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Honch Fall Weiss for PDE

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greetings, played first game session for two hours, have changed some things but i think firmly that them will not mess up event scripts, untill march 40 all is going very well, great work with the map, indeed, all sur american positions and african minor positions can lead to some fight for them and it is as some king of mini pacific battle/war, now with my thinkings...

1- paris rail connection is missing so, if mmp collect is restricted paris will not give to france any resurce, by now is the only issue i have found.


1-upgradeable minors, minor nations are worthless troops when the major nations achieve some research hits, well, is historical but i did think that minors maybe for better playability can be upgradeable.

2- german high command... you have included the senior officer of the ss, paul hausser, but there are some that seems missing, i do not know if they will come by scripts however.

2.1- in the battle of the bulge the commander of the sixth panzer armee is dietrich, i think that in a corps scale level game will be a good option to have two ss commanders,

2.2- in operation barbarossa (june 41) there are four panzer groups with around two panzer corps each of them, you have included one of these four commanders, he is Kleist, but the other three are missing, take it as optional if at last move the scenario to corps level... these are... guderian, hoepner and hoth, his performance is very good, at least until around 1942 when the german army reorganize for case blue operation, the second summer offensive on russia,

hope it helps somewhat, will post more when i play more on the scenario but overall is very well balanced, i like it much, thanks for make it available,

with best regards,


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Hmm, i believe Germany needs some more units, they have capacity 10/5/10 for corps/army/division, almosts ame as Italy!, and they alreday have all corps and army 1939, they can only but 3 more divisions, but it multiplied in numbers from 1939 onwards.

In Wehrmacht Service*, 1939: 4,722,000+

In Wehrmacht Service*, 1940: 6,600,000+

In Wehrmacht Service*, 1941: 8,154,000+

In Wehrmacht Service*, 1942: 9,580,000+

In Wehrmacht Service*, 1943: 11,280,000+

In Wehrmacht Service*, 1944: 12,070,000+

In Wehrmacht Service*, 1945: 9,701,000+

Regarding Waffen SS, my hope is that you add some scripts for voluntaries after the countries joins AXIS or are being defeated by AXIS (Dutch, Belgian, French, Italy, Scandinavia, Kaukasus, Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Baltic and Vlassov army)

France should also maybe have one more tank, since that actually outnumbered Germany on tanks 1940

I believe USSR should also have 1 more tank, they should have more than Germany.

Very nice map indeed, can´t wait for the AI scripts.

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1. Expanded the French Metropolitan rail network.

2. Finished the sea weather layer.

3. Added scripts for Benelux, Ostland, French and Norwegian Waffen SS.

4. Added Vlassov defection script.

5. Added a tank to USSR starting OOB.

6. Added a tank to French force pool.

7. Increased number of German armies in force pool to 6. I want to keep Germany dependent on minor nation manpower though, especially after Barbarossa. They will receive several free divisions via script.

8. Atomic Bombs are scripted but I am considering making them a unit again to provide more flexibility.

9. Changed the hard attack of fighters to zero.

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Can you provide the source for you numbers and the what those numbers contain?

The base number for the German Army in 1939, was 3.8 million. Replacements in subesquent years came from "year groups" as a given year group came of age. (In-fighting between the services for prime year group replacements was intense.) This is made quite clear in General Franz Halder's war diary.

It seems to me there was also a three-volume history of the expansion of the German Army, leading up to the start of the war, and covering the early war, that mentioned the same figure.

The Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine would have had manpower over and above this number, but to get to 12 million seems a stretch. There weren't that many Germans. Even when age limits were pushed.

I also have no recollection of there being 9 million German military personnel disarmed after the war. To me I think the correct number would be in the neighborhood of 2-2.5 million between prisoners of war captured in the last six months and those who captured as a result of the surrender.

Now Hitler had a passion for creating "new" divisions, which drove the General Staff crazy. It stretched available "division" assets paper thin and would give an "on paper" strength many times actual, if division headquarters were just counted and multiplied by a gross number of troops estimated in each establishment. But 12 million?


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Ah, excellent Cantona.

For the benefit of those wondering, the asterisks that Cantona copied, very accurately, reference the following.

[*Includes Wehrmachgefolge - those considered armed forces auxiliaries and in the direct employement, assistance or aid of the Wehrmacht, but not considered part of the Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine or Waffen-SS. Inlcudes those from groups such as the RAD, NSKK, OT, etc.

A word of caution regarding these numbers; there is no one single source for statistics and data on German casualties or service totals during WWII. As a result, numerous sources were checked and double checked to gather this information, and although some of the numbers seem to work out correctly, others do not. Taken together, these numbers should not represent an exacting view, but a more general one in which the trends and hardships can easily been seen. Those numbers with a '+' indicate a number that is not exact. We will likely never know exact numbers for all the headings listed above.]

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Hello Honch, have been playing the mod some time now, here comes feedback:

-very nice map, really like the chane to have some small scale operations in east africa.

-maybe a bit too much movement, what do you think? to maybe reduce it a bit

-divisions takes 5 month to get when you bought them, strange, i guess you forgot to change that

-divisions cost 100 mpp, maybe they should be even cheaper since they are small units

i will spend many hours playing this

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Yep, forgot to change that. I will ASAP. I may adjust the action points given that I have changed it to weeks for all except winter.

Have done some minor changes and adjustments and will start on the AI scripts this week.

Atomic Bombs are now decision events so you can say no if you don't want to use them.

Stay tuned!

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Honch, I was playtesting your latest version yesterday and apart from the missing scripts I discovered that as the French I can easily invade and take Switzerland with no resistence (no units that defend) in a single turn (and by the way: the Swiss capital is Bern, not Zurich). Your expanded map looks interesting. I hope that you can add the scripts soon.


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Yep, forgot to change that. I will ASAP. I may adjust the action points given that I have changed it to weeks for all except winter.

Have done some minor changes and adjustments and will start on the AI scripts this week.

Atomic Bombs are now decision events so you can say no if you don't want to use them.

Stay tuned!

greetings, good choice to make them optional,

i am middle of 41, all events work fine, just an small issue, italian corps cannot go amphibious in any space, germans can, i do not know if it is intended so, and the other issue is too minor, kiel to copenhagen rail is not working, but this small bug comes from the very begining of this map, i think is all about the land+sea hex that do not allow rail, balance is excellent, i make some changes but is a good signal that the mmp balance is working fine, and love the new industrial area icon, a good adding to the bmp files, good work,

with best regards,


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Its on cmmods.

I understand that Bern is the capital of Switzerland but in the scale of the game, Zurich is the only "city". The same thing with Vichy. Marseilles becomes the capital as Vichy is not represented at this scale.

I added a shore gun emplacement to Oran, added a couple of divisions to Spain, reduced the size of the Polish navy and some of its Eastern garrisons, and reduced the strength of the British African divisions.

The rail line from Kiel to Copenhagen seems to be OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am still working on the AI but some other updates so far:

1. Increased the starting OOB for most nations.

2. Changed the MPP production to 14 day normalization.

3. Slightly lowered the cost of fighters and non-sub naval units for the UK, subs and tanks for Germany, Divisions, Corps and Armies for USSR.

4. Made shore guns available to all nations except for Germany. They have rockets.

5. Lowered the starting activation of USSR to 0% Allied but increased activation triggers. Also changed all Axis victory scripts to include Moscow. No Axis victory is available without capturing Moscow.

6. Added a Romania to Germany convoy.

7. Lowered the Venezuela and Iraq convoy percentages.

8. Added a decision script for UK support of Greece.

THis will be on cmmods on MOnday.

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It looks as though CMMODS is still down. I will post the most recent version as soon as it is available.

Newest changes:

1. Changed Rocket tech to Shore Guns for ALL nations. German V1 and V2 rocket attacks on London are now scripted supply events.

2. Added scripts for "Crete Effect" similar to "Malta Effect" but hitting Axis supply in Egypt and Rhodes.

3. Increased the movement cost of some terrain and weather slightly.

4. Added a US to USSR convoy through Persia.

5. Added a few more events such as arrival of commonwealth pilots in UK, South African unit to Kenya, Indian and Gideon Force units to Sudan.

6. Adjusted El Alemein and Mannerheim Lines.

That should be it for the PvP version. The AI should be another week.

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greetings, well, all working fine and without gamebreakers for my game on your scenario, it is a previous version but works very well, i play until germany colapse, to middle 1943, i have done some changes to the scenario but was wanting just to say that works perfectly, the feature that i like most is the colonies around the map, aside is hard, but realistic to menace them with the axis

thanks for the good scenario,

with best regards,


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While still working on the AI I am posting a new PvP with some changes:

1. Added South Africa, Australia/New Zealand and India as UK off-map colonies. They have their own units that need to be upgraded, reinforced and transported to the European Theatre.

2. Added Soviet Far East as an off-map city. In late 1945 the Soviets will get units to transfer to Europe if necessary and the capital will go from Sverdlosk to the Far East making a USSR surrender impossible.

3. Spiced up the scripting for the politics and events surrounding the Iraqi coup and Persia's initial refusal to allow overland supply to USSR. They work really well.

4. Added an atomic bomb script to hit Berlin after bombs dropped on the Ruhr Valley.

5. Added some scripts so that Turkey and Yugoslavia have a negative response if the UK does not support Greece when attacked.

6. Changed Palestine to a separate nation, 100% occupied by UK. This allows Zionist and Arab rebels to attack supply.

7. Added alot more towns to the map to fill in the vast areas of empty space and add a little more life. These towns are graphics only. They do not provide any benefit to units in that tile.

8. Removed an oil resource from Basra and added one to Abadan in Persia.

9. Reduced the impact of oil shortages on Germany.

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