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Peng is Challenged Searching for Seanachai.

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Sorry, Charlie, but nothing's bogged on my side of the map. Unless you count turns in general due to your pathetic rate of sending said files.

And just for your information, I've put your name in for the Seanachai Award for Slug-like Turn Sending.

Are you excited???

Despise me, yes. Abuse me, yes.

But always hold in reserve that bit of wonderment, because I continue to post here, and I add a bit of magic. Because this place is just a wee bit wonderful, despite itself. And because you know that despite myself, I'm just a bit more wonderful than the alternatives.

Because I've never sent anyone a Private Message calling them a c**t. Because I've never sent anyone a Private Message bullying them to stop posting. Because I've never sent a Private Message threatening anyone with continued abuse and promising retribution. Because I'm not such a fecking coward as to slide behind Private Messages to try and make myself significant, but avoiding being banned because I made sure my abusive ******* behaviour was only done...in a Private Message.

Not like some. You can find that sort of behaviour, if you look for it. Invariably it's done to people too nice to go to the Authorities about it.

It isn't done to me, for example. Because people like Abbott and his hag of a wife are too frightened of me to take me on. They snipe from the shadows. Bullies always make sure that no one sees what cowards they are. They attack people they're sure won't call them on it.

But Abbott and his Wife are bullies, and cowards.

And, Coventry aside, it's time that that fact is acknowledged.

I began this Place. I have always advocated acceptance, and good humour, and letting everyone have their say. All wrapped up in mockery, abuse and silliness, of course. But I never called anyone a c**t in a Private Message. I have occasionally waxed a bit strong about people in the General Forum, or such, but that was always up front and straight forward, and I have always been willing to pay the price for being out-spoken, and perhaps out of line. And I have always apologized when I grew too heated.

But I have grown TIRED of Abbott and Lady Redneck. I've grown TIRED of people who send PMs filled with vulgarity, paranoia and abuse, because they're too cowardly to say it where they'll be judged and, most likely, banned.

It is time for them to go bother someone else.

This can occur without prejudice. Abbott and Lady Redneck can take a parting shot. But they need to go away. There is no place here for them, anymore.

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Eh, feck. You see how sweeping out the garbage can distract a man from what's important?


I'm an hour late, or so, but it's still meant.

Ah, if only all the neo-con whores were as entertaining, such good hosts, and as good-humoured as he.

Makes a man conflicted to be an American.

Still, one of our strengths is the ability of all peoples of good intentions to come together and make a better Union. We won't do it by polarization and chanting 'which side are you on?'.

Oh, and I think we should put a cap on all this 'lets kick Seanachai in the jewels until things get better' stuff. I see your beady eyes out there, waiting until I pass ou-- fall asleep, so that you can get the boot in.

Ah'm talkin' to YOU, Peng and Berli!

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I feel that now is the time to reveal my hot humid Venusian love for Leeo.

I have long loved him from afar. Kinda like the two feet that looms betwixt my nethers and my old flat screen monitor with the burnt-out pixel at 12 o'clock.

I was bumped out of the final round of my 4th grade spelling bee by the word "o'clock", by the way.

That makes my damp lovings all the more based on hate and fear, and I've found that that's the best kind of love.

Love me, Leeo! Love me!

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It isn't done to me, for example. Because people like Abbott and his hag of a wife are too frightened of me to take me on.

LOL, a Grandma Steve whine and coffee, what a way to start my day! Is this another hero’s call out Steve? Are you going to show everyone, especially me, what you are made of? Ooooooooo...scariens, your not going to use *gasp* words on me are you?

No Steve my wife and I are not bullies and cowards, you are! You hide behind the highly offensive abuse you so love to dish out and a few hyena friends. You call my wife a hag but it’s ok for a backbite like Patchy to disgust and defile. There are to many double standards to count here. As far as me being banned from the forum, shove it. You and some of your friends have behaved much worse then I have and I have put up with way more crap then I have dished out. That obtuse broad Patchy defiled my children and now has you whining about it and she wants to continue to post crap directed at me. Hell, she can catch a little flak for it just like anyone else or she can leave me alone....geez, I know she’s slow but come on.


I didn’t complain to the Mods. when I received a death threat over this stupid thread. I didn’t complain to the Mods. when bend over Berli started a thread directed solely at me, at your request, a clear violation of the forum rules. I didn’t complain to the Mods. when you orchestrated that stupid e-mail that Leeo sent me trying to take your little Forum game off the Forums and into my personal life. And I only laughed out loud at you and Leeo when you both denied it like a couple of b*tchs. I am clearly the nicer person through all of this and I don’t need a group or lies to cower behind as you do as you continue your quest to try and be a “look good mother fecker”.


Many, many posts of yours have been far more abusive then my posts and as far as taking you on??? What to hell does that mean? I could give a sh*t less about you, that’s nothing more then your pathetic vanity talking...come down from the heights before you fall off your ego and hurt yourself. Everything just has to be about you doesn’t it? You could have been a Star! *snicker*You don’t like it then shut the hell up about me and post about something besides my wonderful wife and myself. Got it cork sucker! I sent myself to Coventry to accommodate, so you can stop your crying and find someone else to sic your dumb assed friends on. You love it so dearly, look around a bit I am sure you can find someone you can harass. Or simply put me on your ignore list, I have found that works fine and is especially helpful with this thread. You are close to going on mine. Have a good day.

[serious] If something is truly bothering you then feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it. [/serious]

Feck off.

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I feel that now is the time to reveal my hot humid Venusian love for Leeo.

I have long loved him from afar. Kinda like the two feet that looms betwixt my nethers and my old flat screen monitor with the burnt-out pixel at 12 o'clock.

I was bumped out of the final round of my 4th grade spelling bee by the word "o'clock", by the way.

That makes my damp lovings all the more based on hate and fear, and I've found that that's the best kind of love.

Love me, Leeo! Love me!

I was going to wish you a happy birthday, but after that I think I'll just nod politely and then, after typing this, go wash my hands.

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Is it dalem's birthday then ... how odd, I felt no great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddently cried out in terror and were suddently silenced.

I'd have thought that at least would have happened.


For dalem's birfday? I expected something more along the lines of a squirrel fart.

Happy birthday dalem

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Coventry aside, eh?

I took the fat bastard off ignore just to see what he was on about. It's the same stupid, mean-spirited bull****. Totally out of touch with reality. Just an asshat making asshat noises. So I put it back on ignore. It would be even better if the ignore feature kept even the indication that the dumb**** has posted invisible, but that appears to be a limitation of the technology. It irritates me that I have to see it, but I think it stands as a testament to the truly ****headed nature of the beast in question. Who but a complete boor, a jackass of the first order, a prick-faced pile of pig-**** would continue to squat somewhere that the locals have made abundantly clear he is not welcome. Only the Ugly American Abbott would do such a thing. Not because it is right, not because it is proper, not because it is fun, but merely because he can. He has that one special trait that the Ugly American has - the piggish sense of entitlement - Screw everyone else, we're from God's Chosen Country.

Abbott is indeed a bully. He's the oaf in the sandbox who wrecks the smaller kid's castles and laughs. He's the guy who cuts you off while your driving because his destination is more important than your destination. He's the guy with 20 items in the 10 item express checkout - daring you to call him on it. He's a despicable swine and the millions more like him are why the USA has descended from an admired and emulated nation to the pariah on the edge of endarkenment. Ignorance is strength. And Abbott is the pinnacle of strength.

So, Abbott. **** you, pal. Keep Posting. Everyone has you on ignore, but keep posting anyway, because it is your right to be a ****-sandwich if you want. No one here will deny you that right. No one here will read your douchebaggery either, but you have a right to post it. So by all means, please do. Just remember that every time one of us sees your name we say to ourselves, "Huh, wonder why that ****tard keeps posting." and then we have a nice scratch and a sip of coffee.

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I feel that now is the time to reveal my hot humid Venusian love for Leeo.

I have long loved him from afar. Kinda like the two feet that looms betwixt my nethers and my old flat screen monitor with the burnt-out pixel at 12 o'clock.

I was bumped out of the final round of my 4th grade spelling bee by the word "o'clock", by the way.

That makes my damp lovings all the more based on hate and fear, and I've found that that's the best kind of love.

Love me, Leeo! Love me!

I see somebody left their computer on and wandered off to make a drink while a short one was about.

Happy B-day, and come over again. We'll move on from brownies and try this awesome cake recipe I just got.

psst, I'm going to need $200 for the ingredients...

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I feel that now is the time to reveal my hot humid Venusian love for Leeo.

I have long loved him from afar. Kinda like the two feet that looms betwixt my nethers and my old flat screen monitor with the burnt-out pixel at 12 o'clock.

I was bumped out of the final round of my 4th grade spelling bee by the word "o'clock", by the way.

That makes my damp lovings all the more based on hate and fear, and I've found that that's the best kind of love.

Love me, Leeo! Love me!

I get that from a lot of folks.

Have no fear, dalem, and fear ye not, for it is when I get anear that Venusian love froths into smoke and disappears. Well, other than my dear lady one, for I had the dumb luck to have her imprint upon me, much like a confused swan becomes infatuated with old ratty sneakers.

So love on (from afar), for love is too short in the world, and your honkings and hootings of soft adulation somehow become bearable when muted by some 1800 miles of distance.

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fat bastard

Totally out of touch with reality.

So, Abbott. **** you, pal.

Keep Posting.

Actually I am one of the nicest people you would ever have the pleasure of meeting. But please go on and do tell me how I am, what I think and that I am like all Americans that don't believe the ignorant, stupid and hateful crap you are always spewing out of that ass that masquerades as your mouth. Is there anything else you and your mountain of uselessness would like to shout out to the helpless misguided masses? Come on convince me that you and only a select few know the truth about all things. Like Obama Bin Laden you could save us from...everything.

The truth seems to bother you. Hell, I have had you and several other retards you call friends tell me all about myself on several occasions when you idiots have never even met me. I don't think you have the courage to meet me now that you you have made such an ass of yourself by trying to browbeat everyone that posts here. Talk about being out of touch with reality, unless of course you think this stupid thread is reality?

Your words are weak.

LOL, I certainly do get a kick out of you pal :D:D:D

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Coventry aside, eh?

I took the fat bastard off ignore just to see what he was on about. It's the same stupid, mean-spirited bull****. Totally out of touch with reality. Just an asshat making asshat noises. So I put it back on ignore. It would be even better if the ignore feature kept even the indication that the dumb**** has posted invisible, but that appears to be a limitation of the technology. It irritates me that I have to see it, but I think it stands as a testament to the truly ****headed nature of the beast in question. Who but a complete boor, a jackass of the first order, a prick-faced pile of pig-**** would continue to squat somewhere that the locals have made abundantly clear he is not welcome. Only the Ugly American Abbott would do such a thing. Not because it is right, not because it is proper, not because it is fun, but merely because he can. He has that one special trait that the Ugly American has - the piggish sense of entitlement - Screw everyone else, we're from God's Chosen Country.

Abbott is indeed a bully. He's the oaf in the sandbox who wrecks the smaller kid's castles and laughs. He's the guy who cuts you off while your driving because his destination is more important than your destination. He's the guy with 20 items in the 10 item express checkout - daring you to call him on it. He's a despicable swine and the millions more like him are why the USA has descended from an admired and emulated nation to the pariah on the edge of endarkenment. Ignorance is strength. And Abbott is the pinnacle of strength.

So, Abbott. **** you, pal. Keep Posting. Everyone has you on ignore, but keep posting anyway, because it is your right to be a ****-sandwich if you want. No one here will deny you that right. No one here will read your douchebaggery either, but you have a right to post it. So by all means, please do. Just remember that every time one of us sees your name we say to ourselves, "Huh, wonder why that ****tard keeps posting." and then we have a nice scratch and a sip of coffee.

LOL, you three idiots Peng, Berli and Senachai have the gall to call other people trolls after this type of crap the three of you regularly spew :rolleyes:

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Coventry aside, eh?

I took the fat bastard off ignore just to see what he was on about. It's the same stupid, mean-spirited bull****. Totally out of touch with reality. Just an asshat making asshat noises. So I put it back on ignore. It would be even better if the ignore feature kept even the indication that the dumb**** has posted invisible, but that appears to be a limitation of the technology. It irritates me that I have to see it, but I think it stands as a testament to the truly ****headed nature of the beast in question. Who but a complete boor, a jackass of the first order, a prick-faced pile of pig-**** would continue to squat somewhere that the locals have made abundantly clear he is not welcome. Only the Ugly American Abbott would do such a thing. Not because it is right, not because it is proper, not because it is fun, but merely because he can. He has that one special trait that the Ugly American has - the piggish sense of entitlement - Screw everyone else, we're from God's Chosen Country.

Abbott is indeed a bully. He's the oaf in the sandbox who wrecks the smaller kid's castles and laughs. He's the guy who cuts you off while your driving because his destination is more important than your destination. He's the guy with 20 items in the 10 item express checkout - daring you to call him on it. He's a despicable swine and the millions more like him are why the USA has descended from an admired and emulated nation to the pariah on the edge of endarkenment. Ignorance is strength. And Abbott is the pinnacle of strength.

So, Abbott. **** you, pal. Keep Posting. Everyone has you on ignore, but keep posting anyway, because it is your right to be a ****-sandwich if you want. No one here will deny you that right. No one here will read your douchebaggery either, but you have a right to post it. So by all means, please do. Just remember that every time one of us sees your name we say to ourselves, "Huh, wonder why that ****tard keeps posting." and then we have a nice scratch and a sip of coffee.

I have never, ever once wrecked a sand castle!

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Coventry aside, eh?

I took the fat bastard off ignore just to see what he was on about. It's the same stupid, mean-spirited bull****. Totally out of touch with reality. Just an asshat making asshat noises. So I put it back on ignore. It would be even better if the ignore feature kept even the indication that the dumb**** has posted invisible, but that appears to be a limitation of the technology. It irritates me that I have to see it, but I think it stands as a testament to the truly ****headed nature of the beast in question. Who but a complete boor, a jackass of the first order, a prick-faced pile of pig-**** would continue to squat somewhere that the locals have made abundantly clear he is not welcome. Only the Ugly American Abbott would do such a thing. Not because it is right, not because it is proper, not because it is fun, but merely because he can. He has that one special trait that the Ugly American has - the piggish sense of entitlement - Screw everyone else, we're from God's Chosen Country.

Abbott is indeed a bully. He's the oaf in the sandbox who wrecks the smaller kid's castles and laughs. He's the guy who cuts you off while your driving because his destination is more important than your destination. He's the guy with 20 items in the 10 item express checkout - daring you to call him on it. He's a despicable swine and the millions more like him are why the USA has descended from an admired and emulated nation to the pariah on the edge of endarkenment. Ignorance is strength. And Abbott is the pinnacle of strength.

So, Abbott. **** you, pal. Keep Posting. Everyone has you on ignore, but keep posting anyway, because it is your right to be a ****-sandwich if you want. No one here will deny you that right. No one here will read your douchebaggery either, but you have a right to post it. So by all means, please do. Just remember that every time one of us sees your name we say to ourselves, "Huh, wonder why that ****tard keeps posting." and then we have a nice scratch and a sip of coffee.

You have my permission to keep posting Peng Pal.

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Coventry aside, eh?

I took the fat bastard off ignore just to see what he was on about. It's the same stupid, mean-spirited bull****. Totally out of touch with reality. Just an asshat making asshat noises. So I put it back on ignore. It would be even better if the ignore feature kept even the indication that the dumb**** has posted invisible, but that appears to be a limitation of the technology. It irritates me that I have to see it, but I think it stands as a testament to the truly ****headed nature of the beast in question. Who but a complete boor, a jackass of the first order, a prick-faced pile of pig-**** would continue to squat somewhere that the locals have made abundantly clear he is not welcome. Only the Ugly American Abbott would do such a thing. Not because it is right, not because it is proper, not because it is fun, but merely because he can. He has that one special trait that the Ugly American has - the piggish sense of entitlement - Screw everyone else, we're from God's Chosen Country.

Abbott is indeed a bully. He's the oaf in the sandbox who wrecks the smaller kid's castles and laughs. He's the guy who cuts you off while your driving because his destination is more important than your destination. He's the guy with 20 items in the 10 item express checkout - daring you to call him on it. He's a despicable swine and the millions more like him are why the USA has descended from an admired and emulated nation to the pariah on the edge of endarkenment. Ignorance is strength. And Abbott is the pinnacle of strength.

So, Abbott. **** you, pal. Keep Posting. Everyone has you on ignore, but keep posting anyway, because it is your right to be a ****-sandwich if you want. No one here will deny you that right. No one here will read your douchebaggery either, but you have a right to post it. So by all means, please do. Just remember that every time one of us sees your name we say to ourselves, "Huh, wonder why that ****tard keeps posting." and then we have a nice scratch and a sip of coffee.

Peng you are a fine Canadian bastard, very Dorosh like, except for Dorosh had original material.

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Coventry aside, eh?

I took the fat bastard off ignore just to see what he was on about. It's the same stupid, mean-spirited bull****. Totally out of touch with reality. Just an asshat making asshat noises. So I put it back on ignore. It would be even better if the ignore feature kept even the indication that the dumb**** has posted invisible, but that appears to be a limitation of the technology. It irritates me that I have to see it, but I think it stands as a testament to the truly ****headed nature of the beast in question. Who but a complete boor, a jackass of the first order, a prick-faced pile of pig-**** would continue to squat somewhere that the locals have made abundantly clear he is not welcome. Only the Ugly American Abbott would do such a thing. Not because it is right, not because it is proper, not because it is fun, but merely because he can. He has that one special trait that the Ugly American has - the piggish sense of entitlement - Screw everyone else, we're from God's Chosen Country.

Abbott is indeed a bully. He's the oaf in the sandbox who wrecks the smaller kid's castles and laughs. He's the guy who cuts you off while your driving because his destination is more important than your destination. He's the guy with 20 items in the 10 item express checkout - daring you to call him on it. He's a despicable swine and the millions more like him are why the USA has descended from an admired and emulated nation to the pariah on the edge of endarkenment. Ignorance is strength. And Abbott is the pinnacle of strength.

So, Abbott. **** you, pal. Keep Posting. Everyone has you on ignore, but keep posting anyway, because it is your right to be a ****-sandwich if you want. No one here will deny you that right. No one here will read your douchebaggery either, but you have a right to post it. So by all means, please do. Just remember that every time one of us sees your name we say to ourselves, "Huh, wonder why that ****tard keeps posting." and then we have a nice scratch and a sip of coffee.

What;s the matter, you getting your period?

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