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Demo Review


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Well, I'm sorry to say that my demo review is going to be shorter than I first thought it would be for a few reasons, one being that I couldn't really play this game for more than an hour without it driving me insane in almost every way.

To start, the loading times for missions are simply crazy. Maybe I expect too much, but I sitting there watching the little progress bar tick away for what seems like minutes is a really bad sign to me when multiplayer is involved.

Once you get past that however, you'll notice that if you have your resolution cranked up, the menus/icons don't size to match really, so you're sitting there squinting at these little mashed up icons trying to figure out what you're looking at.

Of course, this doesn't last long at all because you're forced to start turning off features and busting down the resolution because my fears of this game were quite apparent pretty quick. The animation is simply jumpy. My 8800 GTS video card did nothing for me as I was knocking back the details trying to get my PC to at least play the game with some kind of smoothness.

I finally cranked the detail down to nothing and then started to realize that half the skipping was probably an illusion brought about by, I'm sorry to say, really bad animation. The troops look like ol' school Nintendo characters as they pop in and out of trenches, jog along the ground, stop, jog...

The path finding of the vehicles was so bad I almost shut the game off in the first 5 minutes because I ordered a truck to transport my AT gun to a different part of the map, and it decided that instead of drive down the road, it would drive through every tree right next to the road. Not only was it totally impossible that this truck could actually knock over like 8 trees and keep going, but it got shot up pretty bad because it decided to do a little forestry.

I felt also like I was fighting the camera the whole time. I saw that there were adjustments that could be made, but I simply didn't feel like trying to tweak it just so I could get to the action. While I understand there is a certain amount of learning curve to this process, it just seemed like it didn't make any sense to have the camera function the way it did. It always felt like what would naturally seem the way to move the camera, I was always finding myself 12 miles above the action trying to figure out where everything was, and then actually getting to it was another story...you had to press the mouse forward, then try to guess that you were by your troops, then use the scroll wheel to move up and down.

I'm sure I would have gotten it, but by this point I was just staring at the screen, watching my little green circles run all over the place wondering when I was going to feel I was actually part of this war.

At this point admittedly I was getting to the point where I didn't care much anyway. The frame rate was getting on my nerves, the sound wasn't impressing me, I couldn't find half my guys, when I clicked on the mini-map it wouldn't actually take me where I wanted to be, my vehicles weren't doing anything I wanted them too, the computer was rushing my troops and because the LOS just makes them pop up, and then disappear randomly, it just created this strange sensation like I was watching a bad myspace page where things were flashing, and popping up.

And so as my MG rattled off another round that sounded like a kid who put a hockey card in the spokes of his bike tire, I simply found myself done with this game.

I admire the developers for making a game with as little resources as they have, but I think this game was one of those ones like Falcon 4.0 back in the day where the idea was there, but the actual implementation just took so long that the technology was dated before it even began. I understand that most of this game was made without huge budgets, and I'm not saying I could make one any better at all, but by not taking advantage of the newest technologies, this game is maxing out my machine, when it really shouldn't.

I will drop by here every few months and see how the mods are going, see how things look after a few patches and a few tweaks, and maybe I'll try it again in the future, but as it stands now, I am moving on.

Good luck!


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I have no problems with loading time or jumpy animation.

I have a:

Intel core2duo, 1.86 Ghz, Ati Radon 1950, 2 Gb Ram.

The loading time for the scenario “the last frontier” was 18 sek. (that’s is OK)

The animation runs smooth, all animation on the highst setting, and res. 1280 x 1024.

BUT this is a BIG PROBLEM.


“The path finding of the vehicles was so bad I almost shut the game off in the first 5 minutes because I ordered a truck to transport my AT gun to a different part of the map, and it decided that instead of drive down the road, it would drive through every tree right next to the road. Not only was it totally impossible that this truck could actually knock over like 8 trees and keep going, but it got shot up pretty bad because it decided to do a little forestry.”


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I just find it a bit disappointing and puzzling that you find nothing good to say at all. Surely it isn't all bad?

Personally I find the camera interface one of the better ones out there. IMHO it superior to CM and Total War. If it's not to your taste, then there are several things you can change, yet you can't be bothered but feel justified to complain. You don't think that is a little hypocritical?

That you are getting poor performance is worrying, your GFX card should be more then sufficient. I have a modest 7300GS and run it smooth at max everything. What's your CPU and RAM? Can't help that you are running Vista, which currently just isn't the OS of choice for gamers. Still, it shouldn't be bad at everything turned down. I can't imagine why that would be. What's your cards default AA settings? Maybe they are set too high?

Also, you complain about the unit indicators and then whine when you can't find your troops! (a problem I don't suffer from btw) Aren't you just being a bit difficult?

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I agree that the animations and sounds could be much better, but the camera works just fine and it only took me a few minutes to master it.

I can't say much about the performance as I run in 1280x960 with everything maxed out without any problems at all, but Ive also just spend 2100$ upgrading my system.

As for the pathfinding, its not as good for vehicles and tanks as it should be, but for the inf. it worked quite well, when I was ordering them one at a time, so I was sure of where they would end up.

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Nobody whose computer meets the min. specs for the game should have the kind of performance problems crazy is describing in his so-called "Review". crazy, if you have a multi-core have you checked the option "disable one core" in the settings? I have by no means a fast computer and my video card is actually juust enough for min.spec and I had very choppy performance until switching the core off.

(Newer Core2Duo won't have this problem)

Pathfinding - this is not your usual clickfest RTS. You can't issue a waypoint across half the map and expect the unit to do everything else for you. If you want a unit to use roads, set the waypoint in shorter intervals along a road. YOU are giving instructions to the units, nobody else.

BTW, LOS is not tracked for your own units. They don't pop in and out. The player always sees all his units. Did you actually play the demo? Or didn't relaize that you were playing THE OTHER side? Heh...


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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

I just find it a bit disappointing and puzzling that you find nothing good to say at all. Surely it isn't all bad?

Personally I find the camera interface one of the better ones out there. IMHO it superior to CM and Total War. If it's not to your taste, then there are several things you can change, yet you can't be bothered but feel justified to complain. You don't think that is a little hypocritical?

That you are getting poor performance is worrying, your GFX card should be more then sufficient. I have a modest 7300GS and run it smooth at max everything. What's your CPU and RAM? Can't help that you are running Vista, which currently just isn't the OS of choice for gamers. Still, it shouldn't be bad at everything turned down. I can't imagine why that would be. What's your cards default AA settings? Maybe they are set too high?

Also, you complain about the unit indicators and then whine when you can't find your troops! (a problem I don't suffer from btw) Aren't you just being a bit difficult?

Oh, I am sure there are good things about this game. I personally didn't bother to try it long enough and as I stated in my first post I'm not sure how much validity you can put in my "review" simply because I really didn't try it that long.

I have been looking at screenshots for a while, so I wasn't blown away by anything I saw. I was mostly waiting to get my hands on this game to see how it played out. Sure fancy models and trees are cool in a screenshot, but it means nothing if it's not fun to play.

I am sure some will find the camera just fine, and I am sure after some getting used to it'll work just dandy for most people. I don't think it's hypocritical to say that I didn't feel like adjusting the camera. This is a demo, and in that I expect that I should be able to get the game up and running, and get a general feel for it before I buy it, if I have to spend 4 hours tweaking my graphics, controls, sound, etc just to get it running, well that to me says a lot about the game.

As for the performance, I dunno why I was getting such bad framerates. I am running Vista, but with all my drivers up to date I am not having problems in any other game. My AA is actually turned off, so I can't see that being a factor. I dunno, I honestly admit that I have a bias in that I feel that even if I WERE to get the game running smooth, I personally found the environment to be boring to look at. The explosions look odd, the men have a really low poly count, the grass/trees look like someone once said on here "Teletubbies" land.

I am of a generation of dynamic lighting an particle effects. I realize this isn't a game of eye candy, but it's like watching a movie and you see the character eat a computer generated fruit, when it's done well, you simply accept it and continue enjoying the movie, but when it's kinda bad, it's distracting and it takes you out of the moment.

For me this game just doesn't have the "bells and whistles" that I have grown to expect in games. It feels "old", like I found the game in the discount bin at the video game trader store. I know that sounds harsh, but for me, it's an important thing.

I complain about the unit indicators because that's all I see. I see a bunched up group of green icons that mean nothing to me. When you zoom out to try and get an idea of where you are on the map and gain your barrings, the icons turn into a line of green. I lost all personal care for any of my troops because I spent so much time looking for green icons that I didn't even care what they were.

This may be my impatience and downfall, but I just couldn't connect to the game. I felt the whole time like I wish I could just get rid of all the trees/terrain/troops, and just control the icons. It almost seemed like the "detail" of the game was getting in the way.

They added in all the moral, and all that into the game, but because it felt like I was just moving Icons around, I didn't care if they were scared, or tired, or hungry. I just wanted my truck to stop making parking lots, my men to stop jogging around like they were playing a game of touch football, and something give me some kind of indication my troops actually care.

I know this next comparison will get me in trouble, but I am simply using it as an example; Company of Heroes. In that game your troops let you know whats happening based on audio response. When they are getting killed, you hear them yelling and screaming at you. It creates a sense of urgency that makes you care. When you scroll over to them, and a huge Tiger tank is booming in your ear, you get excited. In TOW, it's like this slow, drawn out battle, where troops don't say anything, the tanks sit there, the crows are cawing in the background....

So I'm not sure what to say. I may install the demo again tomorrow and mess with it a little more. I don't think I am writing this based on emotion because I really have no reason too. It cost me nothing to download the demo, and I have other games I like to play on my PC. For me, I simply couldn't get into the game. I felt like I was fighting to be a part of it, and simply couldn't.

[ April 18, 2007, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: crazylegsmurphy ]

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Click "Disable one core" in the options menu, crazy. I bet that's what is causing the bad performance. Except for newer Core2Duo, this option is needed to avoid conflicts with hyperthreading.

Your whole "I didn't care long enough" is a poor excuse for your rant. You did care enough to write it and post a long-ish reply, and should have spent that time better to actually play the game.


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Originally posted by crazylegsmurphy:

I don't think I am writing this based on emotion because I really have no reason too. It cost me nothing to download the demo, and I have other games I like to play on my PC. For me, I simply couldn't get into the game. I felt like I was fighting to be a part of it, and simply couldn't.

Perhaps I should have stated 'lack of emotion'. Your review just reflects your total apathy for this game. I dont know your background with PC wargames, but what is your benchmark?

I am still Dling the demo so I cannot agree or disagree at this stage.

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Originally posted by Moon:

Nobody whose computer meets the min. specs for the game should have the kind of performance problems crazy is describing in his so-called "Review". crazy, if you have a multi-core have you checked the option "disable one core" in the settings? I have by no means a fast computer and my video card is actually juust enough for min.spec and I had very choppy performance until switching the core off.

(Newer Core2Duo won't have this problem)

Pathfinding - this is not your usual clickfest RTS. You can't issue a waypoint across half the map and expect the unit to do everything else for you. If you want a unit to use roads, set the waypoint in shorter intervals along a road. YOU are giving instructions to the units, nobody else.

BTW, LOS is not tracked for your own units. They don't pop in and out. The player always sees all his units. Did you actually play the demo? Or didn't relaize that you were playing THE OTHER side? Heh...


While I understand your post has a tone of "pffft, jackass!" to it, I am simply saying what I saw. I don't have any reason to bash this game, I don't have any personal vendetta against the company, I just have watched the game for a while, and tried the demo.

I have a Pentium 4 Duo 3.0, 2 Gigs Ram, 8800 GST video card, running on Vista. I can play every other game just fine. I turned off the dual processor, and still....the more units on the map, the more it lagged. I would hope that everyone reading this would understand that there could be a million reasons for this.

What I WILL say however is that my performance was the exact performance that I have been seeing in the released videos. There are times when my frame rate would be fine (like in the tutorials) and there are times when it dropped to the point where it was really laggy for me. I adjusted the settings, changes resolutions, compromised, compromised, and then finally said, "I dunno why, but this game isn't capturing my attention enough to try and fix it, it simply looks like the videos I saw, and maybe that's the way it is!"

As for the pathfinding, typical RTS or not, if I have to spend my time making sure units are driving around each and every tree, I may as well play The Sims and keep walking around picking up that potato chip bag my "roommate" keeps leaving on the floor. I mean, I don't play games to babysit the units because they aren't smart enough to realize driving through 8 trees probably isn't was I wanted them to do, or of any benefit.

I don't have a problem with micromanagement in games, but there has to be a bit of give and take. I admit, I didn't really have a problem with my troops, it was mostly my amour that couldn't figure it out. Again, I don't know why it did that, I'm just saying from a unbiased standpoint it seemed odd.

Concerning the LOS. My units weren't popping up, the enemy was. An example is when I was doing the training mission, and my snipers were trying to shoot the AT gun crew, the AT gun would appear, and disappear...it did this a bunch until my units finally saw it. It didn't make sense to me that I could see the troop I killed laying there on the ground, but not the gun. This is a small example how when I got to the bigger battle, things were popping up and disappearing all over the place.

Maybe there needs to be a Fog of War instead of LOS because then I would know what my troops were seeing, instead of just randomly getting wind of something and me reacting to it. It's like, I can see the entire map like I am the all seeing eye, but I can't see anything thats going on. I have no concept of where things are, where they have been, where my troop are looking, if they are paying attention....

Your whole "I didn't care long enough" is a poor excuse for your rant. You did care enough to write it and post a long-ish reply, and should have spent that time better to actually play the game.
Again, I understand your tone as this is your "baby" I am going on about, but I don't think I am ranting here. I am stating what I saw, in the time I played it, and backing up my findings when people respond. Sure, I could be playing the game instead of posting here, but I don't feel I need to. If I had pre-ordered it, then maybe I would, but the demo was put out to give people an idea of the game, and this is the idea I got from the amount I played it.

I have stated in all of my posts that I didn't give it a very long shot, so how people take my posts are their own. You can discount me totally if you like, but this is what I saw and I don't think I'm wrong in saying how I feel. My computer may be having issues with this game, maybe I didn't look around long enough at the settings and controls, maybe I just suck at games, but I don't think I am ranting, or bashing this game for no reason, I am giving you one....just one persons opinion based on limited experience, and the people of this forum can either accept it, or go and find out for themselves.

From the companies perspective, keeping emotions in check, and simply just making note of what I am saying might be worth it just for future reference. Maybe I have a few good points that you might want to look at, maybe I'm full of crap, how you take it is up to you.

[ April 18, 2007, 04:29 AM: Message edited by: crazylegsmurphy ]

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Hello all - long time lurker etc etc etc.

Well, I'm impressed with the demo, I am enjoying it immensely and it has whetted my appetite for the main game no end. As for the above 'review' - you just can't please some people, eh?

Well done to all involved in this game.

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Originally posted by Moon:

Pathfinding - this is not your usual clickfest RTS. You can't issue a waypoint across half the map and expect the unit to do everything else for you. If you want a unit to use roads, set the waypoint in shorter intervals along a road. YOU are giving instructions to the units, nobody else.

Martin [/QB]

I havne't tried with getting units to follow a road, but I have tried to get tanks to back up 5-10 meters (I guess that number over near the minimap are meters to keep tab of the distances) to be better concealed but still able to fire at the enemy, so ofcorse I expect them to back up, but they kept turning around and exposing the rear to the enemy, this is one thing I think you should look into, theres nothing more frustrating that losing that tank, just becorse the driver are too lazy to put it in reverse gear.

Otherwise it seems to work fairly well when you keep the moving orders to short distances.

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The camera contros not feeling right takes VERY little time to make right for you. I change the left/right camera rotating to A and S. Other than that they feel natural to me.

Locating and changing you place on teh map is even easier. The small overview map in the bottom left shows where you are and the field of vision. Simply clicking on that will move your view to the spot you want.

I believe the vehicle pathfinding problem sounds like it is more related to the camera angle when you set the path and real/continuous time. I have thought that I ordered things along the right path because from the angle I am viewng the battlefield at a quick glance it looks right. However once I rotate the camera I see that may have been off a little. Which brings me to the realtime part, I would not have let me truck continue to drive through trees. I would have ordered it to drive back onto the road and continued down the right path once it got there there. Once you order something to move that order is canceled if you issue it a new order so you are not stuck driving your truck through the woods unless you want to drive your truck through the woods.

The framerate is another issue all together. Only advise I can give about that is to make sure you have the latest drivers. For you it would seem that is the deal breaker because the other things you didn't like are just unfamiliarity with the game engine.

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Originally posted by crazylegsmurphy:

I mean, I don't play games to babysit the units because they aren't smart enough to realize driving through 8 trees probably isn't was I wanted them to do, or of any benefit.

I sorta agree with you on this issue, in so far as it's daft to see a truck hit the entire row of trees beside a road. But it's not much of an issue is it? If you don't want them bashing over trees, then order them in such a way that they don't. It's not hard to make 'em avoid trees! You were giving stupid orders and the troops were daft enough to follow them. Who's really at fault?

Concerning the LOS. My units weren't popping up, the enemy was. An example is when I was doing the training mission, and my snipers were trying to shoot the AT gun crew, the AT gun would appear, and disappear...it did this a bunch until my units finally saw it. It didn't make sense to me that I could see the troop I killed laying there on the ground, but not the gun. This is a small example how when I got to the bigger battle, things were popping up and disappearing all over the place.

Maybe there needs to be a Fog of War instead of LOS because then I would know what my troops were seeing, instead of just randomly getting wind of something and me reacting to it. It's like, I can see the entire map like I am the all seeing eye, but I can't see anything thats going on. I have no concept of where things are, where they have been, where my troop are looking, if they are paying attention....

I fail to see the issue here. If your troops can't see the gun, you can't. That's entirely sensible! Your troops aren't randomly getting wind of stuff. If they can place an eyeball on something, so can you. Trees, bushes, houses, tanks, etc etc get in the way of LOS. Things are as they should be.

Only point I'll concede is the dead crewmen, which leaves the AI at a disadvantage in that you can drop arty on guns and see how much damage you've done by counting the dead crew. At a guess I'd say having the game check LOS to dead people is CPU intensive without adding much to gameplay. And if the dead soldiers is a big issue for you, then disable them in the options screen.

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For whats its worth, doesnt have that instant slick appeal of any of the CM's for there day, but more of something abit more cumbersome.However,

Excellent map Size.

Like the map layout

Units graphics are good.

Like the option to purchase extra troops.

Still trying to get use to camera.

Weapon sounds sound like a good wargame from the late 80's, Listen to the 50 cal from the old close combat or some MG's far superior.

One thing that shocked me was how easy my Jagdpanther's got killed my long range soviet fire and my King tiger at long range was dispacthed by soviets from across the river, one would have thought a threesome like that would cause some serious problems.Get the feeling the Phyisics are abit suspect.

overall never spent enough time to see how good the AI is but the awkward feel of this was alittle distracting and the demo felt like it was abit old already not something from 2007.

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Originally posted by Kazzel:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moon:

Pathfinding - this is not your usual clickfest RTS. You can't issue a waypoint across half the map and expect the unit to do everything else for you. If you want a unit to use roads, set the waypoint in shorter intervals along a road. YOU are giving instructions to the units, nobody else.


I havne't tried with getting units to follow a road, but I have tried to get tanks to back up 5-10 meters (I guess that number over near the minimap are meters to keep tab of the distances) to be better concealed but still able to fire at the enemy, so ofcorse I expect them to back up, but they kept turning around and exposing the rear to the enemy, this is one thing I think you should look into, theres nothing more frustrating that losing that tank, just becorse the driver are too lazy to put it in reverse gear.

Otherwise it seems to work fairly well when you keep the moving orders to short distances. [/QB]</font>

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My only two issues are that my tanks seem to not shoot when moving (turret locks into forward position) AND (this is a biggie): I can't seem to figure out how to get my tanks to move backwards (i.e. without exposing rear armor)... am I missing something, is there a button that does this?

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Originally posted by Elvis:

The camera contros not feeling right takes VERY little time to make right for you. I change the left/right camera rotating to A and S. Other than that they feel natural to me.

Locating and changing you place on teh map is even easier. The small overview map in the bottom left shows where you are and the field of vision. Simply clicking on that will move your view to the spot you want.

I believe the vehicle pathfinding problem sounds like it is more related to the camera angle when you set the path and real/continuous time. I have thought that I ordered things along the right path because from the angle I am viewng the battlefield at a quick glance it looks right. However once I rotate the camera I see that may have been off a little. Which brings me to the realtime part, I would not have let me truck continue to drive through trees. I would have ordered it to drive back onto the road and continued down the right path once it got there there. Once you order something to move that order is canceled if you issue it a new order so you are not stuck driving your truck through the woods unless you want to drive your truck through the woods.

The framerate is another issue all together. Only advise I can give about that is to make sure you have the latest drivers. For you it would seem that is the deal breaker because the other things you didn't like are just unfamiliarity with the game engine.

As I said before, I am sure I could have worked the camera controls, I chose not to because I didn't think the purpose of the demo was for me to spend the next 8 hours tweaking things.

Locating things on the map would be easy if clicking the mini-map actually took you where you wanted to go. I found that when you click on part of the map, it actually takes you a bit ahead of where you clicked. And because your camera can be at any random angle at any time, clicking on the mini-map I found means nothing because you're not seeing anything consistently.

What I mean is that when I clicked on my green circles one time, I saw them immediately. But there were other time when my camera was angled oddly, and when I went to try and get my troops to get out of the way of the tank, I spent a bunch of time circling around trying to figure out where they actually were. Again, this is my lack of experience with the game.

Whatever the reason for the pathfinding, I don't want to have to make sure my camera angle is perfect before I move a unit. Ya, I am aware I could have made him stop driving through trees, but my point isn't that I could have, it's that in a battle environment, when I am trying to win, I don't want to have to select, click, watch, confirm, then go on. I want to assume the AI is smart enough to drive around the trees and get to where I asked them to get to. If I have to babysit them that much, then let me actually drive the tank...I have a steering wheel joystick here.. smile.gif

"Private, I want you to drive that truck through 8 trees regardless of your personal safety, are you questioning my orders Private?"

My drivers are up to date, no offense, but I'm not THAT much of a dolt.

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Originally posted by Titan:

One thing that shocked me was how easy my Jagdpanther's got killed my long range soviet fire and my King tiger at long range was dispacthed by soviets from across the river, one would have thought a threesome like that would cause some serious problems.Get the feeling the Phyisics are abit suspect.

Have you looked at what's firing at you? Those aren't just T34/85s out there, there are some seriously bad ass vehicles out there. 100mm SP AT guns, 122mm armed JS-2s and the monster 152mm assault guns. Any of which can ruin the day of Wehrmachts finest.
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Originally posted by Moon:

Pathfinding - this is not your usual clickfest RTS. You can't issue a waypoint across half the map and expect the unit to do everything else for you. If you want a unit to use roads, set the waypoint in shorter intervals along a road. YOU are giving instructions to the units, nobody else.


That's perfectly ok. I'm more concerned (I have still to download the demo) about how the enemy AI manages the pathfinding. Is the AI able to set the waypoints in short intervals so that the tanks follow the road?


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Originally posted by crazylegsmurphy:

As I said before, I am sure I could have worked the camera controls, I chose not to because I didn't think the purpose of the demo was for me to spend the next 8 hours tweaking things.

Oh FFS! First four hours now eight?! How about spending two minutes? Because we are just suggesting you explore the camera options, not re-code the user interface manually. Honestly!
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Your whole "I didn't care long enough" is a poor excuse for your rant. You did care enough to write it and post a long-ish reply, and should have spent that time better to actually play the game.


Again, I understand your tone as this is your "baby" I am going on about, but I don't think I am ranting here. I am stating what I saw, in the time I played it, and backing up my findings when people respond. Sure, I could be playing the game instead of posting here, but I don't feel I need to. If I had pre-ordered it, then maybe I would, but the demo was put out to give people an idea of the game, and this is the idea I got from the amount I played it.

I have stated in all of my posts that I didn't give it a very long shot, so how people take my posts are their own. You can discount me totally if you like, but this is what I saw and I don't think I'm wrong in saying how I feel. My computer may be having issues with this game, maybe I didn't look around long enough at the settings and controls, maybe I just suck at games, but I don't think I am ranting, or bashing this game for no reason, I am giving you one....just one persons opinion based on limited experience, and the people of this forum can either accept it, or go and find out for themselves.

From the companies perspective, keeping emotions in check, and simply just making note of what I am saying might be worth it just for future reference. Maybe I have a few good points that you might want to look at, maybe I'm full of crap, how you take it is up to you.

Yup, and I have the same right to express my opinion about it as you do. You have made yourself vulnerable to this by calling it a Review. That is associated with a certain thoroughness, and you cannot expect to post a half-baked "Review" and then complain when you get reactions which call it what it is. I am just writing what I feel :D


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