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V 1.02 PBEM Problem

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This is the result of a PBEM Test of Infantry Deployment Issues that have been discussed on various threads......

Good news: Applies to both sides...

Dismounted infantry do NOT move the first 60 seconds. In the next turn those units WILL move and follow specific order w/out problem

Mounted Infantry WILL dismount after a 60 second delay and follow orders. As an example: an Inf carrier is ordered to location Alpha. Once the vehicle arrives and the order to dismount is given there WILL BE a 60 sec PLUS delay prior to dismount and additional orders.

It ain't broke but bound to call some request for instant access, reality of order/action delay, ect. Me, I've no clue. Guess delay is correct

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I have been Testing the use of QB's in the PBEM mode. To date the results have been NOT Good.

Often the Setup areas have been ignored at the start and no amount of try will allow you to Move (place the unit) in the colored setup area. You can place a way point to the set up area, however. If this occurs you can expect a crash in the next turn or two.

If you start in a setup area...you may still have a crash down the line. I have had no sucess in using QB's for PBEM.

The best bet seems to be the original Battles included in the game. Crashes have occured with newly created scen from gamers

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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

This is the result of a PBEM Test of Infantry Deployment Issues that have been discussed on various threads......

Good news: Applies to both sides...

Dismounted infantry do NOT move the first 60 seconds. In the next turn those units WILL move and follow specific order w/out problem

Mounted Infantry WILL dismount after a 60 second delay and follow orders. As an example: an Inf carrier is ordered to location Alpha. Once the vehicle arrives and the order to dismount is given there WILL BE a 60 sec PLUS delay prior to dismount and additional orders.

It ain't broke but bound to call some request for instant access, reality of order/action delay, ect. Me, I've no clue. Guess delay is correct

As an update to this, I was playing a PBEM game with Trident Valley as the Syrians. On the setup phase I plotted a move for the APCs and then plotted a move for the embarked infantry, theoretically at the end of the APC move. They NEVER dismounted, even after four turns and new move orders each turn.

It may be a game bug, it may be my incorrect orders (though playing the same scenario solo, RT and Turn based, had NO problems), it may be a scenario bug or it may just be that the digital Gawds of War do not like me, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


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Update to Update ... I've just tried the same scenario as PBEM mailing it to myself ... this time they dismounted as instructed ... beats the hell out of me.

In the two attempts Berli and I made the same thing happened both times. The first time was with V1.01 and the second was with v1.02.

We're on the third attempt now ... film at eleven.


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Didn't happen to any of the 10 or so units I tested some using just that. One thing I did not do was re-order the unit to dismount. I just let it play out: Vehicle/unit moved (turn 1) Vehicle/unit sat looking stupid..but safe..(turn2) On the third turn...mid to very late it opened up and troops tumbled out. So you can see you may never have had an actual "problem". Also I noted that the troops responded based on experience...I did test with normal troops only...I don't know WHAT happens with the abnormal troops

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Hi Steve,

Was in the initial stages of a PBEM when I installed the patch, and now I can't load the latest file. When patches came out in CMX1 there was a work around for games in progress, is something similar to this not possible in CMX2?

If not, it would be appreciated if someone could at least warn those playing PBEMs that they will not be able to continue their current game if they install the patch. There can't be many of us taking on the PBEM function judging by the lack of postings about this issue, but it would be comforting to know that we've not been forgotten.

As it happens its not a big deal to us because we're only 6 moves into the game, but I imagine it would be frustrating if you were nearing the end.

Thanks for your consideration.

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