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LoneSyrian and The State of Your So-Called Union

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First to Sequoia, ain’t NO Syrian army in Lebanon ****head, they all left almost 2 years ago like Sergei said, ya senile old fart.

Here’s a Back Story as to why Sequoia’s skunk-ugly girlfriend absconded and made a train take a dirt road while on the run, she got tired of Caveman Sequoia’s limp dick.

Anywho, Lone_Syrian’s here to give a preview on The State of your Piece of **** Union

Doubtless, last week was a glorious week for the enemies of the USA. Syria, whom you’re trying to harm is in a gloating, rejoicing mood and mode. _ 24 US soldiers killed in one day, 12 of which were gravitationally-challenged when their Black Hawk took a Stogie up its ass. :D

Enter the so-called SURGE, I submit to you the real SURGE was in the shorts of the Black Hawk’s on board personnel, and they were jerkin’ it right before they began roasting their nuts on terra firma.

Funny, in WWII, US soldiers would holler at the Krauts “you ain’t **** without armor”, well, as far as the Iraqi and Pan_Arab resistance is concerned, US soldiers “ain’t ****” WITH armor, air power and intelligence.

The Iraqi and Syrian resistance would like to thank the most ever retarded US leadership and its Mongoloid military brass for injecting more than 20000 green meat, lame ass US military targets into the theater.

No resistance movement will ever argue with a target-rich Urban environment, get ready for a spiky body bag SURGE up America’s ass.

Why a Mongoloid military brass? Because Petraeus has to be a Mongoloid to accept such a fool’s errand, mission impossible in the first place. What’s Petraeus gonna do? Pacify the Iraqis by offering them Greek Gyro sandwiches? You don’t offer Gyros to the kings of Shawarma. :rolleyes:

Now Steve and minions will come out and say, come on, US military losses in Iraq are minimal compared to losses in past US wars. Steve ‘ll say, we lost more US men in one hour in the battle of Antetum than the 3000+ in Iraq.

True, but this ain’t the 1800s. Nor do present-day Americans have the tolerance for the losses of Antetum, the value of human life has since increased in the west and was decreased by the USA in the east.

When you have such a cowardly US army, so petrified of taking losses, it thrives for a 0 casualties war in all its modern conflicts, 3000 killed and 30000 badly outa commision is fast approaching your modern-day limit.

Before US commanders went after Saddam in 2003, they went to Turkey, they went to Jordan, they went Saudi, they were in Kuwait, they went to Qatar; why the grand tour? To ensure 0 US casualties, they didn’t want surprises, they wanted to come at Saddam from 1700 directions. They even had Saddam dismantle all his long range missiles via the UN before goin’ in.

Steve said in our last bout, no, no, no, Americans don’t wanna withdraw from Iraq, they want a “clear mission”. No!! Really? Get da **** outa here with the clear mission. Americans are ready to slit throats if they hear about another mission, they want out yesterday, they want out last month.

I swear to Allah the all merciful, all mighty and Muhammad his Prophet, that if someone ever broaches Triangular Diplomacy to W, that primate president a yours would explode in mad rage and croak (couldn’t be a bad thing, come to think of it).

I mean the man went berserk when he heard a lot of high caliber senators were in Damascus a few weeks ago massaging and stroking. That is including a grand Republican of Watergate fame, Arlen Specter. This is notwithstanding Democratic presidential hopefuls like Chriss Dodd, Biden and Kerry

Last week was a great week for the Syrio_Hizbullah camp too, the supreme Israeli Kike commander of the IDF, Halutz, your friend, resigned in defeat, eternal shame and humiliation to prepare for the other two big Kike heads to roll, Olmert the Clown, and Peretz Shylock Mustache a La Stalin.

Let’s talk game now, for all those who are anxious and on their death bed waiting for Steve’s masterpiece of ****, Steve vowed NOT to release CMSF until every Rabbi in his neighborhood becomes a Pork Distributor.

The very latter will of course give you an idea about the release timetable.

And the wait and dreams to kick Syrian ass become more agonizing and ulcer-inducive.

Syria has this board beggin’ for daily minuscule bones like the dog it is.

The Coup de Gras? After W the monkey leaves Washington, you guys are gonna be ruled by a new Kenyan monkey, sporting floppy Dumbo ears with HUSSEIN for a middle name, that’ll come running to Syria. How’s that for Karma?

The State of your Sorry Ass Union? Dire. :D

[ January 22, 2007, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: LoneSyrian_IsBack ]

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Glad you're back to give us another view of the geopolitical landscape in the middle east, too bad you are such an asshole...your opinions might actually be enlightening, if you could get passed having a chip on your shoulder.

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What did you think Nidan? You guys drool everyday about incinerating my country and you want Syrians to applaud your ass?

You’ve put probes, enemas, pap smears up Syria’s ass, you’ve satellite imagery parsing every approach into Damascus, are rubbing your filthy mitts together in anticipation of a virtual Armageddon, yet you expect graciousness, ya sap cretin?

Anyways, I learned the art of being an “asshole” from Mormons while in Utah.

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Let me just add this about Sergei, Syrians have it on good authority, that one Sergei Battlefront Sycophant is actually and actively a mole. Sergei is an ex KGB and present FSB operative dispatched to subvert the American Wargaming Industry.

Sergei’s allegiance is answerable to the revival of the once mighty Soviet empire and its commerical interests. And although, seemingly, LoneSyrian would put Syria’s interests at risk by outing Sergei, such is not the case. Why? Because Sergei’s intelligence is a failure on all fronts, in the field of battle, as well as the field of mental faculties.

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Originally posted by LoneSyrian_IsBack:

What did you think Nidan? You guys drool everyday about incinerating my country and you want Syrians to applaud your ass?

You’ve put probes, enemas, pap smears up Syria’s ass, you’ve satellite imagery parsing every approach into Damascus, are rubbing your filthy mitts together in anticipation of a virtual Armageddon, yet you expect graciousness, ya sap cretin?

Anyways, I learned the art of being an “asshole” from Mormons while in Utah.

You come in here for a reason I imagine, not just to spout hatred....or maybe you do. If you want some understanding perhaps you could put a sentence together without an insult or overblown fingerpointing.

I for one do not sit here drooling about incinerating Syria...is every Syrian looking to kill Americans? In fact most of the time I may be too busy in my daily life to even think about Syria, or even China for that matter.

I can understand why you would find this game disturbing as a citizen of the country in the intended line of fire. I don't care for the venue of this game either, but I don't come in here insulting everyone and calling them names because they discuss it.

Why would Mormons teach you be be an asshole, I don't get it?

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Nidan, You don't get it because you're gallactically stupid and a liar.

Why is Nidan1 a liar? Because he does "call people names", look at the record, it's right there.

Syrians don't wanna kill Americans, we love American culture, I'm listnening to "Days Like This" by Van Morrison right now.

We're right here in our region, what da **** you doin' on our border? The American miliary ****s with us, we **** with IT.

I'm friends with a lot of Americans in Damascus and Beirut who lament your State of the Union. We look out for each other, I love'em like family.

It's this king cock president a yours who needs to invent enemies to fulfill the savage appetite of your Military Industrial Complex

Damn, you're a sap cretin. ;)

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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

LSIB, for someone who hates this place and its people so much you sure have a hard time staying away.

Hey you Indian, stinky, destitute sack a ****, when Syria is in harm's way, all pride is set aside.

But then again, what does a diseased, Jammu **** like you know about nationalism.

Go back to Western Union and wire a few Rupias to your one-legged, Aids-Infested uncle. :rolleyes:

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Way to represent the common Syrian folk. Apparently they must all be insulting, belligerent assholes, as LSIBs sample of one is demonstrating. Yep, makes me want to give Syrians the benefit of the doubt.

I had a great Syrian friend when I was in college, so at least I have a sample of 2 to base my opinion upon. Apparently, moving forward on that logic, half of them are not worth getting to know. Or, perhaps I should base my whole view of all Syrian people based on the actions of their government?

Ah well. I'll look forward to the wargame to be released, and hope and pray for a peaceful resolution to governmental posturing in real life.

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