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Quick & Dirty Rubble Tutorial

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I got this idea from a suggestion Rollstoy made to Dan about fixing the foot print for rubble when it is placed on the map. It tends to have a squared off edge that doesn't fade naturally into the surrounding terrain like a real collapsed building would. So, I figured I'd write up a Quick and Dirty Tutorial for a more realistic looking ruined area, in hopes somebody might be interested.

I will assume in this tutorial that most are familiar with the editor and how to use it.

First off, here we have a standard rubbled tile. Not too bad, but as you can see it is very sharp edged and defined as it sits in the terrain.


So what you want to do, after placing your rubble, is to go to your Flavor Objects #1 tab and choose junk. Using variations of #s 3, 5, 6, and 7, click on your map in and around the rubble tile. Best to click the outside squares immediately surrounding the edges of the rubble, so you don't have to do a ton of clicking once in the 3D preview.

Now go to your 3D preview and you should see something a kin to this.


By left clicking on these flavor objects you can rotate each piece to face which way you'd like. By Shift-Left Clicking you can move them in the direction you are facing. Now what you want to do, using these two methods, is to move your junk pieces to parts of the rubble tile where you'd like to break up the profile edge, and anywhere else that you think makes the rubble look more realistic. You can do this as much as you want, stopping and eye-balling your work, as well as going back to the map editor and adding in more flavor objects as you see fit.

Here you see my results after about 15 minutes of work, a lot better and much more "natural looking"...as if the building spilled outwards in places when it collapsed or was blown up.


Next, I placed some craters around the rubble, and more (junk) Flavor Objects in an disorganized pattern, to add to the illusion that the building was bombed. Looking at the mess you can imagine what kind of hell rained down.


With further manipulating, I added some different grass types, and placed a building near the rubble. I removed a couple walls from the building and added more junk to give the appearance that it was the victim of collateral damage.


Later, using a couple of the techniques I've just discussed, I created a tall building that's had it's front facing collapsed/blown out.


Now compare these two buildings. One is done commando, with a minimal amount of clicks and effort...the other using my methods. Which one is sweeter?


With some time, planning, imagination and effort, this technique could be used in many variations to give ruined map areas better curb appeal.

Just imagine how much cooler they will look in environments more detailed than what I have displayed them in.

I hope I brought some new insight to the game for you burgeoning scenario makers as well as vets, and I hope you enjoyed it.


[ September 06, 2007, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]

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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

I have tears in my eyes!

Best regards,


PS: I hope that Charles codes something like this for collapsing buildings, now that he has a benchmark!

LOL now just IMAGINE what that is gonna look like in a WWII setting! I had visions of Stalingrad the whole time I was doing it!

The power of this editor is just mind boggling.

Glad you dug it bro.


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Thanks Kevin! If it was a ballad, it must be the kind that makes you wanna eat horse flesh and shoot people while perched in an old warehouse silo...come to think of it, is there any other kind?

Mishga, I am purposely ignoring you...meanwhile my Sagger Team is waiting until you are within the 500m minimum.


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HA! I had a hard enough time writing that and it was

very, very, basic! Actually, there is some kind of editor guide somewhere. I've seen it but haven't read it. I'll have to look for it.

Thanks for the reply. Enjoy the game.


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Thanks Splinty!

Pete, that's Beautiful! Rollstoy is gonna pee his pants! That blows my screen shots away! GREAT idea putting the buildings together to give it even more depth. That never even occurred to me! Looks really natural! Awesome job!


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