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I have seen a few posts from people saying how bad the infantry is modeled and things like that. I need to preface this by saying in every war game I have played from SL/ASL to CM I am TERRIBLE with armor and pretty good with infantry. That being said,I have no problem with the infantry in ToW and have found they save me in many battles. So my question really is...in what way is the infantry in this game failing you? All the posts I have read don't seem to say anything specific. I have only seen generic statements.

Are some people seeing something I'm not? I'm not asking in a sycophant way or anything I just don't understand what they mean by the comments.

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Ah. Don't charge infantry....ever. Move them forward prone and when LOS contact is made target one enemy infantry unit at a time until they are all gone. I've never had the assault command do anything but kill people. I am probably using it incorrectly.

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Originally posted by Field Marshal Blücher:

Yeah, infantry should be more effective against AT guns. At least they should be able to kill the spotter who's just standing there with no cover whatsoever.

Have you considered that you should target the spotter and not the gun then? You'll find the spotter very short lived.
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Three things perhaps to come back to original post:

1. The suicidal habits of entrenched infantry ("Geee, I wonder were all that MG racket flying over my head is coming from, let's have a look, ah, a tank! wonderful, lets make it feel the wrath of my rifle! ploink, aaaargh, end of infantry)

2. the lack of in terrain cover messes up the infantry game as well, I had a squad in a village, a bunch of enemy infantry crossed an open field towards the village, nobody else there, my infantry positioned around houses with sheds and gardens and what not, it becomes a 50-50 shoot out, since defenders don't have any advantage.

3. The AI also seems incredibly clueless what to do with infantry, for example the ridiculous french AI infrantry charge at the beginning of Dunkirk, ah, 5 pz's, lets cross this open field and run towards them! I've also seen attacking AI infantry move parallel to entrenched defending infantry in an open field at 200 m away dozens of time, flanking is something you do out of harms way, not through a haze of bullets.

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the infantry does nothing to protect itself, it wont lay down and hide when being shot at. when they sit up and down it has nothing to do with avoiding bullets, its just scripts

no terrain cover exept trenches, terrain is desperately flat.

the laser beam LOS of enemy units makes infantry way to fragile

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Kalibri, I agree, I found the 4th tutorial mission quite fun. I think it's the 4th, where you are tasked with taking out the Germans around a small farm. Then you go on to capture the guns. That mission to me shows that this game is better suited for small unit actions. The final frontier battle is just too big, for me anyway, way too much going on. The infantry do seem to be awfully vunerable even in the trenches. My observations are from the demo, I don't have the full game.


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Originally posted by Field Marshal Blücher:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:Have you considered that you should target the spotter and not the gun then? You'll find the spotter very short lived.

How do you do that? </font>
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When I assault a gun I take out the crew that is not behind the shield. Then I attack with two squads. One crawls while the other one crouches. When the gun turns to target the crouching squad I have it go prone and then advance with the other squad. You can eventually get one squad to flank the gun or at least get within grenade range. Ideally this is a job for mortars, which are not in the game.

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I'm still playing the demo right now, I really need a new PC (like I need convincing....) but sometimes this level of micro-management can get a little irksome; an infantryman would presumably have enough commonsense to shoot at the spotter rather than the armoured shield of the gun, without having to be told specifically, particularly by me, when I'm trying to command a whole platoon of his comrades! I'd expect his sergeant to be putting him straight if he made such a boo-boo...


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