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Can Iraqi Army be simulated?

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Not sure if this has been asked before (hell, I may even have asked it myself and forgotten) but I just saw a report on the News tonight in which a journalist accompanied a patrol of Iraqi Army troops supported by 2 US trainers. I think it was near Ramadi. Anyway, the Iraqi Army guys looked just like US troops except for the fact they were carrying AK47-style rifles instead of M4 carbines. Obviously they had been given loads of US kit such as helmets and knee-pads etc. but had been left with their own national weapons (probably for financial reasons if nothing else).

I am wondering, how easy would it be to have the blue side in CM:SF equipped with soviet-style weapons such as AKs? In other words, take a normal US unit and substitute AKs etc. for their M4s.

I am hoping this will be possible, either using existing OOBs or through some sort of mod. Obviously it would have to be a real substitution, affecting squad firepower, range, etc., and not some purely cosmetic fix.

To my mind, if I was developing the game, I would have programmed in the weapons as separate entities that could be given to either side, just for the sake of future scalability and maintenance etc., so I am hopeful that this will be possible without too much work.

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We've been praying to the wargame gods for inclusion of Red-on-Red battles in the game. That would give both sides AKs, though I suspect nobody is going to get to wear hand-me-down Desert Storm camou uniforms. I haven't seen photos of Iraqi troops in the modern design (ugly-arse) Stryker Brigade uniform types yet.

Oh... but there might be uniform skin modding possibilities.

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If it turns out that the units are not very realistic, I will still play pretend...
Well this is really the center of all the "Can we play such and such battles with CM:SF ...". The more you are willing to pretend, the easier it will be. If you are willing to pretend enough we could probably mod the names enough to make a Civil War infantry game.
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"the Iraqi Army guys looked just like US troops except for the fact they were carrying AK47-style rifles instead of M4 carbines. Obviously they had been given loads of US kit such as helmets and knee-pads etc."

well yes, but no. Most of the equipment the Iraqi National Guard is hand-me-downs form the US Army, i.e. 6-color desert camo, old MICH helmets usually with no covers, cheap outdated kneepads+elbow pads, usually little or no Flak jackets/body armor/combat vest/any kind of torso rig. Whereas modern US soldiers wear ACUPAT uniforms, with flak jackets, pouches, magazine holders and combat vests up the butt hole. Also all the portable radio/communications/logistics technology they hump around. Brand new updated equipment in every aspect. And the fact that they ride in Strykers and Bradleys instead of Dzik-9s and old jeeps. But besides that, yes they are almost exactly like the US troops :D

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Small point of clarification... the Iraqis wear a couple of different uniforms right now:

1. Copy of US 6 Color Desert - slightly different colors and made out of what appears to be 100% artificial fibers. I had a set of trousers that was significantly melted. Fun!

2. Copy of Jordanian Digital Desert - looks sorta like US Marines MARPAT to the untrained eye, but is in fact significantly different.

3. Urban Digital - blues and grays in a pattern that, again, to the untrained eye looks like US Marines.

4. Copy of US Woodland - not quite sure who is still wearing this, but Border Guards and some special forces type units have been known to wear them.

5. Unique Desert Pattern - this was worn by special Police forces. I don't think they are still wearing it.

6. US 3 Color Desert - various bits and pieces, sometimes actual US surplus, not always though.

Ask again in 2 months and this list will likely change again smile.gif That's the way the Iraqis liked to do things under Saddam and it appears old habits are hard to shake!


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