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Hi JohnO

Yes they do. Each of their vehicles has their particular quirks as to what they bog down in most. One thing that seems to be bad news for all is 'mud'. If you want to recreate the sitaution seen in the book 'Ambush Alley' (worth reading by the way) just have your M1 Abrams dash across a section of mud. Suddenly your mega-death mega bucks machine is just an armoured pilbox ;)

Don't ask me about % or chances of what getting stuck where. I just drive em ;)

Cheers fur noo


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Originally posted by MikeyD:

if you want to do something fun in the game drive an Abrams over a trench at an oblique direction. Oops, that's a mighty awkward angle for a tank to get itself stuck at!

Should the pathfinding AI not override such an order in a way that makes bogging more unlikely?

Best regards,


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The game doesn't display a 'thrown track' message or animation but when your 70 ton monster is 'immobilized' while trying to cross an obstacle a throw track is as likely a reason for finding yourself 'immobilized' as any.

About AI overiding movement orders - yes it does and don't complain about it when you see it! :D Occassionally you plot a straight path and the vehicle steers left then comes back on course. What he's doing is avoiding a bit of less-than-ideal terrain along the route.

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