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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

If I wish him tasked for his choice of song lyrics, I will do it. If I wish him tasked for being Belgian, I will do it. If I wish to see him tasked for being gay, I will do it.

But you never really get to the "doing" part, do you? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

If I wish him tasked for his choice of song lyrics, I will do it. If I wish him tasked for being Belgian, I will do it. If I wish to see him tasked for being gay, I will do it.

But you never really get to the "doing" part, do you? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No lad, we here at Ker Dessel* have just the thing. It's a challenging scenario for CMAK called ... "Doc It Burns When I Pee!" It has the added advantage of a title with which Prince Huggin' can no doubt relate intimately.

Or ... we can just send the tosser to Coventry on the grounds of "smilies" ... either way.

Yes please, that scenario sounds different to the rest. The title doesn't indicate anything to do with doing battle, but problems in the prostate area. I might suggest that the author would have been better off not visiting that woman with a very, very bad reputation. Maybe he was really desperate ?

As a Waffler, using :mad: is part and parcel. They are not, howeve, "smilies", they are "angries". Anything smiling with this, eh ? :mad:

Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

I don't own Sturmsebber, you inbred birch-branch whipped feck. I bark orders at him, and he laughs. I inform him that I want to see him 'straighten up' and 'fly right', and he mocks me. I roundly curse him, and he sings me a jolly singsong.

Oh well. Your words That is my homosexual strongly implied ownership, and knowing your need of having men below you - you may read into it any way you want - in in order to boost your gnome-like ego I would not have been surprised if you indeed owned him. But it appears he is only but your toyboy. And not a very obedient one at that either.

Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

I bark orders at him, and he laughs.

You bark orders ? Oh, how intimidating you are. I bet you have a deep, bass-like voice that can be heard half a mile upwind when you really are at it. Not.

So, do you often get laughed upon by people when you open up your piehole ?

Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

I'm not sure I like you.

Oh no. Can this be true that you don't like me ? SeanileGuy, how can you be so cruel to me ? I just want you to make friends with me. Say this isn't true. Say you like me. Say you really, really like me. My heart breaks when you are so mean to me. Oh boo hoo.

Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

Man, I hate Finns.

... and the whole country stopped to take notice.

You might wanna do a little history, though. We did not fight for the nazis, we fought for ourselves. Life is different when you're fighting a war with someone next door to you. And that neighbour vastly more powerful than you are, too.

And yes, I actually do work. Having a working social system doesn't mean people just skive off of work and live off rich people's money, which seems to be what several Americans fear about socialism. You lot seem to be only interested in one's personal gain. Fair enough. It's different in here.

Tell me, how much an university education in the US costs ? Over here it's free. That's socialism for you.

In order to get a game... Do I *really* need to suck up to you ? I mean, it's not like I had nothing else to do with my time than trying to please some sad little gnome. :mad:

Can I pretend ?

Hey, you aren't such a bad bloke after all, Seanil... Ugh, I don't think I can go on. :mad:

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen_2:

Having a working social system doesn't mean people just skive off of work and live off rich people's money, which seems to be what several Americans fear about socialism.

I'm one of them. The other half dozen of us get together and throw rotating dinner parties.

This month is my turn.

I'm thinking of doing this whole Mexican-themed soiree, including a Mariachi band and flan for dessert.

They're a great bunch of guys and I bless our shared fear of Socialism which brought us together.

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Hey, you aren't such a bad bloke after all, Seanil... Ugh, I don't think I can go on.
Say that IS good news ... saves us the trouble of sending you to Coventry.

Enjoy the wild hijinks and clever repartee on the Gawdawful Thread ... don't let the door hit ... never mind.


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You know, if you were to look up the term "dumb luck" in the dictionary (Provided you had a dictionary that gave the definitions of terms using multiple words), you would no doubt, see a picture of Lars, grinning that vacuous, Gary Shandling grin of his, looking for all the world, like one of those gap-toothed yahoos you see on the evening news, who've won the state billion dollar lottery and decided the first thing they were going to do was invite all the kinfolk over to the double-wide to watch Nascar on their new 52" plasma TV.

Why do I say this?

Well, in our present game, he is attacking my positions with about a dozen tanks of varying shapes and sizes and an equal number of halftracks.

Seeing that the HT's were all bunched up like a herd of unnaturally clueless cattle, I ordered a 105mm barrage to commence right in the middle of them.

In the meantime, he instructed his tanks to area fire on my entrenched positions.

My FO, who was nearby got a bit flustered and hugged dirt, losing LOS. With NINE FREAKIN' SECONDS LEFT BEFORE THE BARRAGE WAS TO BEGIN.




I reminded the FO that the Fatherland was counting on him and to buck up and loose hell upon the heads of the hapless HTs. Which he did, but I was back up to 2 minutes until the barrage would start.

But Lars continued to area fire my trenches and his aim was good enough to cause one of my HMG's to wet himself and flee the scene... right to where the FO was patiently counting down.

Result? FO decided to pack his bags and vamoose out of there, took about three steps and was murdalized to pieces.

So, no withering barrage of 105 arty on top of Lars' halftracks.

And it would have been Homeric in it's devastation!

So, I call it dumb luck because it wasn't like a date with Destiny, but more like a date with her in-bred cousin, Circumstance.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

...I call it dumb luck...

I call it dumb placement of your FO. Couldn't you have at least planted him somewhere where he wouldn't get shot at first pop out of the box? You know, make your enemy search for him a little bit? I mean, Jeezus!, even the AI is smarter than that.


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Originally posted by Poo Doggey:

They're a great bunch of guys and I bless our shared fear of Socialism which brought us together.

That dinner parties -bit sounds nice, if it didn't include you.

I used the wording "fear" just to exaggarate, but heck, maybe you really do fear the Euro-weenie way of doing things.

I heard from a reliable source that they are conspiring to take over the US from Republicans, and turning everything into an equal, caring, nobody's-left-behind kind of society. They are going to rip especially white, middle-aged, poo-smelling, overweight males of their excess wealth.

You'd better lock'n'load, for they are coming to take your money !

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

...I call it dumb luck...

I call it dumb placement of your FO. Couldn't you have at least planted him somewhere where he wouldn't get shot at first pop out of the box? You know, make your enemy search for him a little bit? I mean, Jeezus!, even the AI is smarter than that.

Michael </font>

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...So I finish up my web session and put on my headphones to listen to Jackson Browne while my snack is heating up. After I finish eating, I check my voice mail to see if anybody called while I was out earlier. Someone did, but not while I was out, just an hour or so earlier. Hmmmm.

Okay, so call up the message, and across the wires comes this nasal, reedy voice that I don't recognize. Possibly a wrong number, but as best I can make out, he keeps repeating my name. Hmmm. Nasal, reedy voice...then the light comes on! Aussie! A potential terrorist death threat? I play the message back again. Wait a minute. An Aussie calling me? Mace is loose on this continent... Mace!

So now I punch Last Call Return to try to catch him before he does god knows what and the recorded voice rattles off a number too fast for me to catch it except that the area code is 403. So I pull out the phone book and turn to the page where the area codes are listed. Unfortunately, these are not organized in such a way to make the search easy and that area continues to elude me. Until, my glance strays above the border. And there it is: southern Alberta. Aha. I heard a woman's voice in the background...Bugged! Well, maybe. They could all be over at Dorosh's place, or anywhere else for that matter. In any event, I don't have a phone # for either of them, so I couldn't call anyway.

So anyway, if any of you who read this live in Calgary, beware. There is an insidious Antipodean creeping around in your midst who may try to borrow your phone to make long distance calls. Make sure he uses his own credit card.


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There is an insidious Antipodean creeping around in your midst...
I've actually been face-to-face, with Mace... Over a tank or two at Pucka.

No, wait... that still doesn't sound right! Anyway, he is not insidious, that's a Star Wars character, isn't it?


ps. If anyone finds him, keep him. Just keep him supplied with beer else he gets a bit feral.

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Ha! I met Bugged and Dorosh and survived!

In fact Bugged's kinda cute so I'm thinking of packing her in my backpack and smuggling her back home (but don't tell Dorosh)

Btw Dorosh also is kinda cute after a few drinks.

Today I get to shoot the breeze (and destroy the liver) when I meet that other Canuck (yep worth bolding, great people), Harv, and review that fine dirt farm of his.

PS Emrys has an answering machine!

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Originally posted by Mace:

In fact Bugged's kinda cute...

You're just now figuring that out? You're kinda slow, aren't you?

...so I'm thinking of packing her in my backpack and smuggling her back home...
Over the dead body of every red-blooded North American male!

Btw Dorosh also is kinda cute after a few drinks.
I think it's time you and Sturmy had a chat...

PS Emrys has an answering machine!
Emrys does not. Emrys has voice mail, a service provided by the phone company.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

{snipped} Emrys does not. Emrys has voice mail, a service provided by the phone company.


So one could presume that you actually HAVE a phone ... not that you've the nerve to be INTERVIEWED over that medium of course.


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