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Why $10 for shipping and handling?

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Just wondering why this amount seems SO steep for my purchasing of the Marines module. That amount has to be more than shipping it priority, so does that mean it's going to be teleported directly into our disc players?

Because that'd be cool if that's the answer. I'd only ask if that is the case that it'd be teleported next to my keyboard, so that I could at least enjoy seeing the Star Trek "sparkly" effects when it beams into solidity.

That would be a real bonus, in my humble opinion.

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Actually you could beam it right onto your hard disk for no extra cost. Just click that digital down load button. You won't see no sparkly effects though...best thing you can do is, as it's down loading, smack yourself in the face with a hammer about five times...that'll get the sparkles kicking....when you stop bleeding hit the install button and presto...CMSF Marines module, no shipping and handling.

You can use the money you saved on some Tylenol and bandaids.


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Bah. If he's like me he's gotta have the physical package. I am gonna get both...much better to have the game right away and have the disc come later...not like that week and a half I spent running to the mailbox looking for CMBO!...and the heart stopping gasp when I didn't see the CD right away.


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LOL.. snail mail shopping. More stress than it's worth until the blessed package arrives.

Yes, I want both too but I live in Indonesia and I'm pretty sure the discs would get nicked by the lovely people who work in the postal service. Of course, Ramadan starts tomorrow so they're all a bit more honest for a month. Could be worth the risk.

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Mord's right, I got to have the CD/manual. And the pretty box art. Do you know how many people would KILL to have my near-mint condition of Thief's and Thief II's "triangular" boxes?

Having the product here physically is more of a "comfort" in regards to security thing anyway. If my hard drive just ends up dying on me (which has happened to me in the past), and I lose the downloaded version along with all the important documentation, then at the very least I'll have the disc to use.

Thanks for the link to the relevant article. It helped to explain a lot of things, but raised an important question that has yet to be answered: will installing the digital version of the Marines module make it so I no longer have to have SF's disc in the player? That would make me a very happy boy.

As to your suggestions as to how I can manage making teleporting effects on my own, I have an even simpler solution. I can simply BREATHE next to my wife and she'll whup my @$$ for daring to be alive.


Again, thanks for the feedback, and I hope the "is the CD required" question gets answered soon.

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You have to have the disc in the drive? Let me guess, Paradox version? I have the BFC version so I can't answer your question. Probably you are stuck with the need for the CD in the drive, if I was to hazard a guess. Sorry.

I'd rather have the disk in the drive as a requirement than have to phone home to activate my software.

I mean.. what happens when I can't magically teleport some activation confirmation to my new gittup? The doagies would be sad I bought something so useless at that point.

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The $10 is not just shipping, but Shipping AND Handling. The thread linked to above has a pretty good explanation.

Once the pre-order offer ends, we will also offer a "Download Only" option, which has no S&H. (The Pre-Order offer gives you the Download&Mail option at $25 plus S&H, once it ends Download&Mail will be $35 plus S&H, but you will also get a Download Only option at $25).

At the moment, it looks like you won't need the CD in drive for the Paradox version. I am not 100% sure yet. This will apply ONLY to customers who buy the Module. The v1.10 patch that will follow later will still work "as usual".

I'd rather have the disk in the drive as a requirement than have to phone home to activate my software.

Well, eLicense does neither. "Phoning home" refers to the software doing something (connecting online to a server for example) that you're not aware of. This doesn't happen. When you activate your game, YOU create a one-time connection by clicking on a button; and if you don't like even that, you can also simply navigate online to a webpage to activate the game manually. After the game is activated, there is no "phoning home" by eLicense. Ever.

If you want to "free up" your key/activation to be re-used somewhere else, you basically repeat the process, except that it's even faster (usually it's a one-click thing). There is no "transfer/teleport" of an activation, but rather it's activating/de-activating on your PC, and there is no limit as to how often you can do it.

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I'm a little late to the conversation, but I just wanted to emphasize that our S&H doesn't scale to the price of the product. That's one of the major reasons we started doing download sales, in fact. We've been planning on doing the Module concept for CM, in particular, for almost 4 or 5 years and knew that having $10-$14 in shipping charges for a $25 product wouldn't sit well with a lot of people. Since we can't reverse the upward trend in postage prices and the cost of fulfillment services, offering a download sales option was a no brainer.


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