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Can A German Find Happiness Without the Peng Challenge?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Further research into this mysterious subject has revealed the definitive answer and provides further insight into the comment of Noba himself above ... upon perusal of THIS link ...


... one can readily understand his special interest in the state of the drains.


I don't think you would reach their professional standards. Lift your game.

As if I give a sh*t about you anyway.


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Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

Hehe I have to apologise! I took things too seriously oops! I didn't choose the nickname because he had supposed "Nazi affilations", I chose it because we all have good qualities nobility, courage, inner strength, respect, honesty and love among others.

Okay, I can't be bothered with reading the next four pages before I respond to this, because, quite frankly, I don't need to see what the rest of you much beloved feckwits might have had to say before I respond to this.

Nobility? Courage? Inner Strength, respect, honesty and love? That's a whole lot of dog****e to lather over the feet and lower legs of a man who didn't do anything more than follow his calling like any other willing to serve his country without concern for what that meant.

If you're all so down-home ready to give it up for nobility, courage, inner strength, respect, honesty and love, you useless little 'where is the Captain who will stuff me roughly from behind' git, why not choose the screenname 'Martin Buber', or 'Paul Tillich' or any number of others who looked at the empty nightmare that was German Militarism given hideous currency by the vileness that was Nazism, and who chose to simply say: No.

Oh, no. Why give a nod to people who actually had the courage to say 'No' to the horror of Nazism, rather than those who shrugged and decided that 'being a good German' was the same thing as being a good German?

But, nope. You decided to cuddle up to someone that turned 'courage and inner strength' into a warriour's gamble on killing the other guy, rather than someone who was willing to go into the Camps because they knew what was right. Feckstick.

Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

I'd probably have chosen an Aussie rules player.

And Australia would have spat your useless arse out onto the sidewalk of history.

Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

From what I have read was that whatever you could say about Michael Wittman was that he was loyal, hardworking and courageous. Things we all strive for!

You could say much the same thing about Stalin, or any number of scumbags.

What you're saying to me is: I really don't know anything about moral courage, choices, or ethical behaviour. I simply picked out one of those 'cool' German officers that seemed to me less tarred with the 'nazi' brush than most, and used him for my screenname.

Aren't you late for a meeting of the local 'Fight Club'? Shouldn't you be exposing your privates to tourists through the window of a car?

You display all the 'courage, respect and inner strength' of a bully who wants to be admired for accomplishments not his own.

If you had any of those qualities, you'd simply have said "Yeah, I screwed the pooch on that one. I'm coming back with a screenname that is me."

But instead you tried to justify your starry-eyed swastika licking with a whole lot of absolute ****e.

Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

I could have chosen Dolly Parton because when I was growing up she was sorta...

Huge breasted?

Jesus to Jesus and eight hands around, but you're a sorry specimen of manhood. I've pissed a better specimen of manhood into a jar.

Originally posted by michael_wittman44:

Enough said!

Too much said, from you.
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Well, here I am, in sunny Kuwait, just south of the Iraqi border. I tell you, things sure are tough in this mans army. I expect to have the internet in my tent in a few days, which means I can proceed to show my tent mates just how inept you lot are at this little thing we call Combat Mission, or "How Seanachai embarrasses himself".

Been wondering where the hell you were. Good to hear from you again, you pillock.

Stay safe and sane, and remember: I know where your house is, now.

Next time I come through, I'm taking you with me to meet Berli. He loves Army types like you...

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Ive been to Stonehenge once.

To the benefit of the neolithic site, which shone in the light of your inadequacy.

I can almost hear the surly mumblings of the original builders: That's what's going to come out of this?! A tourist attraction visited by Right wing lawyers from Squarehead land?!! Let's just build a take-away Vindaloo shop, and sod it...

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I'm not like your family, you know. I'm glad you were born, and it is a big deal!

For a left wing, lunatic fringe 'kill them all, and let Darwin sort them out' type like me, it's important that I not slip into an easy, self-righteous attitude of Being Correct.

Abominations like you keep me honest. If you hadn't been born, I would have had to create you.

Your existence is a great example of the pseudo-scientific gibberish of 'Intelligent Stupidity'.

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Then an oubliette in the Paraguayan jungle with sulfur coated walls and filled with flesh eating maggots where I will stay for all eternity with Pat Roberts listening to Captain and Tenneal on a continuous loop in a place where alcohol has yet to be discovered?

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Originally posted by stoat:

Then an oubliette in the Paraguayan jungle with sulfur coated walls and filled with flesh eating maggots where I will stay for all eternity with Pat Roberts listening to Captain and Tenneal on a continuous loop in a place where alcohol has yet to be discovered?

Correct but for one: Alcohol will have been invented, but you'll be getting none of it.
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Good evening, and welcome to the Peng Challenge Thread. In tonight's performance, the role of Seanachai will be articulated by the clarinet, the characterization of the Justicar will be performed by the tuba, and the part of Boo Radley will be expressed by the double bass.

Peng himself will be represented on stage by an unlit 40 watt bulb. A hand-held mike recording of puppies being drowned in a millpond will suffice for the bleatings of everyone else.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good evening, and welcome to the Peng Challenge Thread. In tonight's performance, the role of Seanachai will be articulated by the clarinet, the characterization of the Justicar will be performed by the tuba, and the part of Boo Radley will be expressed by the double bass.

Peng himself will be represented on stage by an unlit 40 watt bulb. A hand-held mike recording of puppies being drowned in a millpond will suffice for the bleatings of everyone else.

You are a loathesome creature.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:


I'm not like your family, you know. I'm glad you were born, and it is a big deal!

For a left wing, lunatic fringe 'kill them all, and let Darwin sort them out' type like me, it's important that I not slip into an easy, self-righteous attitude of Being Correct.

Abominations like you keep me honest. If you hadn't been born, I would have had to create you.

Your existence is a great example of the pseudo-scientific gibberish of 'Intelligent Stupidity'.

Is it dalem's birthday then? You'd think that, with a recurring event of that sort, the ManyAppleLess city government would pass an ordinance or something.

Ah well, here's hoping he got the BIG ammo clip he was asking for.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Lift your game.


"Lift your game"?

Don't you mean, "Lift your skirt"?

But that's really not something you want to see Joe do, do you? </font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

*Points at Noba*


HaHa! yourself. Don't you go hiding behind Mace's skirts. Come out and fight like a man - if you can!

Send a set up, make it a Normandy battle, I like them big hedges.

Noba. </font>

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