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I have gone over to the Peng challenge side

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Hi, and welcome to the Peng challenge thread, now SOD OFF!

If you choose to stay, please annoy the Justicar by doing the following:

- Not sodding off

- Not having an email in your profile

- Describing in great length the various aspects of your genitalia and their use(s)

- Challenging everyone and their grandmother to a game of CM

It will be fun, trust me...

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I hates Boo. Sometimes I can find specific reasons to hate him, but most of the time I hate him in a more general, vague dis-ease type manner, you know, like how one hates a far away pompous ass with delusions of adequacy, but with whom you never really come into personal contact. Kinda like hating liana vines or sumfink like that.

Those other times, however, when I can be bothered to hate him personally, such as with the vim and vigor with which one hates a rock in their shoe, I hate Boo much more specifically. Such as when he mercilessly destroys the assault of a green half company of British moes. Just then, he's a bit like an ingrown toenail, or one of those pesky, unseeable little slivers that get in your finger and twinges once every ten times you touch something. I hates him, but I don't put a lot of effort in it.

Then there's that Nidan1 fellow whom I vaguely hate for his mildly annoying ISP restrictions that must be run by a committee of provincial commissars troubles, is really a bit like hating a lumpy pillow. There's just no satisfaction in it.

I hate all the rest of you as well, you're just not worth the effort required to keep my fingers plonking away at this keyboard.

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Surely..... Leeo, my poor demented friend, you have actually looked at your in-box haven't you?

If you deemed to remove your head from your posterior, you would see a turn sent by me TO YOU, last night at around 1830.

As I continue to grind your Germanic thugs into so much pinkelwurst.

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Boo is finally kicking about my poor, brave lads from Britain. He should feel terrible about that. I will leave it to him to expound upon the reasons why he should feel guilty for sending to their ignomious deaths so many green troops from the floating carrier off the coast of Europe (not that there's anything wrong with that).


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Hello Joe ..

Did you go..

Maybe Ohio..

Pickin his nose there he goes..

He thinks it’s gumbo..

Good bye Joe ..

Where did you go..

Me oh, my oh..

Son of a gun there’s big fun..

In the Threado ..

No Justicar open the bar..

Me oh, my oh..

Tonight I’m goona El Duelio..

CMBB with dumbo..

Now the Rulez say bug the Justicaro ..

Jambalaya gonna have big fun..

In the Thread oh..

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Soccer update - so piss off.

U-12. This pack of girls is invincible. Our record is now 7 wins and 0 losses. Our last two games have been shut outs. Our last game we were up 6 - 0 at half time. The second half of the game I asked them to pass the ball. Just put together passes, when you get across the midfield line pass back. Put together as many passes as possible. They did. They played keep-away from the other team. It was a great excercise in ball control. It also surprised me that they actually LISTENED to me and didn't just keep blindly scoring goals because they could.

Celeste's pal Mariah scored three: two of them were mother beautiful left foot shots after nice feeds from the wings. Third was all Mariah. She powered up through the middle of the field and beat all comers. Then banged one past the keeper with a nice little left to right fake.

Celeste was mad at me for putting the brakes on because she hadn't scored yet. She's been averaging a goal a game and wanted to keep it going. She had two assists - beautiful crosses from her favorite move - so I told her to be happy with that. Greedy little punk.

U-14 is a bit more spotty, record wise - we are 3 wins 2 losses, and 1 tie. Saturday was a brilliant comeback from a 2-0 first half deficit. It was a relief after last week's 3-0 schelacking.

I never know what team is going to show up with the U-14s. Sometimes I have a bunch of go-getters who love the game and are like eager hounds on a chase - other times I get a pack of feckless puppies spinning after their own tails. The weird thing is it happens to them all at the same time. It's not like a few are working hard and the rest are goofing off. Either they are all there or they are all in la-la land.

I takes what I gets.

So this week I had the go-getters, at least after the half time speech, which consisted of grand inspirational statements like "Er. I'm pretty sure we can win this one. What do you guys think you need to do now?" They all came up with the usual stuff - "spread out. keep our positions. talk. look. pass. shoot." And they did! The last goal they scored was something we actually worked on in practice a couple of weeks ago! It was a set play off of a free kick. There was a hand ball at the top of the mid field circle. Chip shot over the defenders, chase, beat them to the ball, score. It was bloody beautiful. I even had a volunteer for goal - one of my boys who never was keeper for me before - and he did great. Made a couple of really good saves. Kept us in the game and on top. My Madeline also did some awesome defense. In both most recent games. It's really great to see her go from a hesitant, almost timid, player to one who doesn't shy away from making a difficult tackle, or being tackled - and gets up and dusts off and gets back in the game. She is taking on boys who are a foot taller and twice as heavy - and BEATING them to the ball.

My Nat has been struggling to score this season. She's had some really good chances, but they've all gone right at the goalie for easy saves. We are working on NOT waiting for the perfect shot. Just put the ball on goal - good things can happen.

It's shaping up to be a very good season for both teams. Everyone is having plenty of fun, which is the best part. I'm not such a retard at coaching anymore either. I can get them to make adjustments mid-game, and those adjustments seem to actually help.

My U-12s have a game at 5:30 today. It is against the only team that has had a lead against us during a game all season. I'm pretty sure we will take them again, but, one never knows. That was a slim 5-4 win, and my girls are all feeling pretty full of themselves right now. I wouldn't be surprised if they think themselves into a loss. I'm going to try to innoculate them against that sort of thinking before the game with a "let's not get all full of our bad undefeated selves" speech, but we'll see how that goes over.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Thanks, Mikey. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. It almost makes me give a hoot what you think.

One more box of chockies and I'll have you ready for some serious cuddling!


Michael </font>

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I would like to provide an update on the status of my car. I went to back out of the driveway the other day, and the '97 Lincoln's steering wheel turned very hard (sit the feck down, bahaus). Shortly thereafter the '90s era electronic message center suggested I should check the assisted steering. I drove home, and it was akin to trying to steer a truck from the '20s down a curvey mountain road. The next day I checked the resevoir, and it smelled distinctly like fried hydraulic fluid.

I started the monster up, and added a bit of fresh hydraulic fluid. Lo and behold, if that mechanical bastige didn't start steering properly. Of course, I take complete credit for the vehicle's change in attitude. However, the power steering resevoir still smells like burnt tires. I'm thinking I need a new pump, but just to make the rest drool, I think I'll take it for a couple more 100-mile-per-hour test drives before I decide to get it fixed.

If that don't make you happy, then you must be dead.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

SAVED from the bottom of page one with a lightning-like move by yours truly, or truly yours or somefink.

So, where's all the Aussies? Watching soccer or something?

Watching you pick your nose. Oh, the wonders of the internet.


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