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Return to Babado

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This scenario is based on the original Assault on Babado. I've made it a larger scenario but still keeping the American assault then the Syrian counter attack form. This is the test version, so any comments will help iron it out.

Without giving too much away about the game, I want to go over what I was trying to accomplish. First, the American force has two missions at start.

The western force coming out of the Jabnarh district will have to clear a path through the walls to the inner compound for the following mechanized force. I wanted to try to make contact with the hidden enemy in an urban environment using infantry, and destroy him with limited to no friendly casualties.

The eastern group will be two infantry platoons advancing on the Kaf Lambar district. They must cross an open area with limited cover, including two roads.

With the Syrian forces I basicly attempted to have them delay the initial American assaulting groups and then attempt to counter attack the inner compound directly or flank it - depending on the three types of plans choosen by the AI.

The Syrian side is not designed for a human player against the AI. The American assault is planned but I really haven't tested that yet. Looks boring and I don't like being the bad guy.

I've enjoyed making this one.

Please be prepared to see a few LOS issues concerning the high walls. However, it does not effect the overall game play, in my opinion.

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I played the original version of this, numerous times through three incarnations,and it still is one of the most enjoyable scenarios so far created. So I'm looking forward to seeing what you've done with it, Phantom.

First impressions: fascinating map, but deadly for the US, with enemy having all manner of very unpleasant kill-lanes for the US to navigate. I got my ass shot off in the first ten minutes. That's not a bad thing though. Just means I'm going to have to thoroughly re-think my approach. Looking forward to spending more time on it.

[ November 18, 2007, 05:14 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]

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Yeah, loving it. Absolutely loving it so far. Gone in with completely different tactics, making better use of the specialists in my teams, and starting to make great progress. Visually spectacular, as you spend a lot of time in this one down on the ground with the men and vehicles, whereas in some more open other battles I tend to hover overhead a lot more.Seeing those Strykers manouevre through narrow entrances and up and down narrow lanes is really impressive.

Great fun.

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Furious, hellish, thoroughly enjoyable, an absolute blast (literally!). I still haven't completed. Playing Blue Elite in RT with frequent pauses to gather breath and regain my mind, and having to revert often to earlier saves, which some might say is a bit gamey but I simply wouldn't have a hope otherwise.

It really is a great battle, and I'll give a final sum up when I complete.

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Finally finished, and I'm shell-shocked and hugely impressed. A highly immersive, brutal battle, really well designed, with several very nice touches from a ferociously aggressive, but also quite wily AI. I'm wondering how much it will change when I replay - ie, three AI battle plans. Do those include differing startup positions for the Reds, or can I count on them always being in the same positions?

I'll play again soon. I want to see how far I can get with just a couple of saves, rather than the many I resorted to. I eventually got a Total US Victory, but only because I'd saved so often. Put short, this scenario toasted me!

I'd like to try it in WEGO, too.

I find it hard to offer any crits or suggestions for improvement. It's a nigh on perfect, full-on blood and thunder battle. If anything crops up in future attempts I'll let you know, but for now,I rank it high amongst the very best designs so far. Bring on more!

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I've got a test version ready. This will make Return to Babado more difficult to get a victory.

The map has been extended to allow the Red Mechanized force in the North more room to maneuver. Also, the Red army has a strong infantry support element that should make it more difficult for the US units to push too far passed the Inner Compound and get in the way of the red mechanized force entry to their objective. I've added a red infantry assault into the compound at the end. It adds to the chaos and increases the intensity of the battle, slightly. All deployment times have been adjusted ten minutes sooner. It seems the Red army is in better position when the US gets there. I'm amazed how much more difficult this scenario is with these new additions.

For the US side I've added one more Stryker assault platoon. It seems to help at the end. Instead of the useless A10 air support - I've replaced it with 2 Apachees. They provide great support for the assault. I only wish their arrival time was shorter and you will too.... Trust me. To give the US some added punch they have 155mm batteries available near the end.

I have tried to change the elevation of the terrain to avoid the strange LOS issue. There still is an occasional shot through the high walls. You may lose a guy or two from it but it shouldn't stop your assault.

I've had one comment about too many armored vehicles in a confined area. I've opened the inner compound to allow entry at multiple points. It still will be messy - If an urban battle broke out with both sides fully mechanized. I believe it would be extremely messy.

Only play as Blue for this test version.

Give it a try, and good luck.


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I started replaying the first (Return to..) - still great fun, but significantly easier second time around - though I haven't finished yet. So this new version will be interesting.

PS I didn't find the A10 useless. I didn't get to use it till right near the end, but it took out a couple of Syrian vehicles and several inf.

Yes, there were a few strange LOS/LOF issues, but they didn't spoil it.

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Sorry about the Bravo Assault on Babado Version 2, Cpl Steiner. There is a Plan 2 that is not planned and it is labeled "Use Frequently." Try it again - The right plan will come up.

I didn't put Return to Babado Ver 2 at CMMODS yet. It's more of a test to increase the difficulty. I'll put it in CMMODS after this run.

Handihoc, when I was testing the version 2 the A10 was just too inaccurate to help anywhere. I found that the Appachees arrived sooner and where much more accurate. The 155mm battery helps too. With the version 1, the US force can push into the red reinforcement zone and that was slaughter. The scenario was too easy. This time, I have a Syrian special forces company that is a "blocking force" that wont allow this to happen. They perform the job very well, maybe too well. I also opened up the inner compound more. The Syrians are in a much better position once the US force enters the inner compound.

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Interesting that in the new version, a simple change of elevation significantly impacts on the opening minutes of the engagement. That's as far as I've got, but it's enough to engage my interest further. I'm playin WEGO, which I don't usually. Takes longer ,but allows a more in depth analysis of what's going on.

Has anyone won a total victory (on the previous version) at Elite (which is what I play)? I think it's very hard. As I said earlier, I got it eventually, but only after many saves and reloads. I'm going to try and keep that to a minimum now, but we'll see. . .

Taking note of your hints.Just love this scenario, though.

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Some minutes before a crash to desktop (one of the few I encountered) I took the following screenshot. It has nothing to do with the scenario, just happens to proof how difficult it can become to avoid nasty "surprises" when playing CM:SF. Here we are talking about a MG targeting a Syrian MG in a trench, through a building AND a tall wall. Frustrating.


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Rollstoy - That's the same house I've had the issue with alot. I tried to lower the trench line in version 2. The elevation level is now 20 and the evil house is at 19. Before I had the trench on a small hill at 21. That pic you have is actually representing 2 levels in elevation. Hopefully, by dropping one elevation it's better now.

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Well, after initial success I've had to retire and lick my wounds, prepare to fight another day. I think I would have just about won, but with an unacceptable casualty rate, so I'm gonna try again. WEGO Elite: First platoon did okay, Second platoon and scouts got rather shredded. Third platoon got into the compound but suffered severely from cunningly hidden rpgs. Two of my MGS likewise. Bradleys arrived but I pushed them too far too soon and paid the price.

The Apaches are great, and I'm glad you brought them in earlier. The extended battleground to the north is also an improvement for enemy manouevreability. The battle plays out really intensely, despite LOS/LOF inconsistencies already mentioned.

Some really nice counterattacks and great house to house battles.

Still rate it as one of the very best.

[ November 28, 2007, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]

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I decided to quit to play again when the fourth platoon arrived. I 'probably' would have won with them as I'd successfully pushed a squad into Shakim's HQ, and inflicted major carnage on the enemy, but like I said, my losses by then were pretty horrendous, due to a couple of tactical errors on my part.

Just a personal thing, really. I feel I could/should have achieved a better result, so I'm going back in!

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I thought you might have missed that part, Handihoc. Might be time for a spoiler.

Rollstoy - The Javilins can be unpacked but you really need more men and ammo.

***Attention Spoiler***

The final phase of the battle is the Syrian force throws in its reserve element. It's a understrength battalion, all infantry. I don't know - Might be too much. I think the American 1 - 3rd platoons and the Bradley platoon will run out of ammo. But, the 4th platoon seems to be very effective in taking the objective. That's the key in this one. The side that occupies Shakims Headquarters is the winner.

I think the final Syrian assault is believable. It's a sign of desperation on their part. It seems they are very tenacious at gaining control of the inner compound.

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**** Spoiler!!!****

I don't think it's too much, though it's damn scary when it first appears. In fact, for single play I think you could add two or three more Syrian tanks/afv's to make it an even more intense final assault. I got a major victory in the end, but I was worried for a while, and it got utterly frantic in the last twenty minutes. Smoke everywhere, half the town demolished - the 155's were very effective - I'd used up the Apache's and 60m mortars by then.

The Syrian 'surge' was something of a banzai attack across the main road, and ultimately suicidal (several mg's and atm's rushed into the compound and a hail of lead rather than taking up opportunistic positions outside) and I was able to hold them off, though they did do me a lot of damage. A couple of their BMPs sat in the background and did nothing. Others ran straight into ambushes that a human would have avoided. A few more vehicles coming in from another entry point would have made things very difficult for me.

One thing I learned the hard way: when you blow up an enemy vehicle near you, or a nearby friendly vehicle takes a hit, chances are everyone in the near vicinity gets atomised! I'll be more careful placing vehicles and inf in future.

It's a great battle, though. It would be very interesting to multiplay it - a human player as the Syrians would presumably avoid many of the mistakes the AI makes.

[ December 01, 2007, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: handihoc ]

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Oh, seems that I have just finished the outdated version 1.

I enjoyed it while it lasted, but felt that I was beaten by the clock (which I do not particularly like).

The "mouseholing" aspect of it was nice. I helped me a lot to find out (finally) that I do not have to place the waypoint on the wall, but beyond it. Was not aware of that.

In the close quarters combat finish the usual bugs cost me dearly. I hope they will be sorted out in 1.05.

Best regards,


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