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Healthbar infantry???


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I just looked over a few screenshots and found this, what I never recognized before:

Health: 62

Spirit: 69

WTF? Healthpoints. :confused: :rolleyes:

A person can be:

- healthy (green)

- exhausted (reduced skills)(orange)

- wounded, but still able to fight/to use a weapon (red)

- dead, heavily wounded (black)

Why do they have 62 points of health?

You could have just used the colours green, orange, red and black to display the current state of a soldier.


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Originally posted by Markus86:

I just looked over a few screenshots and found this, what I never recognized before:

Health: 62

Spirit: 69

WTF? Healthpoints. :confused: :rolleyes:

A person can be:

- healthy (green)

- exhausted (reduced skills)(orange)

- wounded, but still able to fight/to use a weapon (red)

- dead, heavily wounded (black)

Why do they have 62 points of health?

You could have just used the colours green, orange, red and black to display the current state of a soldier.


It's a rating just like any other in the game that affects their ability to do things. If done correctly it's more accurate than your model because it accounts for all the shades in between. It's only a problem if they use a depleting health system like other RTS games where one bullet takes down X% health per hit.

Here's a quote from Madmatt:

One shot can and will kill a soldier but the health of each guy is shown using a bar (same as his moral/spirit). Usually when guy takes a hit, you will hear him scream and that bar will drop down a great deal (its not like you are bullet sponges). You can also guys that just get winged and the health will drop a small bit.

From what I have seen though, guys who's health is very low seem to move, react and fight about as well as you would expect someone who's health is very low. Not well at all, and usually tend to attend to their own needs and ignore the players attempt to use him as cannon fodder.


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Originally posted by gunnersman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by howardb:

If your health is depleted you can always pick up a healthpack.

Speaking of packs, can't wait to pick up a quad-damage pack with a faust unit = total imbaness.

Please dont give anyone here any ideas. </font>
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Originally posted by gunnersman:


What are you saying? I have never heard of "imbaness" and it is not in the dictionary.

Is that a "l337" term?

If so please stop using it or I will have to come give you a noogie.

If you want to see way too many cries to 'imbal', just head over to the Company of Heroes forums, that closed beta was almost the end of me.


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