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Are my soldiers stupid? Or are they just programmed that way?


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My soldier is in range of an armored car. His main weapon is the Bazooka M1. I can see that the armored car is in view, but this moron fires at the car with his Thompson. Okay ,well, maybe I'll click on his bazooka to make him use it. A little animation plays on the soldier showing him stowing something, but low and behold he brings out the Thompson again, and continues firing. All the while this armored car is approaching him. 50m, 30m, 10m, 3m. Keeps firing with the Thompson. Would have been nice to take this armored car out since it killed all the rest of my men. It probably killed my soldiers because they're all retarded. It's interesting, the guy is standing maybe 6 feet from the armored car and my message window tells me my soldier, Joseph Precious, doesn't have clear line of fire. This was the entire time the armored car was approaching. Am I missing something, like the soldier brain patch?

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Well, with a name like Joseph Precious he gotta be hellishly ghaey, he probably got all excited when he sticked that oval grenade thingy into the long hollow pole and begane of dreaming about days in the past.....pleasant dreams of manly "friends". Ofcourse he got confused and started up with the tompson, who can blame Mr Precious?. See! Theres a explanation for all behaviours in this game, How about that Chazman?

[ April 29, 2007, 04:05 AM: Message edited by: chanss ]

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No offense Elmar but this is as smart as troops that go up kneeling from pron to reload their guns ... belive it or not the AI for troops, tanks and guns needs a lot of tweaking or are the animations just missing or is it just all paranoia ?

And to your profile,what we german some times like to tell the dutch : Nur vier Tage ... smile.gif

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Elmar, I selected it the moment I went to target the armored car in the first place.

Cincinatvs, his scout value is zero. What are you saying - this means my soldier is blind? The US sent blind soldiers into the field? It's a wonder we won.

Too much time was spent on the detail of the units and not enough on what the units actually do.

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Hello Spec124. It is my feeling that "we"(allies) won because the Russians took 95% of the Allied casualties as well as killing a much, much higher percentage of Germans than "we"(Western allies) did during the war and "we" (USA) stepped in much later with much less. Although "we"(Western allies) did supply a hell of a lot of materiel to the Russians.

I do realise it isn't what you were meaning though when you said it's a wonder we won.I also realise you're frustrated with what seem to be silly little glitches in the game. I can understand that, I feel that way too. I also feel this game is a good game with much entertainment value with some more support and user created content.

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Platoon crusher realise russians lost around 13 millon didn`t no if you got a better killrate on us germans but when it was because of bombing civilians, I would say. As someone mentioned america brought quantity but no quality ... And I think even today the Leopard Tank win the mach against the M1 Tank .... And realize the gunabarelle of the M! is a license productin of a german "panzerschmiede" think its Krupp-Thyssen

[ April 28, 2007, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: user73 ]

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Originally posted by spec124:

Elmar, I selected it the moment I went to target the armored car in the first place.

If you manually select the Bazooka instead of the Thompson then that soldier should equip and fire the Bazooka. Never, ever seen a soldier do otherwise and trust me, I've done it a lot. May I ask, did you manually equip the bazooka and then let him do it's thing or did you give a new fire order?

You have checked whether the dude had ammo, yes? That's the only scenario that I know off where a soldier will refuse to equip a selected weapon.

However, that you need to fiddle about so much when confronted with lightly armoured vehicles at all is pretty bad. They are fine switching to zooks with heavier vehicles. Probably something to do with small arms fire being able to penetrate light armour.

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Lets start by throwing this loser chazman in the dumpster. :D Then we'll see what we can do about the AI bugs.

Getting real tired of this punk every time I come here. If you hate the game that much why are you here every day putting in lame message after message.

If you hate the game that much, go back to playing with yourself or something.

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Honestly, I realize this game is not complete; however, if one is a fan of the genre and has hope for the game's promise, please don't refer to them as "brain dead"... this type of comment is getting tired. This is a small market game, created by a small group of developers. This level of abuse should be reserved for EA and their ilk. I think a year from now, this may be the ultimate game. Even if it's not, it's worth a $53 gamble... what I'm into it for. I'm at about 6 times that for ASL and haven't played in years. I think of this as a work in progress and comment accordingly. This is a breakthrough project and one that I hope is nurtured. Offer constructive critisism and don't bury this project before it has a chance to take root.

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Originally posted by spec124:

My soldier is in range of an armored car. His main weapon is the Bazooka M1. I can see that the armored car is in view, but this moron fires at the car with his Thompson. Okay ,well, maybe I'll click on his bazooka to make him use it. A little animation plays on the soldier showing him stowing something, but low and behold he brings out the Thompson again, and continues firing. All the while this armored car is approaching him. 50m, 30m, 10m, 3m. Keeps firing with the Thompson. Would have been nice to take this armored car out since it killed all the rest of my men. It probably killed my soldiers because they're all retarded. It's interesting, the guy is standing maybe 6 feet from the armored car and my message window tells me my soldier, Joseph Precious, doesn't have clear line of fire. This was the entire time the armored car was approaching. Am I missing something, like the soldier brain patch?

Sorry, but you have got to be doing something wrong, or it was a transient bug, because with a 2-man bazooka team I can wreck havoc on large armored vehicles in ambushes (I do agree however, sometimes the guys dont pick the right weapon by default and this should be fixed)
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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

Thus in all things, in wisdom, courage, force, knowledge of our own streams, and success, the Dutch have the best of us, and do end the war with victory on their side.

-Samuel Pepys

Originally posted by user73:

And to your profile,what we german some times like to tell the dutch : Nur vier Tage ... smile.gif

OUCH! come on elmar, how can you use that profile when your army could only hold back the germans for 4 days ;)

while your dear belgian neighbours held 18 days with a smaller army, smaller country, against a much larger german force tongue.gif

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Originally posted by seppDieter:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

Thus in all things, in wisdom, courage, force, knowledge of our own streams, and success, the Dutch have the best of us, and do end the war with victory on their side.

-Samuel Pepys

Originally posted by user73:

And to your profile,what we german some times like to tell the dutch : Nur vier Tage ... smile.gif

OUCH! come on elmar, how can you use that profile when your army could only hold back the germans for 4 days ;)

while your dear belgian neighbours held 18 days with a smaller army, smaller country, against a much larger german force tongue.gif </font>

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Why the need to be so rude FaxisAxis?

Chazman has paid good money for this title & is entitled to air his conclusions/disapointment here as this is the ToW forum is it not? :rolleyes:

Where would you suggest he takes his views?

Outside the back of your gaff? ;)

Chance would be a fine thing :D

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Originally posted by Krull:

Why the need to be so rude FaxisAxis?

Chazman has paid good money for this title & is entitled to air his conclusions/disapointment here as this is the ToW forum is it not? :rolleyes:

Where would you suggest he takes his views?

Outside the back of your gaff? ;)

Chance would be a fine thing :D

Where is your call for manners when Chazman posts? :rolleyes:
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