the heights. The green area high-lighting the objective didnt disappear either when I moved troops into the area. When I had troops move thru the village square, I got a message and the green area disappeared. Same thing happened in the USMC Beach scenario with its objectives except I got credit for them but no message telling me so and the green area didnt disappear. Otherwise, Ive been enjoying the heck out of this addon.

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Hi guys,

Well after Steve's explanation re: inexperience and AK's on full auto not helping with accuracy :) I fired up Al Huqf one more time to see if I could make a game of it against the fearless and seemingly bullet proof 1.10 Blue team

Instead of starting with poorly led Syrian regulars who really couldn't hit anything even when presented with 'gifts' for targets - targets which I doubt a human player would ever give me - I upped their experience to veteran, gave them high motivation and a +1 commander.

Using the same positions, I set the Red cover arcs and waited for the AI to send them targets.

Well, the Blue team duly rolled in and rolled over my supposedly combat experienced, motivated men who still did very very badly with their Klashinikovs. With disbelief I watched the same scenario unfold - Blue present bunched up targets, Syrians open up - lines of yellow streak through, over, under but not into the now alerted Blue soldiers, who let rip - from exposed positions - to take out my guys with frightening accuracy who are in buildings.

Some might call me a bad loser/tactician, but something just doesn't feel right at all. I have the positions plus the experienced men behind the triggers, yet time and time again I get hosed all over.

This did not happen in 1.08.

I really feel there is something not quite right with this as it stands. Not a major issue if you are the Blue player :) However, I like a challenge so Red suits me - but I need to be sure that what I am seeing is 'fair' and how it 'should be'...and nothing else.

All thoughts appreciated

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Minor bug here, but in playing the first USMC Campaign scenario (both the original and the revised version Steve posted Sat), I note that the split sniper squads (not the HQs) are mislabeled -- instead of 1 Squad / Team A you get 1 Squad / 1 Squad for both teams. Didn't have any other discernible effect on the game.

As a test, I deployed split squads of a scout sniper platoon in the Editor. The teams appeared correctly. This issue appears to be unique to this scenario. Is it unique to me?

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it seems that the bug already reported (increase of ammunition number in vehicule (ie number of TOW missile in bradley for example) seems still present

should it be corrected by 1.10 ?

in Al Huqf engagement the bradley starts with 5 TOW and now after 3 turns it has 11....

best regards

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I think I should report what looks like a LOS bug. In the 4th battle of the campaign (Battle for Objective Pooh) one of my sniper teams clearly identified an enemy tank only to discover that it couldn't target the vehicle for a helo-strike as the LOS was passing through the upper floor of an intervening building. It was right through that floor of the building, not just grazing the roof, so I don't see how that team managed to clearly identify the vehicle. In the same battle, another sniper team clearly identified a BMP close to the edge of a building but when it tried to target it for a helo or artillery strike the LOS was blocked.

I just thought I'd mention it in case any changes to LOS have been made for 1.10, as it doesn't appear to be working correctly. I would have thought that identifying a target and calling in air or artillery against it should follow the same LOS rules.

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Firstly well done to the BFC, get new features and units.

Just played " Hills and Highways " as syrians.

US truck got bogged infantry didnt dismount all game. My teams "SPG and tank couldnt target the vehicle.

Also casualty figs didnt match forces left on the field. ( would any US units still be hidden or should all of them show?

PS The scenerios are hard, keep getting my asssss kicked.....( or crap player....)

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In the same battle, another sniper team clearly identified a BMP close to the edge of a building but when it tried to target it for a helo or artillery strike the LOS was blocked.

I too have seen this. Tank straight ahead with nothing apparent obstructing line of sight, LOS-tool reports "No LOS" and the vehicle can be seen.

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I'm playing USMC Blues for Allah scenario and unit descriptions are messed up. The last Hummer in column is called Pickup (PK) Kornet, other teams are also messed up. And when I tried to activate first truck or AT team in last one game turned off and I got windows error message with send/don't send option.

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